Anyone fasted post b'fast till next day lunch?

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Anyone fasted post b'fast till next day lunch?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Anyone doing what I’m doing and having success?
    I was on verge of giving up as after 3 weeks of doing the full day fast method I found it too challenging -blood sugar drops leading to irritability, poor concentration and general bad mood. Decided to try this variation but sticking to basic rules of 500 cals over as long period as poss. I have to say what I’m doing is working so much better for me, I would even go as far as to say I am finding it really easy and somehow feel as if I’m cheating though I can’t see how I am. Of course it will all depend on whether I lose weight as am only into my second fast day(s)so am keen to know if anyone else has is having success with the following or similar: Day 1 I have a decent breakfast to set me up for day then start my ” 500 cal fast” – manage to get through to about 2pm when I have some low calorie fruit like few strawberries so 50 cals max which sees me through comfortably till dinner. I then have what seems like a generous meal of about 420 cals and cup of tea with milk (my treat as black tea isn’t my idea of fun but need the caffeine). Day 2 find I can manage without breakfast knowing that by lunchtime, or later if poss, I can break my fast and have normal lunch with normal dinner later. Effectively my “fast goes from 8.30am to about 1.30/2pm which is 29 hours. Ok it’s not 36 which the one day fast works out at, but I am going without any food from about 8pm to 1.30 pm which is 17hours and sticking to 500 cals over 3 mealtimes. It’s amazing how much easier psychologically and physically it is to spread over 2 days. I then have day off then repeat over next 2 days. I am really hoping I lose weight this way as know I could stick with it.

    I’m not quite the same but I am going for length of fasting time. I fast for as long as I can every day actually, the only thing that varies is the number of calories I break the fast with.

    Fairly typical week:
    Monday: Nothing from about 9pm the night before until 5pm, small meal, rediculous swim 2 hours later, supper before bed (usually chocolate). Fast time = 20 hours (ish).
    Tuesday: Nothing from about 9:30pm the night before until about 6pm, bran flakes & tea with milk & 2 sugars (usual fast day meal). Fast time = 20.5 (ish).
    Wednesday: Nothing from 6pm the night before until mid afternoon, small meal followed by second job (need strength for this) then some supper when I get home. Fast time = at least 18 hours – 22 hours.
    Thursday: Nothing from about 7-9pm the night before until 6pm, usual fast day meal. Fast time = between 21-23 hours.
    Friday: Nothing from 7-9 the night before until 6pm (ish) good sized meal & chocolate later on. Fast time = 21-23 hours.
    Saturday & Sunday: Nothing from 9ish the night before until 4-5ish in the afternoon. Fast time: 20ish hours.

    I find this the easiest way for me because it makes the fast day no big deal to do and allows me to be fairly flexible about being able to do a short notice fast day if I find out I have a works lunch or something to fit in on one of my normal fast days. I do feel ‘hunger’ most days but having done this for a while now I know it’s not real and it will pass. I don’t really ever experience any ‘dips’ during the day and I don’t have any weakness or lack of concentration at work. I try to avoid fasting on Monday & Wednesdays as they’re the days when I know I’ll need lots of energy in the evening (swimming & second job) but if I have to I have to and although it is harder and sometimes I do have to allow myself just a few more calories than a normal fastday, to recover after my swim, it’s not the end of the world and I do manage.

    Tracy,I do the same as you, but it’s only because once I start eating I can’t stop so I never eat before 6 or 8pm.

    Yeah, me too. I find Wednesdays quite hard, as I know I’ll have to eat something mid-afternoon to get through my other job and wont be home until late evening. Needless to say if any of my colleagues have brought in cake or chocolate or something on Wednesdays there’s no way that’s getting resisted once I’ve broken my fast. Keeping below 2000 calories on a Wednesday is a trial.

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