Anyone experience a standstill at week 4? No inch or weight loss?

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Anyone experience a standstill at week 4? No inch or weight loss?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I’m 8 weeks into the diet now.
    I fast on Monday and Thursday.
    I usually have my last meal the evening before around 5pm. Then on my fasting day I have an apple and actimel around 2pm.
    The remaining calories I have in a stir fry at 5pm. (All weighed so accurate)

    However for the last 4 weeks (weeks 4-8) I haven’t experienced any inch loss or weight loss.

    As I hadn’t been losing, and was seriously demotivated, this week I decided to make a conscious effort on my non fasting days and eat extra healthy. I gained this week! 🙁

    Anyone else experienced similar?
    Any tips where I am going wrong?

    I don’t eat processed food. My meals are all home made, healthy choices. I drink loads of water. I do the school run 3 times a day. Walk the dog daily and do martial arts twice weekly.

    Really am at a loss 🙁
    (I have a couple of stone to lose)

    Do you know what your TDEE is? Do you eat up to that figure every day?
    Have you counted the calories of everything that you eat and drink for a week? You may find that you are consuming more calorie dense foods than you realize.Your portion size of pasta or rice may be too large.I weigh both of these.

    Have you tried on your clothes? You may be shrinking but not where the tape measure goes. I have found that clothes are a great indicator of a change for the times when nothing positive seems to be happening.

    You might want to have a look at the amount of sugar that you are consuming in apparently healthy foods. WHO guidelines are for 24g sugar/day=6 level tsp.I have gone from low fat(high sugar) to full fat(lower sugar) plain yoghurt for example in my homemade meusli. Dates (66g sugar per 100g!!!) will not be in my breakfast once I have eaten this batch. Honey is more calorific than granulated sugar- who knew? I had no idea that soup had sugar in it or that creme fraiche did either.

    I have just got ‘that sugar book’ by Damon Gameau “which will change the way that you think of ‘healthy’ food”. I am reading labels on everything and I cook from scratch most of the time. If something says it is low fat, then the sugar will often be very high(high is 22g sugar/100g).

    Any help?

    Thank you Annette52. I haven’t counted my calories on my non fasting days. I’ve cut out bread, desserts, the extras with meals such as Yorkshire pudding, garlic bread. No potato hoping that combined with the two fasting days would be enough to give me a loss.
    Time to get out the calorie guide I think! 🙂

    Your point about clothes is a good one. I keep measuring but no change, however my body shape is changing and my clothes are very loose now 🙂

    Too many years of diets where the obsession was on weighing yourself weekly has obviously impacted on me. Time for a new way of thinking is perhaps what I need to keep my motivation. As the clothes are definetly too big now 🙂

    Now to find out my calorie guide!
    Thanks for the reply 🙂

    Well done!
    If you work out your TDEE from ‘resources’ and then consume(both food and drink) up to that figure each day, then you should continue to shrink. Any exercise is part of that figure, so don’t ‘eat’ those calories.

    I eat a roast dinner every week but just have half the portion that I used too. I love roast potatoes, but now they are cut in half before they are par-boiled and then x3 halves for each of us. The remaining potatoes are then cooled and popped in the freezer for another day.

    I have a weigh/measure/clothes try on every Saturday am. The scales haven’t moved and neither has the tape measure for 4 weeks now, but I can get into clothes that I couldn’t a fortnight ago and there are some clothes that have never been worn, but will be worn in April-weather permitting.

    My other top tip is to buy ‘new’ clothes from charity shops. As your shape changes and the body shrinks, you will need clothes that fit.It was a great moment for me when a winter skirt that I was sick of the sight of, could be pulled over my hips when it was still zipped up! Pure joy.

    Remember to adjust your TDEE as your weight decreases. I usually just search on the pc for calorie guidance. Onwards and downwards.

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