I have been doing 5:2 for 16 months, with occasional breaks for holidays, flu etc. i play chess, tournament and league, and over this 16 month period my chess rating has improved by nearly 200 points (Irish system, which is Fide type to any other chess players). This is impressive, especially as i am very lazy about studying. I am now at my highest ever rating, which is pretty good at 55. Could I have grown a few new neurons? Obviously may have nothing to do with 5:2, but any one who saw Michael Mosely’s documentary tv programme ‘ Eat, Fast and Live Longer’ will remember the evidence for intermittent fasting improving mental skills in lab mice at least.
Just wondering if anyone else has measurable improved mental acuity, maybe other chess players or bridge players, or students with test results?
12:00 am
18 Jan 14