Any recipes for easy tomato soup?

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Any recipes for easy tomato soup?

This topic contains 25 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Stone 11 years ago.

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  • Hi I am looking for easy recipes for tomato soup that is low in calories and ideal to have for evening meal on fast days. I’m thinking of making a batch of soup that I can then heat up as and when on fast days and doesn’t take ages to prepare. Any is of course tasty

    just did this yesterday fast day

    canned diced tomatoes no salt 1 cup 40 cals

    1/4 cup flaxmilk unsweetened 6 cals if creamier go 2 1/2 cup 12 cals

    minced garlic 2 taste

    pepper 2 taste

    total cals 46 cals!

    mix all in blender

    simmer till boiling

    if u want it smoother strain it


    happy eating

    Yum! That sounds lovely I will def try. Where will I get flax milk from though?

    i get it in the organic isle of my super mrket

    or a whole foods

    it is so delicious that my picky eater niece drank it w/out knowing

    don’t like those alternative milks soy almond ugh

    if u click on my name u will c some stuff that i did for fast days

    especially comfort foods

    u can also add parmesan, chicken 2 make it is a deconstructed chicken parmesan

    today is nonfastday

    i’m going 2 add whole grain instant oat meal 2 get the added nutrition

    100 cals hope that’s good instead of boring old oatmeal

    write ur experiments would luv 2 c them

    u can also google it how to make flax milk

    Hi Emma, check out the site has what you need along with other low fat soups and meals. The big plus is the fat, calorie breakdown of each recipe many of which are zero or low cholesterol.
    Good luck.

    Just did a quick Google for “Low calorie tomato soup” and got
    54,500 hits!
    A couple that looked good to me are
    Let us know what you think.
    PS : Good pointer from Couscous!

    We have this Weight Watchers recipe for tomato soup regularly on fast days. Serves two. A pint of tomato juice, a teaspoon of tobasco sauce, pepper and salt, half a stock cube, a bunch of fresh herbs, such as mint, marjoram and thyme (or a pinch of dried mixed herbs), and a clove of crushed garlic. Simmer for a few minutes, then add two tablespoons of low fat yoghurt before serving, 62 calories in all. Serve with a rice cake, 30 calories. Can add a stick of celery to dip in, 7 calories.

    thanks clematis24, oooh never thought of tomato juice
    will try 2 find some w/out salt
    definitely going 2 try this recipe

    With regard to the Weight Watchers tomato soup I posted, I forgot to say it is 62 calories per serving (recipe serves two). I hope you like it, wiltdnrUSA.

    thanks clematis24

    already tried it
    changed it 2 (it’s the only thing i had)

    spicy lowsalt v8 & flax milk

    even w/ the flax milk it was 2 thin 4 me but good
    i’m thinking of grinding mushrooms
    in it in blender maybe that will thicken it

    but it was fast
    so ur idea was cool

    spicy lowsalt v81 1 cup 50cals

    flaxmilk unsweetenned 1/4 cup 6 cals

    can no salt mushrooms 20 cals

    total cals 76

    mayb mushroom & flax & garlic

    not eating today @ all

    0 cals water only

    because of my mond feast day

    & trying this stupid reversal type2diab diet of 800 cals a day

    can’t u tell it’s fast day 🙂

    any ideas for a good minestrone on fast days? perhaps as a supper or a late breakfast?

    The lowfatcooking website looks great, thanks for the recipe ideas!! Yum

    Try making borsch soup if you get bored with veg soup; i use half beetroot and half cabbage. Make sure you use unsweetened beetroot (or boil up some fresh beets). And a spoonful of lower fat creme fraiche tops it of nicely. Mmm. About 120 cals per bowl.

    Gaia, I have half a cabbage and some fresh beets. How do I make this borsch soup please?

    Here’s a recipe from Waitrose. Looks good. 214 cals per serving, so perhaps Gaia’s recipe will be better for fasting.


    Buy a Weightwatchers tin, 74 cals.

    Can’t do readymade anything. Thanks for the tip though.

    Thanks for the receipe link Silverback.

    Here’s the borsch soup recipe: makes 5 good-sized portions BUT remember to count the total calories then divide as appropriate:

    1 tbsp olive oil
    3 shallots (or medium one leek)
    1 medium carrot, shredded
    2 crushed garlic cloves
    half a small white cabbage, shredded
    2 beef stock cubes
    1.2 litres boiling water
    2 bay leaves
    small jar of (sugarless) beetroot, shredded or diced
    one tablespoon of sugar (this helps bring out all the flavours; but of course you can skip it)

    In a large pot, gently sweat the shallots, carrots and garlic for 10 minutes in the oil. Add all the other ingredients but not the beetroot and briskly simmer for 30 minutes. Add the beetroot and cook for further 10 minutes. Serve with a dollop of low-fat crème fraiche. Enjoy! Ü

    Thank you!

    Add some thyme to it, dried or fresh, when you add the beetroot. I forgot to add this important item to the ingredients list!

    Easy and tasty recipe for tomato soup

    2 tins or boxes of chopped tomatoes ( I like Aldi’s best )
    1 tin of carrots
    1/2 jar of roasted peppers in brine
    1 vegetable stock cube or stock pot
    450 ml water
    Seasonings of choice I like chilli or basil and Worcestershire sauce
    1 pickled onion (optional but for some reason good)

    Combine ingredients in large saucepan and bring to boil simmer for 10 mins and blend

    4 large portions at 75 to 80 calories

    For a more substantial soup that tastes like Heinz tomato soup replace the red pepper with baked beans ( not sure of the calories exactly BUT under 150)

    Here’s a simple, all purpose, almost from scratch soup…

    Heat .5 tbsp olive oil in large saucepan. Gently fry until soft a mix of finely chopped onion, celery and carrot. Add garlic, seasonings and any seasonable vegetable you like. Tip in a a jar of passata or a good quality bolognese base (free of fillers and excessive sodium), add an equal volume of chicken or vegetable stock and a splash (or a tsunami) of wine. Allow to bubble away till done to your liking.

    Leave it chunky or blend till smooth, in which case including a small potato or sweet potato with the vegetables gives a convincingly “creamy” result.

    Curry seasonings and lentils or split peas will give you a dhal soup.

    And on days when I’m home late and eating after the family, I take a tin of seasoned tomatoes (Mexican-style is my favourite but any other will do, just check the oil and filler content) add the same volume of stock and some protein: a half cup of cooked haricot/ navy beans or chickpeas; a tbsp or two of dry red lentils; a little bit of cooked chicken or a handful of raw prawns (add these at the very end of cooking time and heat till they’re just cooked).

    These can be served to family and friends and the additions varied according to your calorie needs/ limits on the day.

    I’ve been experimenting with homemade tomato powder and canned pumpkin soup.
    I’m trying to put in a little tobbasco, turmeric, and brazil nut. As the nutrients, and hope to use okra and mushrooms for chewiness. I ran out of tomato powder last fall. Also liked to put in low cal crutons for additional flavor to the meal.

    Hi EmmaLouise

    I like to eat home cooked, rather than bought food, but on Fast days I prefer not to be spending hours preparing meals or focusing too much. So I have developed some really easy meals – and one of them is a tomato soup that feels like such a cheat. I buy a jar or carton of organic Passata, I heat it up and into that I throw a bunch of fresh basil, a clove of garlic, a stock cube and a tin of cannellini beans – then whizz the whole lot up with a hand blender and salt and pepper to taste.
    Takes no time at all, is ridiculously low in calories and the cannellini beans add protein and make the whole thing filling and satiating. It tastes really good and my family love it too.

    Cor Stone, that’s sounds lovely and wonderfully easy!!!

    Yes, ChrissieinBrittany, it is SO easy that I always tell the family I am ‘assembling’ a tomato soup, rather than ‘cooking’ one, because it feels too easy to call it cooking 🙂

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