
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  marialee8866 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I wanted to start a thread on anxiety because it seems a few have mentioned either feeling less or more anxious, and I just wanted to say if you feel anxious, you will probably get over it. I felt unusually anxious on the fast days at first, that wasn’t nice at all, but I had actually forgotten about that until I saw other posts regarding anxiety, so it does go away. There are a lot of reasons someone might feel anxious. I expect many of us trying to lose weight are menopausal, and as others have said and I have experienced, it does seem to get rid of hot flashes, which means it does something to hormones! Rearrangement of hormones can be a bit tumultuous. Then there are the psychological reasons… anxiety about fasting and it’s effects, and the more subconscious things about why people might subconsciously want to hold on to weight. The benefits soon outweigh the subconscious’s objections I think, if one has serious weight to lose. (I have lost 6kg and still going.)Less aches and pains, more energy, new clothes! Decreasing blood sugar and blood pressure too. I still do get a bit crabby if my feathers get ruffled on a fast day, but that is much better then anxiety!

    Anxiety is the biggest problem for me.Sometime i really feel depressed and anxious..I can’t do any work at all.

    I’ve found it’s good to keep physically active on those days, or if you feel lethargic and blech, keep mentally active. 🙂 Read a book, do work/study/research on the computer…. keep your mind somewhere positive. I have some great high energy days on fast days sometimes now.

    for my bf it is too, although he thinks that the smkoing could help him out of that

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