Another reason for it to be worthwhile!

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Another reason for it to be worthwhile!

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sylvestra 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • An article on the BBC website reporting research showing that going ‘on a health kick’ reverses ageing at a cellular level.

    I hope this is visible outside the UK.


    Interesting article. The person suggests eating a lot of vegetables with each meal, but don’t count the calories. Do you do that?

    I’m a calorie counter, and find this intriguing…..

    Is that you, Stratford?

    Hi Tidy Chick, there’s not going to be a large amount of calories in a portion of veg and Its not going to ruin your results in the long run, its a good idea not to count it into your calories as this should be a must on top of whatever diet your following, to ensure you are getting important vitamins and minerals. If your not comfortable not knowing the exact amount of calories your eating then by all means count them, however its not necessary for the desired result of intermittent fasting. Hope that helps ๐Ÿ™‚

    @stratfordfitness I don’t agree. If you eat a large amount of vegetables on a fast day, then they are part of your 500 calories. They may be low cal but they still have calories. They should NOT be seen as FREE on top of the 500/600 calorie ‘budget’ on fast days.

    You are advertising YOUR version of IF – not Michael Mosley’s which is what this forum is about.

    Someone just starting can find the Fast Diet/5:2 confusing enough to begin without throwing other ‘diets’ into the picture.

    There is not one hard and fast rule for everyone, intermittent fasting is simply an eating scheduled NOT A DIET, as I said if your not comfortable not knowing exactly what your are eating calorie wise (which is not necessary for weight loss or general health) then by all means count away…

    How patronising!

    as I said – you are advertising YOUR version of IF โ€“ not Michael Mosleyโ€™s which is what this forum is about.

    I agree with Sylvestra it is strictly 500 calories a day on your fast days. Sorry to say but if you had 100g of parsnip, which is around 80 calories, and other root veg you would be way over your calories on the day. It is the reduction of weekly calories that makes one lose weight so you have to count every morsel ๐Ÿ™‚

    Stratford, your article is based on what research? Carrots have quite a bit of calories and none of the research that I have read, I.e Dr. Krista Varadi, who has done long term clinical research on intermittent fasting would agree with your argument.

    You can perform intermittent fasting regardless of what diet you are on, the vitamins and minerals presant in vegetables and fruit are vital if your body is to function at an optimal level, therefore they should be a must in your diet. I’m simply giving my opinion and what has worked for me in the past that’s all, I didn’t intent to offend anyone.

    @stratford fitness I don’t know why you imply that anyone here is saying that vegetables should not be included. We are all very well aware of the importance of balanced, healthy eating.

    What we ARE saying is that on THIS form of intermittent fasting – that is Michael Mosley’s version NOT your version – the calories in vegetables have to be taken account of, especially on fast days.

    Your version, and yes I did read it, you are basically saying that you ‘eat all of your daily calories within 8 hours’ but you are saying don’t count calories.

    How can you possibly know whether you have eaten your ‘daily calories’ if you don’t count them,

    And you say ‘don’t take account of any vegetable calories’ So you will probably therefore go way over your ‘daily calories’ – which you’re not supposed to count anyway – and that’s all OK?

    It just doesn’t make any sense – so I think we, on these forums, will stick to our tried and tested (by us) method.

    It would be ridiculous to give an exact amount of calories to eat on the IF method in the article as everyone has different nutritional needs, it simply gives a percentage guideline for macronutrients. I shared the article to advise people on a different way to approach IF, and was only responding to the question TIDYCHICK asked. It is not necessary to calorie count when Intermittent fasting (or when trying to lose weight), and you can implement any diet you like along with Intermittent fasting. I was just giving another option for people to consider, based on my experience.

    How rude and patronising of you to assume that we are all too stupid to know that everyone’s daily calorific requirements are different.

    You are just not getting my message These forums are about The Fast Diet/5:2 – not yours or anyone else’s. If anyone here wants to find ‘other options’ or ‘different approaches’ they are more than capable of finding them.

    The advertising (And the fact that you and your link share the same name immediately say ‘advertisement’)- which is what you are doing – of other weight loss plans is not appropriate here. The fact that your original link has been removed by admin should tell you that.

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