New Faster from Scotland

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SarahH 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone

    I’ve joined up purely for moral support I think and to keep on track.

    I’ve never really stuck to a diet in my life but feel that this could be the one and feel more determined than ever also. I play hockey and cycle so hopefully this will be the extra boost I need – I have about 5 stone to lose!

    I see a few fellow Scots around too – maybe Alex Salmond has given us all a good buzz for once?!!

    I am planning to do 1500 calories on my 5 days and my 500 on fast days. I’ve read mixed reviews about consecutive and non-consecutive days for fasting. It’s easier if I do consecutive days due to work commitments so I’ll give that a go first!

    Fingers crossed 🙂

    Hi Sarah…whereabouts in Scotland are you? I’m in Angus.

    Don’t think of 5:2 as a ‘diet’….it’s a complete change to your way of eating. Diets suck! and they are seldom sustainable. 5:2 is different… I know I can go on with this as long as I need to and beyond.

    As for consecutive/ non consecutive….you do what works for you. That’s what’s so good about it. It takes a couple of weeks to ‘get in the swing’ and for your body to realise that it doesn’t need food 24/7 …then it’s a dawdle!!

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    Good luck

    Hello Sylvestra! I’m in East Lothian

    Very good point – it’s not much of a diet when you other 5 days are normal I suppose.

    I have a great relationship with food at the moment – I love food, all kinds and love eating and eating out too so this will be the biggest challenge I think.

    Thank you 🙂

    So I’m on my first fast day today! Feeling not too bad at the moment.

    Planning on having a sub 100 calorie weight watchers soup for lunch around 12.30 and then some grilled chicken and spinach for dinner around 5.30. I would actually rather eat dinner a little later but unfortauntely (for the fasting!) I have choir practive 7 til 9 and it takes me 40 minutes to get there. I don’t think there is any way I could last until 9.40/10pm to have my evening meal – you’ll not hear the choir over my stomach rumbling!

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