Another fasting Monday

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  • Really can’t face another fasting day today.

    Normally fast on Mondays and Thursdays but today is the eve of Christmas Eve!!

    Having had a couple of weeks of Christmas parties, Christmas lunches/ dinners and still managing to fast 2 days a week has been a challenge.
    Wondering how I’m going to cope trying to fast today after a dinner party last night and lots of yummy left overs to deal with. To add to the dilemma off to Paris on Christmas day for 5 days with lots of yummy cheese, bread and wine, totally irresistible. Do I put the whole fasting WOL on hold for a couple of weeks , eat drink and be merry. Or do I keep trying to persevere and hopefully not failing?

    Hi Saffy,

    I feel the same today. My OH and I also fast Mondays and Thursdays, but we’re both off work today and it’s Christmas! (well, almost 🙂
    Fasting since April we feel we need a break. Fasting in Paris sounds really brutal, maybe you can just skip lunch – or skip fasting alltogether and get back to it when you’re home. This is supposed to be a way of life, not a torture. Have a great Christmas and a wonderful trip!

    I am just not in the mood for fasting today either. I’m going to try but I may cave in later!

    I’m not sure how I’m going to do this. I might just try to keep the calories down as much as possible and forget about fasting till it’s over.

    Fasting in Paris just doesn’t sound fair somehow.

    Good luck to all of us! Whatever we do we’ll be right back on that wagon in January. See you there!

    I AM going to fast today (said through gritted teeth!) I really want to have got to 28lbs lost by tomorrow’s weigh in. We’ve been to our exercise class this morning,fought the crowds in Asda and are looking after my friend’s 3 year old triplets this afternoon-that’ll take our mind off things ’til tea time. Then tomorrow-let the fun begin!!!
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Same boat – and I just started so don’t want to totally blow this before I get a good start. “Yet another” company lunch today, and then this, and then that. I think I’ll try keeping a toe in by at least throwing in an AM fast for the days I can. Like today.

    Well I made it through to dinner calorie free on black coffee and water and I’ve just had a 300 calorie dinner so I’m feeling quite pleased with myself today. 😀

    Happy Yuletide x

    Hey all

    Just seen this post; I have been posting about my intentions regarding fasting this week on another thread.

    Saffy if I was you and going off to Paris for the festive period; I most certainly would not even consider fasting. That will be a waste of money and an opportunity.
    Honestly, just go for it and as sylvestra says – just get back on the wagon with the rest of us on 01.01.14.

    Have a fab time everyone! Whatever you do fast wise

    What a hard day! One of the most difficult fast days I’ve had, everyone eating chocolates and mince pies, then bragging about it! Well made it got through now thinking of going to bed, but to do another this week really don’t know how, might have to call it a day this week and start again next. Oh and to top it all weigh in day this morning guess what gained 1/2 a pound this season really is not fair

    Merry christmas everyone

    I agree @bluesea – this was the hardest fast day I’ve had so far too.

    Never mind it’ll soon be over – let’s enjoy it without gong overboard hopefully – and we can back to normal …..and regular fasting.

    Have a merry xmas

    I decided to take the easy road today too much tempting food around and kids to cater for. So I did indulge ( over indulge) I think.
    PreciousBooBoo you may be right, calorie counting n Paris seams like a myth.
    I will try not to over indulge again I haven’t been to successful in the weight loss during fasting.
    Been religiously fasting since September and only lost 3kg. So I truly know how hard this is. Would hate to undo it all. Tomorrow is another day and gonna be a good day.

    Oh wow what a perfect topic, I should have found it last night. I also decided to fast yesterday, I had a crappy week (I’m feeling myself sliding towards a mild depression – long story) and ate too much. And yesterday I was just craving things so much I could cry. I literally stood in front of my window with my arms crossed for 30 minutes, having one of the most internal struggles I’ve had for a while – I’ve had them before, but then I usually gave in and went outside to buy food, feeling loads better – at least for a while. After eating I of course felt terrible.

    Anyway, I decided I couldn’t give in again, because it would just make today as difficult as yesterday. I’d rather deal with it now than just postpone it… so I went to bed at 19:30 (over 12 hours before the alarm clock sounded) and felt terrible, but went to sleep rather quickly. Now I have the two benefits of being proud of myself for sticking to it, and having a lot of sleep 😉
    It does mean I didn’t eat anything yesterday, making it a full 48 hour water fast, but oh well. Wanted to try that sometime anyway.

    Managed to fast yesterday and was rewarded this morning by the scales,having reached 28llbs off since the end of July.
    Congrats to all who’ve found this ‘diet’ and have managed to succeed when all else has failed.
    Just a bit worried about the coming week,all the family arrive on Boxing Day and stay until New Year so there’ll no doubt be lots of temptation to drink,snack and overeat. Ah well,like I said before,it’s not what happens between Christmas and New Year that counts but what happens between New Year and Christmas.
    Will probably need a hand to get back on the wagon next week-hope you guys’ll be around!

    I also managed to fast yesterday and hoped to be able to fast on Friday but now my godson is coming for the day (8 – 6)so it may have to be a Saturday fast but no sweat.
    One little hint for anyone socialising, should you be offered loads of little snacks and other tasty high calorie temptations take a look at the person offering them. If they look as if the 5:2 could benefit them just say ‘maybe later thank you’
    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Managed to fast yesterday which was easy as I was working. Facing the same challenges as everyone else over the next few days, maybe fast on Friday or at worst a partial fast and go for walks or some running. Have only started this recently after chatting to a couple of guys who do it. So far it has been good lost 2 pounds last week 🙂

    Happy Christmas Everyone!

    Haha Lindy, that’s a good idea! However sadly there are some people who can just eat anything and look extremely fit 😛
    I guess you can have some, but not a lot of snacks – depends on how often you’re socialising though…

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