Another 5:2 success story – Goal Weight reached!

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Another 5:2 success story – Goal Weight reached!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lichtle 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Yeahhhhhhhhh after 3 months of 5:2 I’ve done it! Down from 10st 11lb to 8st 11lb! That’s 70kg to 56kg, for all you non brits out there!

    No exercise other than housework, pushing the buggy and running around after 2 kids.

    Plenty of G&T, sandwiches and puddings – the stuff of life – on non fast days.

    Had a plateau at 9st 5lb for 6 weeks, but kept at it, even skipped a couple of fasts for Mum’s Birthday and an Easter bank holiday. Tried not to think about 0 weight loss too hard and kept positive (and happy that I was three quarters of the way there).

    In 3 weeks will walk down the aisle to ‘Little Wing’ by Jimi Hendrix in my handmade Size 8 dress feeling good about myself and happy with life!

    Will see how maintenance works out for me, 2st loss was an arbitrary amount as I was actually 8st 3lb pre-baby so could shoot for closer to that but feel pretty damn sexy and I fit into my summer wardrobe (just need some summer weather!) Bye bye maternity leggings and big pants and baggy t-shirts 🙂

    Success! 🙂

    Congratulations, Little Wing!
    Very happy for you and thanks for your story – it helps keep me motivated on my 5:2 journey.

    Wishing you a lovely wedding day

    Congratulations, Little Wing.

    You are a true inspiration – in fact it was you who inspired me to start the 5:2 (second fast today)- as I want to weigh a similar weight to you in the same time frame!

    Congratulations once again!

    Hi @littlewing congratulations to you in every way, First on your wedding and then on your great weight loss. Well done!!!

    Maybe you can join us on the maintenance thread, We are a happy bunch giving each other lots of support. As you mentioned many maintainers find there is an adjustment period and there is still a bit of weight to come off. Also it takes a bit of time to adjust to maintenance, finding out what works for you. Everybody has different strategies.

    I hope to see you soon in the Maintenance Chatbox.

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