An evangelist for the diet

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An evangelist for the diet

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  SteveA 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • An evangelist for the diet

    Before and After

    Hi Michael

    I want you to know that The Fast Diet has been life changing for me.  Before I started the diet I lived a moderately active lifestyle- going to the gym a couple of times a week and running now and then but my weight just wouldn’t reduce.  In fact it steadily creeped up until I found that I had hit 105kg (230lb).  I’m 42 years old and 185cm tall (6’1″).  I was quite distressed to find that this put me comfortably into the ‘obese’ BMI range.

    After watching Eat, Fast and Live Longer I decided that this was a diet I could employ, I’ve got a wife and two young daughters who need their father around and so the additional health benefits with lower cholesterol, lower IGF1 and the potential protection against dementia seemed compelling.  I’ve been on the diet since I saw your show and with the odd blip during holidays and long overseas travel I have stayed on it.  In fact it isn’t my diet, it’s my way of life now.

    So to my results.  Since starting the diet I’ve lost 15.5kg (36lb) in weight, dropping to 89.5kg and I’m now just a couple of kilos from my target weight.  My waist has gone from 37″ to 33″ and I’ve lost an inch and a half off my collar.  My running times have improved (32 mins for a 6km lunchtime run) and I can squat an 80kg barbell so I don’t see any evidence of loss of muscle mass.  My wife is enjoying similar (though not quite so dramatic) results and I have become a bit of an evangalist for the diet.

    I’m a consultant medical product designer and I’m involved in helping to develop products for diabetes care, amoungst other diseases.  Knowing that this lifestyle is giving me the best possible protection from developing this diabetes and many other complications of getting older gives me a lot of hope for the future.

    Please feel free to use any of the photos I’ve attached.  (If you’re wondering about the dog food shot, that sack of dog food is how much weight I’ve lost so far.)



    Sack Weight

    Amazing – I know how heavy those bags of dog food are!! Well done, and thanks so much for sharing your inspiring progress

    Hello, SA – The wonderful photo of you with your doggy biscuits is the best thing I’ve seen in ages! What a brilliant illustration of a great achievement. All three photos together are delightful. Well done, you, and long may you continue to thrive and enjoy your life.

    Thank you very much Mimi and Jeanius.

    The CEO of my company saw the same Horizon programme and has had similar results to me. Before I adopted the Fast Diet I really didn’t see myself as being fat, it just creeped up on me with fatherhood and before I knew it, I was obese. The weighing scales at the gym I attend display fat content and the results that I’ve had from them show that I’ve gone from 35kg of total fat down to 18kg and added muscle in the process. Needless to say, I’m delighted with those results.

    I’ve managed to persuade a good friend of mine to adopt The Fast Diet too and he is seeing dramatic effects. Hopefully we’ll have another case study to send in shortly.

    Best wishes

    Steve A

    Brilliant! Great photos and well done for taking your destiny under your control!Good luck with making intermittent fasting a way of life

    Hi Mimi. My sister is a big fan of your writing so when I came around to pick the kids up this morning she asked me if I was used to being mentioned in the same sentence as Ben Affleck. She then showed me the comment in Saturday’s Weekend supplement in The Times.

    Anyway, it absolutely made my day and I’m delighted to share my success with your readers. The diet really has transformed my life, I met an ex-colleague at the gym yesterday and he was stunned by how much weight I’ve lost. I’m meeting up with some friends from Uni next week so I’ll be busy selling the benefits of the diet to them too.

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