
This topic contains 15 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  toms mantis 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Am amazed! After struggling to keep non fast days eating under control, we had a family meal yesterday and ate more than I would normally. Felt really bloated and uncomfortable last night. Really seem to be satisfied with a lot less than I used to have. Can’t believe it really. Magic.

    i also feel like my fairy godmother has waved her magic wand over my eating habbits, i went for a all you can eat buffet the other day and just pushed my plate away and said ive had enough. xx

    Isn’t it fantastic? Hope it stays that way. Not saying I don’t still crave things, but am happy not to buy them, except for those I get for the grandchildren. And they ARE for them! Lovin’ it!

    Well done all. Think my tum is shrinking too!

    Well done. That’s great news. 🙂

    Yes i no longer crave big meals but am happy to snack on little delicacies.

    Hi toms mantis,

    I was a life-long over eater and I’ve found that the 5:2 strategy has helped get my appetite under control and I’m satisfied with smaller portions. Now I definitely wouldn’t get my money’s worth at an all-you-can-eat buffet.


    I over indulged on a favourite Thai dish of mine recently it contained alot of noodles and I ate the whoe lot. I felt so sick afterwards and I still wasnt 100% the day after! Just wasn’t worth it feeling that bad. I learned an imoportant lesson there.

    Won’t be doing that ever again.

    I have noticed the same thing. I eat smaller portions (by choice) on the non-fast days now as well. Have lost 8 pounds and have 22 left to go to reach my IBW! And dropped a size 🙂

    Brilliant to everyone here. I too have had a lifelong battle with my weight. Lost 6.5pounds first month, next weigh in end of this month. Don’t care if it’s slow from now on. Just getting the most out of it. Feel so much better. Good luck and happy fasting!

    I put on a pair of gym pants that I would normally squeeze myself into so dont wear very much. This time around they glided on like a glove. Almost skipped in the gym door lol

    Am currently wearing jeans which haven’t been anywhere near me for over 12 months.
    (And other clothes besides)! Not stretch either! They come off without unfnastening button or zip. Second weigh this Thursday. Really can’t believe how good I feel. Got a strange unreality about it at the mo, if that doesn’t sound strange!

    I am a lazy IF faster and use M&S Fuller Longer and Count on Us Ready Meals, all are good quality on my fast days. As a matter of research I would suggest some of you try one or two just to get an idea of how their portion sizes in some of the meals really do produce a satisfying meal. Their count on us pork dinner weighs in at 295 cals yet fills a small dinner plate. I pad it out with extra veg and it fills me. The only down side is the expense but they beat weight watchers any day of the week. No, I do not get commission from them.
    Good luck.

    May try them Couscous, but as you say the price is a bit steep. Craved toast as have been giving it a rest and having bran, so as alone for tea tonight had small beans on toast. Even when I was eating it, thought why did I crave that? Tasted of nothing. My taste seems to be changing.

    @ Couscous – are M&S Fuller Longer & US Ready food brands? can you describe, and perhaps we can find a similar substitution that’s available where we shop.

    Hi all, second weigh in yesterday, lost 4.5lbs last month. Feel as though I’ve lost more though, somehow. Yesterday, a fast day, was great, but last Thursday was awful. Was so hungry all day and dived into my 280calorie tea. Strange how coping is easier some days than others. Interested to hear other peoples similar experiences.

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