Am I on the right diet?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 11 years ago.

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  • Hello everyone
    I have been on this diet for exactly one month now. I was 9 1/2 stone when I started, which is a healthy weight (5ft 4 BMI 22-ish), BUT I have put on the 1/2 stone over the last 10 years or so (I am 46) and wanted to get back to 9 stone. I have never really dieted before, as I knew I would never be able to stick to a ‘normal’ diet and didn’t need to anyway. The main reason for wanting to lose this half stone is that all the weight I have put on has been on my stomach – at the front. From front and back I look very slim, but turn sideways on and I look pregnant! It doesn’t help that I also get quite bloated which makes things worse. I also suffer from IBS – mainly constipation (hence the bloating) which has not improved with the reduction in food intake. I have started taking Optibac probiotics ‘for a flat stomach’ which makes me feel more comfortable but hasn’t really helped with the appearance of my belly. I eat a lot of veg and fibre including linseeds, nuts, brown rice and pulses, and I drink plenty (maybe not enough?) I can go a couple of weeks with ‘normal’ bowel movements, but then suddenly everything seizes up for no obvious reason (IBS or hormones, I don’t know)
    As for weight loss, I am due another weigh-in tomorrow, I had lost 2 lb the first week, then put on 3 lb over the weekend (went a bit mad over the w/e!) end of last week I had lost 2 lb so my net loss is only 2lb, which I suppose is reasonable? I know belly fat is notoriously stubborn and will probably be the last place I lose it from, but I also wonder how much visceral fat I have (despite eating well and generally healthily I have never been one for low fat foods and I do like my chocolate and puddings).
    I apologise if this sounds trivial – I know a lot of you will have much more serious weight and health issues, but I would welcome any thoughts or suggestions, particularly with regard to the bloating/constipation. Thanks for your time.

    hi StraR and welcome to the forum

    I am not sure I can offer any advice re the bloating 🙁 hopefully will be along to help, it sounds as if you have very little to loose as you are a healthy weight/BMI already… do you exercise at all? any exercise will be good for the stubborn belly fat lol, I do a lot of walking, and short work outs at home, not to loose weight but to keep toned and firming the wobbly bits lol!1
    I am bout 5’2 and 9’5 and at the moment I am stuck at the same weight, my body is holding on to those last pounds grrrrrrrrrr
    but I keep going and do my fasts as usual because I want to stay healthy and I cant imagine life without fasting now 🙂

    good luck and let us know how you get on x

    Hi Angie and thanks for your response. Yes I do exercise – I play tennis regularly but a lot of sessions are being cancelled lately due to the weather 🙁 I also spend quite a bit of time working on my allotment, but again, bad weather has almost completely stopped play recently. I have been doing ‘power walks’ instead when it’s not too wet, about an hour at a time which racks up about 7 km on my pedometer.
    Next weigh-in is tomorrow so will report back along with any changes in waist measurement!

    wow that is great StraR!

    good luck on your weigh in tomorrow, and measurements 🙂

    Well this morning I can report another 2 lb loss. Waist measurement more difficult to measure, not sure where to put the tape round, but at narrowest point 29″, at widest point 35″ (that’s just letting it all hang out, no holding it in! However, I have moved up one whole belt hole, so there must have been a reduction 🙂

    Hi, I have celiac disease, which can cause bloating and constipation, among other things. Have you been tested for this?

    Many beleieve that you need to be thin as a stick to have celiac disease, but this is not the case.

    Hi StraR,
    I agree, get tested for wheat and dairy intolerance. I had a friend in the same boat. She is now fine having a non wheat diet and reduced dairy. She has other milk e.g. Rice or soya and makes her own bread using a machine using rice flour. Took 6 months but cleared up the problems which sound the same as yours. She also runs marathons so it wasn’t about exercise. She looks great now at 58, washboard stomach. Good luck!

    Hmmm, I have considered intolerances previously, I even gave up gluten for a while to see if it would make a difference, also tried cutting out yeasts and sugar in case it was candida, but eventually I realised I was probably looking in the wrong place. The worst culprit for bloating seems to be alcohol, if I overindulge, so I have tried to keep that in check. I have thought about dairy too, but don’t want to cut that out except as a last resort.
    My mother is a similar shape to me – pretty thin all over but with a big belly, so I guess it must be in my genes.
    I did recently resort to taking a Dulcolax tablet, which has really kickstarted my system, and I am now feeling much better.
    Also I have noticed (now that I am in week 8) every 3 to 4 weeks I have been gaining a couple of lb, which coincides with being pre-menstrual, and also makes me feel extra bloated and generally under the weather.
    Although my waist measurement doesn’t seem to have changed much, it must have as I am beginning to run out of belt holes! I had gained a bit last week (a pre-menstrual week) but that has now passed, I am feeling much slimmer and I am expecting a good outcome on Friday morning – I will let you know….

    Well it’s good news, down to 9st 1 3/4 lb so I am nearly there.

    well done StraR!!

    am still stuck at the same lol, I dream to see that 9st 000000 🙂

    You will get there Angie 🙂

    Thank you StraR 🙂 xx

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