Am i doing it right pls?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fast for life 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi its my 2nd week of fasting and i always eat the same,boiled egg and diet toast for breakfast which are 120 cals then i do a mixture of 100 gr rice,bought it on purpose 114 cals 100 gr chick breast and veg,i eat from this mixture about 4 bowls tghrouout the day as im afraid of being hungry,anyone can tell me if im doing good? total cals about 520

    hi jackie, sounds like youve made a great start, it dosent matter when or how you eat your daily allowence as long as you stick within your daily limit, do what works for you, id say your doing really well,
    when the hunger prangs start they dont build and build until you fall in a heap on the floor, i just have a drink wait a bit and they pass, in fact you get quite used to them after a couple of weeks, like yourself it was a scarie thing to begin with, now i welcome them as i know fat is being burnt, good luck and keep us posted on your progress xx

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