After gaining back- Starting over

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After gaining back- Starting over

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Miha1989 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everybody, after reading you for a long time, I decided to join in, mostly to keep me motivated.

    I have done the 5:2 diet in the past and lost around 9 kg, and then I gained it all back (I admit I was eating quite a lot).

    Therefore, I’ve started it once again since Monday. Will anyone join me in my quest?


    I am in! Unsure of what fast days to choose. I am thinking Wednesday and Sunday, as those are the least physically demanding with the kids. Does that make sense?

    Hi Miha,

    I can sure empathize with you. I’ve been a yo-yo dieter most of my life, and when I’m not dieting it seems I’m busy gaining the weight back; viscous cycle, isn’t it? In trying to break that cycle I’ve been doing 5:2 for a couple months as a way to keep from gaining the weight back that I lost a couple years ago so I’m in it for the long haul. So far it hasn’t been a problem to stick to 600 calories twice a week; I think it’s something I can keep up long term. Last year I donated all of my “Fat” clothes so I don’t want to regain again. I’ll have nothing to wear!

    My fast days are Monday and Tuesday just to get them out of the way for the week, but Mom2cznbean the great thing about 5:2 is you can choose the best 2 days as fast days to suit your lifestyle. Whatever two days you pick are fine and you can even choose 2 different days week to week if needed. It’s really a flexible system which is one reason why it seems to be successful with so many people.

    I wish you both great success with your fasting.


    Thank you for the support.
    @Mom2, it does make sense to pick days when uou are not pulled apart by daily things. I admire the fact that you are brave to pick a weekend day, i’m afraid i can not do that, i like my weekends:)
    I will do the classic 5:2 that is Monday and Thursday.
    @bronx, don’t you find it difficult to fast for two consecutive days?
    Have a great day!

    I have read that it’s not advisable to fast 2 days in a row because it’s more difficult to do long term than 2 non consecutive days, but so far that hasn’t been the case for me. I don’t feel any more hungry on Tuesday than Monday. Hopefully this won’t change, but if Tuesdays begin to feel difficult I have no problem moving the second fast day.


    Do you manage not to overeat on your non-fast days? I always tend to eat a little too much before a fast day.

    I didn’t the first time I was on this diet, but now I can not seem to control myself, although I am determined to lose again at least 10 kg.

    @Miha, I am a little afraid of overdoing it on non-fast days. My plan is to start off by loosely tracking food online for all days. Hopefully that will help set a good pattern for non-fast days so in a month or so I only have to track fast days. Trying to pop in here daily after recording food. Excited to get started!

    Sounds like a good plan. How much weight do you want to lose, if you don’t mind me asking?

    35 lbs of stubborn 5 year old “baby” weight 🙂

    While losing weight for almost a year I counted every calorie I ate and always stayed below my daily allowance. Now that I’m at (actually below) my goal weight I’ve loosened up a bit. I still watch what I eat during the week, especially on fast days. I started 5:2 so that once a week, usually Sunday, I can eat whatever I want guilt free. My weaknesses are peanuts and Cheez-its. I keep the junk food in a closet in a spare bedroom and I stay far away from that room during the week, but on Sundays…stay out of my way if you see me heading for the spare bedroom. I’ll stop at nothing to get my Cheez-its!

    This system has been working well for me, but it may not be for everyone.


    :)) i tried not to come close to my junkfood(sunflower seeds), but at this point, i’m betteer off not buying them during the week:)
    @Mom2, we’ll work together and shed those pounds!

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