After first 10 days doing 4:3 I've put on weight!

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After first 10 days doing 4:3 I've put on weight!

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  JCC 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I wanted to lose weight at a faster rate than the 5:2 which the book says you can. It’s been no challenge for me to be honest I have all my calories on my fast days in one go for breakfast and go all day without food and I’ve been fine. On my fast days I usually have poached or scrabbled eggs on wheatgerm (no butter), grilled bacon and apple or pistachios. On my feed days I usually have 3 square meals decent portions usually a meat and carb type meal but I never count calories on my feed days as the book simple says you can “eat well”. I’ve cut sugar down to just 3 teaspoons on feed days (1 spoon for each of 3 coffees I have). So yeah after 10 days I’ve put weight on! Starting to think the idea of “eat well” on your feed days is a bit of a bait and switch.

    Hi JCC, it seems you have a bit of a problem. It is possibly related to your feed days, ie to many calories, fat etc consumed. I agree that the idea is not to count calories on these days but try a bit of research and adjustment. Check out the internet on just how much protein we need each day for example. Check out just how much protein is in each type of meat. Remember though that a recommended portion size of meat is the size of your palm so if on having a meat based meal, eg steak you have a large one then it follows you may be having to much of a good thing. I do not want to overload this response with too much hypothesing on why you have put weight on just do a bit of research and finally, buy a cheap note book and keep a daily diary on your eating habits for a couple of weeks, miss nothing out. It may help.
    Good luck.

    YEAH COUSCOUS, ideally you shouls stick to your TDEE ON NON FAST DAYS- or do the fast without thinking about it on non fast days,

    Hi JCC, check out the BMR and TDEE calculator in the “How” section. It sounds like you are eating too well. I know the idea is not to count calories but you need to at least at first to get to know how many you are having on feast days as eating over your TDEE will mean you won’t lose anything. Linda

    So basically this diet is a bait and switch. In the book it says there’s no calorie, points or sin counting. I’ll give it another 10 days but I’m really mad at the lies in the book.

    JCC, it is not lies in the book. Michael and Mimi do not promise that you can eat 10000 kcal of crap each day and still lose weight.
    You do not need to count calories as long as you are mindful what you are eating, and that is what the book says. It works, there are numerous fasters here who do not count calories and still lose weight.

    Sorry to disturb your rant, but the blame lies not with the method or the authors.

    If you are only eating 600 (assuming your a man) kcal 3 days a week and still gaining weight, then you’re either eating >1350 kcal more than your TDEE on the other 4 days, and you need to slow down a little or your TDEE is lower than average and you need to reduce your fast day calories to be 1/4 of TDEE. I suspect you have both problems.

    If you really want to lose weight, calculate your TDEE with the calculator (using one step lower on the activity scale that you think is right), and then use that number for calorie max on fast days. Then eat lots of vegetables on non-fast days to help control appetite, but otherwise eat what you want on non-fast days and don’t count, unless you want to. You can overeat on non-fast days and still lose weight, but there is a limit. I’ve lost 60 pounds without counting, and I’ve always overeaten on non-fast days, but not so much that I didn’t lose weight.

    simcoeluv has a good point on the linked post. 10 days isn’t really enough time. Luckily for me, I lost weight at the beginning, but I weight myself every day now and my weight varies a lot even if I weight every morning. There have been many 10 day periods when I didn’t lose any weight, probably because my fat loss was masked by other things going on, causing me to hold water or whatever. Then I had two plateaus that just dragged on and on. That could be part or even all of your problem.

    UPDATE: So I’ve started doing ADF eating nothing on my fast days and I’m losing weight. 6 pounds in 7 days and that’s with next to no exercise.

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