advice and quick

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Sharry 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone

    ive been doing the diet since end of august this year, my starting weight was 76kg. in the beginning i did 4.3, and ive manged to loose 11kg and im happy about it, i also go thr gym 3x weeks doing spinning, bodyshape , erobics. my problem is i havnt lost much weight on my thighs . my stomache is flatter and see difference on my face.

    last month i started drinking wine, im drinking every day 2 glasses, before last month i cut down to saterdays. im going through a rough patch so hence the drinking. i need to stop as ive stopped loosing weight. ive lost 500grams in month. and at the moment its yo yoing up down.

    please advice i need encouragment from my fellow dieter.
    if anyone got any tip oh how to loose weight of the thighs please comment.


    Hi Tina

    Congrats on the weight loss; that is a good weight loss for 5:2 – so I am glad to hear that you are happy with that and flatter tummy and slimmer face 🙂

    Spot weight reduction is hard, as far as I am aware. We tend to lose weight fairly evenly all over, so whatever our body shape, when we lose weight, in general we basically stay the same shape, just a smaller version.

    I think the best that can be done for those of us with larger thighs is to get the muscles as toned as possible. You are already doing a lot of exercise – ask the gym instructors about the best exercise for you to firm up your thighs. If you already have really strong legs, you might just have to accept that is the way things are 🙂

    Chose clothing that is the most flattering for the shape you now are – the right style of jeans and trousers can help; maybe skirts/dresses suit you more – try on a range of different items to see what looks best.

    Sorry to hear that you have been going thru a rough patch – it makes controlling food and alcohol intake difficult 🙁 But you know you need to reduce the drinking, so try to apply the same control as you did to fasting days.

    Good luck with it. 🙂

    You’re right,Sassy. I’ve got thighs and always will have. I think it comes from years of playing field hockey then 20 years of ice hockey. Even at my lightest adult weight ever in my early 30s I still had thighs and couldn’t have been any skinnier elsewhere.
    I do 9 fitness classes a week including body pump,RPM, Zumba,body jam and step so I couldn’t work them any more than I do and still they stay! So,as Sassy says,I think we’ve just got to accept it.

    Hi again, I blame years of callisthenics for my fat thighs and bottom!! I was not naturally supple, and I was not shown how to properly stretch the muscles, so just forced myself into the splits etc. Lots of callisthenics girls ended up with a similar shape – unlike ballet dancers who’re shown how to develop flexibility ‘properly’.
    But there is certainly some genetics as well contributing to my shape…!!!
    😀 😀 😀

    Thanks to all the answered it nice to know I’m lot alone with this problem. I have lost weight overal but not at problem area thighs and butt. I’m pleased I’ve lost over 10kg and I will continue with 5,2 diet until I’ve reached my ideal bmi.
    Wish you ladies all the best and stay in touch with your result.

    Good luck and happy fasting.

    At some point the fat will disappear, but you have to ask yourself how far you’re willing to go. If you’re just a person who retains fat on their thighs, so be it. It’s not great, but there’s not much you can do about it – except getting your bodyfat% really low. But you don’t really want to do that, I think 😛 I know I don’t. Well, depends on my weight class. Anyway.

    Just enjoy the weight loss and the fact your tummy is getting flatter ^^

    Yoga’s good for toning without building bulk. I’ve lost a few inches by doing 15 mins of easy yoga 5 days a week, it seems to streamline rather than build muscle. I’ve got a book that has a 10 minute routine in it, I cant remember the title off hand but it’s similar to this

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