Acne and PMS affected?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lizamor 10 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Hi there
    I’m new, first fast day today.
    Has anyone had any improvements in skin conditions such as acne/ oiliness/ pimples?
    Also, what effect on moods around menstruation? Does fast help PMS symptoms or aggravate through hunger monster grumps?

    This has been answered on older threads & there will be lots of information there but basically – Yes to all.

    I still get the odd spot from time to time (usually near ‘that-time-of-the-month’) but for someone who’s struggled to get out from the teenage ‘pizza-face’ skintype since the age of 13 (I was 34 when I started 5:2) and only had very minor improvement with age – I’m pretty happy with the ‘odd’ spot.

    I’ve also always had horrendous periods (heavy & painful). The pill helped a little bit but made me a bit anaemic. 5:2 has sorted everything out, nice & regular, light & almost pain free. No sign of the Tracy Monster for a while now.

    It’s also pretty much sorted my eczema out. I used to get regular bouts of pretty horrid flare-ups between my fingers. since 5:2 I’ve had one very mild flare-up affecting the base of my thumb and that’s it. Fantastic!

    I know this is several months behind but just wanted to document my experience so other people can benefit.
    I did the fast diet last year for around six months and there were various improvements I didn’t notice until I stopped really.
    I started again six months ago and all the improvements have returned.
    I’ve had acne for years, during episodes of stress it becomes bad with cysts on my back and chest. Since doing the fast diet this has almost entirely resolved, when I stopped last year the acne returned and I thought it was just one of those things. But nope back on the fast diet and they’ve gone again, it’s such an amazing feeling not to have to worry. I do get the occasional spot but nothing as severe as the last 20 years!!
    Another benefit, PMS has almost gone. My breasts used to hurt immediately post ovulation, now it’s maybe two/three days before, less bloating, less weeping, less irrational anger. I feel normal again. If any if you out there are struggling with adult acne or severe PMS then please give the fast diet a go. I fast 2-3 days a week depending on my calories consumption on my non fast days. I leave it a full 24 hours for a fast and have the suggested 500 calories. I run 4 times a week usually on my non-fast days. Oh I’m 37 years old. Never been particularly over weight, I currently weigh 8st 3lbs and am 5’5″. I do this for the health benefits not weight control. Happy fasting….

    Yes, my skin has never been so good without antibiotics!

    After only two fast days the spots started to clear up. I am 36 and have
    had bad acne especially on my chin and under the ears/jaws and down the neck, especially during stress.

    Now I’m 6 weeks into this WOE and if I hadn’t lost any weight I would maintain just for the cause of keeping my skin like this; not a red spot in sight, almost perfect skin!

    Really a wake up call as to how overeating is the source of so many of our problems here in the wealthy part of the world….

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