Absolutely desperate for food after my fast day meal.

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Absolutely desperate for food after my fast day meal.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  selkie 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I manage the fast day well and eat the 500 calories meal but once I eat I desperately want to snack or grab whatever I can find to eat. It’s like a switch is turned on. I am disabled and not able to do much and also multi food allergic. I can find enough food to eat though now and my spiraliser had really helped. I guess it’s psychological as it’s like my body has to have food all the time once I eat something.

    Describe what you have as part of your 500 cal fast? What was it? Ive yet to read of anyone binging on salad. I could be wrong. Avoid simple carbs and sugar at all costs. Avoid juice, chocolate, biscuits cakes etc. For your 500 cal meal have a HUGE veggie salad. Chop up whatever veggie you like and make a tossed salad. Add a little protein like tofu. Add some vinegar for zest. It will be almost impossible to binge and it will keep you satiated for a long time. Just had some for my dinner. Im stuffed to the brim and I doubt it was more that 200-300 cals.

    Perhaps try fasting for the whole day to avoid turning on the switch.

    Hi Selkie,
    I also wonder if what you are eating might make a difference.

    Protein, and low GI foods will be more filling (my go to Fast Day meal is miso soup with chicken, mushrooms and greens in it).

    Sweet things and refined carbs will be more likely to set off cravings.

    What you experience is not uncommon, I hear people calling it ‘waking the hunger dragon’ and I know some people find it easier to eat nothing on a fast day, so you might be in that camp.

    My way of getting through those cravings is to remember it is just one day, and I can eat what I want tomorrow, to remember that the hunger waves come and go in waves, and if I can distract myself I will get a break.

    I found that the longer I did 5:2 the more distant the cravings became, until hunger was just a sensation that I noticed but wasn’t bothered by.

    I react badly to sugar, even in fruit and white bread, and I went through a few weeks a month or so ago when I let fruit creep back into my diet and, before I knew it, those intolerable hunger cravings came back too. It took several weeks of strict no sweet things and good fast days before they completely went away.

    I hope more people have suggestions to give you, because it seems everyone has to work out their own way of making 5:2 a successful, sustainable part of their lives, but hopefully someone will say something that clicks for you, and helps you through that awful difficulty.

    Good luck and best wishes

    Don’t know whether it will help, but in my quest to cure my sweet tooth, I sprinkle cinnamon on my breakfast so when I will have porridge I will continue to do this. It seems to take the sweet cravings away. Also good if you are using some calories for a milky drink before bed.

    Thanks for replying. Big Booty … I am allergic to tofu nuts soya wheat eggs and many other foods plus sulphates nitrates annato. I use scales now to weigh my portions. My 500 meal was a very small piece of smoked haddock. 4 baby new potatoes. A bowl ( like a mixing bowl) of lettuce which weighed very little. 1/8 of a cucumber 1 baby tomato and home made French dressing with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and 1 gerkin. Most of my meals are salad and I do love it. I had managed to do 24 hours from 7.30pm the day before.On non fasting days I take a spiralised apple in lemon juice along with me to snack on. I have IBS so can’t load my system with kale cabbage and broccoli. Courgettes if spiralised I can now eat. I only have red top milk in coffee 1/4 caf and about 1000 ltrs in the morning. Some of the hunger is boredom.

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