About to start

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  paul1874 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’m looking forward to starting this great adventure to loose a lot of fat and generally get fitter.
    I have tried fasting before and found it quite easy but life got in the way and I relapsed into bad habits again.
    About me, I’m 55 obviously overweight but do try to keep fit, I teach Krav Maga several times a week.

    Good luck, Paul. You know you can do it. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Completed my first fast yesterday, 24 hours without food was much easier than expected, though around 10ish I wanted to eat something, but that quickly passed by keeping busy. Hope the next one tomorrow is just as stress free

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