A truly remarkable experience that has gone beyond my beliefs

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A truly remarkable experience that has gone beyond my beliefs

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  gingerrose 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • A truly remarkable experience that has gone beyond my beliefs – if you only read the opening paragraph I will be happy.

    I first need to set the scene. I am a newbie, having just started my second week and have almost completed my 3rd intermittent fast as I type this. If you only read the first paragraph, I will be happy, I will get straight to the point. The overall sense of joy and mental focus I have experienced during an intermittent fast (towards the end of the day) has been outstanding and rather overwhelming. Almost more importantly, at the same time i physically feel rather ‘off’ (headache,light-headedness and nausea on a fast day), but still have this overall sense of joy and well-being. I AM HONESTLY AMAZED. I used to think of food as the substance that gave me energy and enhanced my mood. It turns out that the food I was eating was zapping my energy and mood by the end of the day. I honestly thought that by doing the opposite was not going to have the impact that it has had. I have never felt the need or urge to post a blog as I do right now and am compelled to put it out there. Thank you for reading. I am hooked for life.

    Overall, thank you for helping address my obsession about food. I was one of those people who constantly thought about food. I wasn’t over weight, but my weight has yo-yoed for most of my life (now 37). Boy did I have to do my fair share of exercise to keep my weight down. In turn it just made me think I was hungrier and the daily mental anquish that went along with wanting to eat more lead to me being constantly in a state of general stress. I read the book cover to cover and was truly fascinated by the science. Again I am hooked for life.

    Thank you so much to Dr Michael Mosley and the team. I am still amazed at how profound I felt just after 1 fast.


    I strongly resemble your remarks Louise – read the book, experienced very similar result to you and now can’t stop raving about it (boring people to tears I’m sure!)

    I am new to this forum, but not to 5:2, and I totally agree with you. When I found out food was actually zapping my energy – what a revelation! I’m one of those who actually function better without breakfast, no matter how healthy. Just give me my morning caffeine and no food, and I can feel great for hours.

    I definitely feel that the food industry is behind all the brainwashing that we need a good breakfast and also need to eat every few hours.

    I agree that 5:2 can be totally life changing.

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