A survey for women on the 5:2 diet

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A survey for women on the 5:2 diet

This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Tamara 1 11 years ago.

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  • Hi – we’ve had a request to post a link to a survey of women, 25-45 years old, who have done the 5:2 diet for at least one month. It’s for an undergraduate dissertation – here is the link:


    If you’re eligible, it would be great if you could fill it out! It’s quite short and shouldn’t take much of your time.


    I’ve tried doing the survey but get an error message on the section regarding diets. The message states please use a positive number. I have tried inputting 8, 9 and even 1 type of diet but it still won’t submit the page

    Can i ask why the age limit?

    Thank you very much for your feedback. I think I’ve solved the problem. Let me know if it works. Thanks for giving it a go.

    Boo I’m too old to do it!

    I’m 46! Why the age limit?

    I wondered why there was an age limit too.


    mmmm funny no reply as yet 🙂

    Maybe they are interested in women of child-bearing age only and the age range is a rough approximation. Perhaps there will be another study sometime on menopausal women and post-menopause women? There are people on the forum who say that it is harder to.lose once they get menopausal, so maybe dividing us up into.life stages make sense.

    I wonder why the organisation that set up the survey limited the ages. It may take admin some time to find out.
    Maybe whoever it is will do one for ‘over 45s’ too.


    Oops sorry Barbarita. ‘Crossed in the post’


    Really sorry for the late reply. At the moment I’m just focusing on this particular age group. If my findings are in a narrower age spectrum it makes correlating the results more specific.


    @Tamara1 just a question – if you asked for the age (or even age range ..25 – 35/35-45 etc) of the participants wouldn’t that give you a broader spectrum and make the results more accurate?


    It is a very small research project and time and resources are limited so it makes applying the results to a specific cohort easier, as different age groups have completely different needs and experiences with the 5:2 diet, If you had a ‘broader’ spectrum then it makes the results more general and harder to pinpoint the challenges of women of a certain age.

    Hmmmm…OK. thanks


    mmmmmm indeed……

    Thank you for those who participated in the survey. It’s now closed.

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