A great diet for men – a year on the fast diet

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A great diet for men – a year on the fast diet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PhilPlasma 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I’m quite tall and didn’t used to have issues with weight. During my 20s I used to fluctuate between 12st 5 and 12st 12. After turning 30 there has been a gradual gain and by last August had reached 15st, a stone over my maximum acceptable weight. I did try to do more exercise but this wasn’t helping much.

    I first heard about the fast diet as a male colleague was doing it. I hadn’t considered dieting at first as I had some bad conceptions of it:

    1) That it was something mainly for women and that men should do more exercise instead
    2) That dieting meant starving yourself the whole time and having a stick of celery and 2 cherry tomatoes for lunch

    What I liked when reading the fast diet book is that you could still have a lot of calories and lose weight. I have found it really simple as I eat the same thing every fast day: a yoghurt for breakfast, no lunch, a 300-400 calorie ready meal for dinner and then some blueberries to finish off

    I have found this really easy as no faffing about with calorie counting at all, except checking ready meals

    I have managed to lose weight whilst still eating rubbish food on some of the other days – my partner really looks KFC and we go once a week!

    I have found that doing a 3rd day can really help when trying to lose weight quicker. I also wouldn’t recommend doing back-to-back days as the one time I did this I ended up having a big binge afterwards

    My weight lose has been as follows:

    25/8/14 – 15 stone(although my first weigh was in the evening; all others morning)
    26/9/14 – 14 stone 2 (I also did a lot of walking in the first month which helped – tried to do 10k steps a day)
    29/10/14 – 13 stone 10
    I then had November and December off as I went on holiday and for Christmas
    12/1/15 – 14 stone 3 – started again
    11/2/15 – 13 stone 11
    11/3/13 – 13 stone 8
    10/4/13 – 13 stone 8
    19/5/13 – 13 stone 9 – I had a couple of weeks off early May when moved house
    20/6/15 – 13 stone 3
    9/7/15 – 13 stone 1 – for the last month or so had been doing 3 days to lose weight pre-holiday
    Had the rest of July off for a holiday
    6/8/15 – 13 stone 6 – restarted
    27/8/15 – 13 stone 4

    So if you knock a couple of pounds of my opening weight that makes it 1st 8 pounds lost. Haven’t taken any waist measurements but know I have thrown away some old trousers and underwear!

    I’m back in my ideal weight range now but would really like to get under 13st and would be happy to go to maintenance if I could to 12st 12.

    I’d really recommend this diet. I have tried to get my mother to have a go but she is doing another diet instead. We’ll see how we get on.

    Wow…great post. It’s encouraging.

    I am 6 months in and have lost about 11 kgs which has me in the top end of the normal range…so I am looking forward to the next 6 months. I don’t know what I’ll end up at but I figure I’ll work it out.

    My plan is to stick to fasting forever…it’s not just weight for me. I feel so much better. Has the way of life helped your mood too?

    I started in April of this year and by May I had shed 10 lbs and have been steady at my goal weight ever since. It helps that I didn’t have a lot to lose to begin with, but I’m going for the autophagy, not the ketosis.

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