A calorie is not a calorie the dif in weight gain between two diff cal diets

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A calorie is not a calorie the dif in weight gain between two diff cal diets

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Ruthi 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I like carbs in my diet so really do not want to switch to LCHF diet.
    A study of the Eskimos who ate this type of diet showed a diff type of health problems. eg bleeding because of bloods inability to clot.

    However there are supporters of this diet.


    Sam Feltham carried out an experiment a few months ago that caught a lot of attention. For three weeks he pigged out on low-carb LCHF foods, 5,800 calories a day.

    According to simplistic calorie counting, Feltham should have gained 16 lbs (7.3 kg). But in reality, he only gained less than 3 lbs (1.3 kg).

    Now Feltham has repeated his experiment with exactly the same amount of calories, but from carbohydrate-rich junk food. On the same amount of calories he gained more than five times as much weight: almost 16 lbs (7.1 kg)!

    The difference in waist circumference was even more significant: 5,800 calories of LCHF food for three weeks reduced his waist measurement by 1 1/4 inches (3 cm). The same amount of junk food led to a 3 1/2 inch (9.25 cm) increase in his waist. And you can see the difference visually.

    A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

    Above are photos from the junk food experiment. Below, the LCHF experiment (with the same amount of calories) as a comparison:

    hi eddy

    i belong 2 his newsletter

    but i’m starting 2 think that a carb cycling from 20g 2 80g

    4/2/1 or 3/3/1 w/ mediterranean will get the best of everything

    the eskimo study

    is in this video

    Diet and Disease w/ dr mosley
    FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four

    The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.


    happy nonfastdays & fastdays or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or atf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    Follow a systematic routine and avoid junk food. Drink lot of water atleast 5 ltrs a day.take a proper sleep of min 8 hrs.

    Follow a systematic routine and avoid junk food. Drink lot of water minimum 5 liters a day.take a proper sleep of min 8 hrs.



    Eddy, I think sadly the whole thing is that carbs are so addictive, and that is why we like them.

    Even whole grains cause a spike in our blood sugar, which in turn leads to the release of ‘feel good’ endorphins. Because we stimulate so many of them to be released our brains become less sensitive (by reducing the number of receptors) and then we need more, and more, and more….

    Then if you read Dr Davis on wheat ( Wheat Belly Blog ) it gets even more depressing.

    So for true health you need to kick the carbs and get them down to around 10% of calories, which equates to around 50g. I know this, but I am not finding it easy! Not sure anyone does at first.

    In the past I have stayed low carb, although not quite that low, for months, but the slightest deviation from the true path and my cravings were raving! At the time I was still eating a few grains (ryvita) and, a little honey and a small amount of potato, and getting too many of my cals from protein. Even so I lost weight steadily, and felt hugely better.

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