7 weeks in and loving life

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7 weeks in and loving life

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jetsman21 10 years ago.

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  • I started this new lifestyle with the New Year, like so many others. It’s been 7 weeks now. I still approach each fasting day with a mixture of apprehension and excitement – and relief at breakfast the next day. I imagine it will still take a while for the fasting to become ‘normal’.

    After several years of on-off one day fasting and fitting it around my family, my husband came across the 5:2 concept and was very taken by it. He got the book, we read it, we watched the Horizon show, and we started. I now have his full support and understanding about the fasting and we fast together. Our daughter understands that we’re eating very little twice a week and does her best not to provoke us at meal times (she’s 9).

    Fasting is for health for me. Though the days are still sometimes challenging and the nights on fasting days short (or long, depending on how you look at it), I’m noticing a number of changes already:

    – We’ve both generally got more energy
    – We both have better concentration and staying power
    – I get less mood swings and my patience level is slowly creeping up
    – We get more done each day
    – I get amazing amounts of things done on fasting days!
    – Getting back into sports routines has been easier for us (I had an injury break and my husband had other commitments which stole from exercise time)
    – We snack more healthily on our normal eating days
    – My portion sizes are starting to shrink (slowly, but surely)
    – We both eat a lot less bread and gluten containing products in the morning (me by conscious choice, my husband more by chance)
    – I find it easier to get going in the morning – I am not the get up and go type like my family is
    – Although the numbers on the scales haven’t changed much for either of us, we feel lighter and healthier
    – Life just feels better

    How is it going for you?

    Hi Kirsten! I’m right there with you- 7 weeks in and going strong. So far I really like the program and lifestyle change. I also feel lighter and fitter the days following my fasts. I too also still have apprehension going into fast days. Some are very easy (I don’t even notice I’m hungry) and other days i’m ravenous all day. Like you said- I’m sure it will more normalized in time.
    My numbers on the scale have actually been very good although they seem to have leveled off in the last two weeks. I’m going to change my approach and try to limit carbs now as well to see what that will do.
    When I first started 5/2 my wife was very skeptical- in fact she said all I was doing was starving myself two days per week. Now that I’m 7 weeks in and she’s noticed the differences even she is starting to get interested in giving it a try. Hoping to make it a family practice in time!

    Good luck continuing forward!

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