7 weeks in

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  • 7 weeks in,and I’m down 11 lb, from 13st 6lb to 12st 9lb (about 1.5lb/wk) 🙂

    I love:
    – The simplicity of concept (you lose weight by eating less). This has completely cleaned out all the complicated messages I’ve been hearing which are all about exercise and food analysis.
    – The simplicity of fitting it into a normal life, and the clear boundaries between ‘fasting’ and ‘normal’ days, the fact that I don’t have to analyse my food content on normal days.
    – My normal life is not demonised as being ‘bad’

    My experience:
    – Anything I do to complicate things makes it harder. For example the logic of fasting 2pm to 2pm does my head in. I try to make my fasting meals just small versions of my normal meals (which don’t vary much) – my body and my head seem to find that easier (so the recipes are redundant for me).
    – I don’t feel hungry of fasting days – I feel uncomfortable mid-afternoon onwards, but the sensation doesn’t feel like hunger. Apart from the odd stomach pang, much of it seems to be the loss of habit: places I normally go, rituals I follow, annoyance at the lack of freedom.
    – I try to keep busy / distract myself on fast days. The first few (when I still found the idea challenging), I went to the cinema late afternoon.
    – I sometimes get headaches in the afternoon/evening of fasting days, and in the day after. Hard to tell, but water doesn’t seem to help, while eating a 2-3 nuts on fasting days does.
    – I feel tired the day after – and it seems to be getting worse. I can exercise happily on the morning of the fast, but have stopped on the morning after. It feels as if my body is having to work hard to adjust, and this is probably the hardest part of the diet – it means I’m physically tired for half the week.
    – When I wake post-fast, I often feel incredibly relaxed, and have never felt hungry.
    – I don’t have any desire to eat more on normal days.
    – I have no idea what my ‘real weight’ is – I weigh myself twice a day, and even looking at the morning weights, they can vary by 4lb between fasts. So I have arbitrarily decided it is the weight on the morning of each fast. And most importantly, my weight on the morning after fasting drops (almost) every time compared to previous similar days.
    – Trouser waist size bears no relationship to genuine waist size.
    – In my first month I followed MM’s pattern of a small breakfast and a small dinner fairly rigorously. In the past 2 weeks I’ve tried some variations:
    > eating nothing till evening, and then just having 300kcal – not much different if I’m not too tired at the start
    > having a few nuts if I get a headache in the middle of the day

    I would LOVE to get below 12 st, so maybe I’m about half way through. Just now I’m looking forward to having lost 1 st!

    Amazing results, I can relate to most of what you have said.

    Best of luck for the rest of your journey.

    I’m 3 weeks in and also get headaches on fast days. Could you please tell us what type of nuts are preventing headaches for you? Thanks!

    Sorry for the long delay – I eat almonds, though I have no idea if the type of nuts makes a difference.

    ” I eat almonds, though I have no idea if the type of nuts makes a difference.”

    Same here. I just like to eat them & they quickly reduce any appetite that I may have.

    I never have headaches but I don’t know what to attribute that to.


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