7 Months Later…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Peekaboo25 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hello Forum Followers

    I’m not new to the forum or the Fast Diet, but feel the time has come to share a very recent experience and hopefully hear from somebody who has had a similar experience. I’m normally too forum shy to join in, so bear with me as I try to keep this as brief as possible.

    As the topic title suggests, I’ve been following the Fast Diet for just over 7 months, I can honestly say in terms of losing weight, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. At 45 years old, I’ve struggled with emotional eating for 30 years and been up and down with my weight – especially the last 20 years. At my heaviest I’ve been 15s 4lb – not good at only 5′ 2” and at my lightest 9s 7lb.

    At my last weigh-in a couple of weeks ago I was 12s 4lb after losing 27lbs since starting this WOL. I’m more than happy with my steady weight loss and more importantly happy with my new attitude towards food and mindless eating.

    However, after being away this weekend at a Butlins Music Weekend where you can eat as much as you want for breakfast and for your evening meal, I was really shocked at the amount of food I ate. I go there every year with my partner and I was intrigued to know how I would handle all the food available with my new found attitude to food. I honestly thought I was a changed woman and not physically capable of eating that amount of food anymore – turns out, I still am.

    I’m trying not to dwell on this as I had a fantastic weekend – as usual and I’m back fasting today no problem, but I was a bit concerned by my ‘old me’ mindless overeating.

    So my question is, has anybody else out there who’s been on the fast diet for a long time had moments of mindless overeating when they thought they’d conquered it? What’s more annoying is, I didn’t fast for 2 weeks over Christmas and only gained 1.5lbs and felt totally in control of my eating whilst enjoying many treats.

    Thank you for listening and I look forward to reading many more postings on this marvellous forum x

    Hi there Peekaboo and thank you for posting,

    Well done on your progress so far, i have been on 5.2 for about 7 months too… Please dont worry about the occasional “pig out” we are only humans, and the beauty with this WOE is that you can pick up where you left again, you dont actually say if you put on weight ?
    You are doing great and everybody is entitled to a wobble sometimes 🙂 i am fasting today and boy the eyes are on the clock for my dinner lol!!!

    Well done Peekaboo25,

    We as a couple have lost 29lbs each over 5 months and found it quite easy. We came off the diet in December and January, but eating very carefully and wanting to maintain our weight which we have.

    Although we are starting the 5.2 again, to get back on track for February, we are just having a quick 10 day holiday first……then get the weight moving again as we both want a bit more off.

    Keep it up.

    Thank you so much for your kind words Angie090465 – much appreciated. You’re so right, we’re all entitled to a wobble and next time it happens – as it no doubt will, I won’t beat myself up about it.

    I’m not sure how much weight I’ll have put on, I don’t own a set of scales, hopefully will get weighed next Tuesday. In the meantime, I’ve got a week to walk off the weekend’s excesses.

    Hope you enjoyed your dinner!

    Hi symba7

    Firstly, thank you so much for your encouraging reply – it means a lot.

    Congratulations on your joint weight loss and it’s great that you find it quite easy. I have good fast days and bad fast days, but mainly good. It’s so much easier now than in the beginning.

    Maintaining can be very tricky, but sounds like you’ve both got it in the bag – long may it continue.

    Have a wonderful holiday and best of luck with future weight loss.

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