7 Day Water Fast

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  diverdog 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Starting a 7 day water fast tonight. Will eat solids again 11/17/18. Anyone care to join me?

    I just finished a 5 1/2 day water fast today. No solid or liquid foods. I was not hungry or fatigued and could have continued but 5 days is enough to get the primary benefits of a WF so no need to go longer. I do it for health reasons not to lose weight.

    Good luck with your fast. Have you done water fasts before?

    I have only done a 44 hour fast and for two weeks I have fasted 24 hours each day and ate a healthy dinner. I wanted to challenge myself to the 7 day fast for health, spiritual and weight loss reasons.

    It’s good that you have done some water fasting. I routinely did 36 hour WF when I was doing 5:2 and then did a couple of 60 hour WF to get my body used to burning fat. I had no trouble when I did my first 5 1/2 day fast.

    A couple of tips: Exogenous ketones on the first day can help you ease into burning fat since this is you first extended fast and make sure you get some salt each day.

    Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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