6:1 for maintenance?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • Hi all. Started 5:2 around 6 weeks ago after other failed attempts to lose some extra weight I gained this year after starting full time work. For context I still exercised regularly, running and resistance training, and understand exercise alone isn’t particularly helpful for weight loss/maintenance – from what I’ve read and also personal experience this year. Fairly sure the weight gain came from stress eating, particularly on office days.

    Honestly been amazed at the progress. Currently less than what I was before the weight gain. I know we all have different goals but for me around the 22 BMI mark/high 50s in kg is my aim. Was around the 66kg/slightly overweight BMI when I started, and 62kg last I checked this week so progress has been awesome, but don’t want to go too much lower.

    Just wondering if anyone has tried something like 6:1 for maintenance? Generally in the office on two consecutive week days (Team decision), so was thinking of just doing one 500 calorie day on an office day (which also prevents half the overeating after overwhelming office days issue which probably lead to most the weight gain in the first place). Any experiences with this? Thanks.

    The first time I switched to 6:1 I gradually put weight back on and it was harder to get off again than when I first did 5:2.

    However, having also changed what I’m eating a huge amount over the last 2 years (following a Zoe nutrition guide, cutting out ultra-processed food, minimising things with lots of sugar or artificial sweeteners and trying to eat a lot more different plants each week – including nuts, seeds herbs and spices) I switched to 6:1 quite successfully and I’m currently as light as I’ve ever been since becoming a teenager.

    I’ve been 5:2/6:1’ing now for 11.5 years very successfully, so I hope it continues to go well for you.

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