52 years old, about 3 weeks in

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  • Hi everyone,

    I am in Sydney, Australia.

    I am 52 years old and about 3 weeks in.

    I started at 144 kilo, I’m now at about 138. Clothes are noticeably looser, more than I would expect after 3 weeks.

    My target is 110 kilos. Sounds like a lot but I’m tall and have a large build. I can always reassess once I get close.

    I’m doing low carb as well. I have been doing low carb on and off for about 2 years now. But I don’t do moderation well and the occasional cheat meals tend to derail me altogether, so combining low carb with 5:2 might help me stay on track and put those cheat meals behind me.

    First day fasting I was a little foggy, second day was better, and since then I don’t really notice any side effects at all.

    This week I’ve broken the rules a little, I knew I was going to an Indian restaurant on Wednesday and we had a barbecue at work on Thursday, and weekends are always going to be difficult to fast on, so I stuck to less than 600 calories on both Monday and Tuesday. I know we’re not supposed to do back-to-back, but it was very easy. I’m fasting again today (Friday), and I’ll try to stay moderate on the weekend (about 1,500 calories per day if I can manage).

    I’m looking forward to learning a lot more over the next few weeks from browsing the forum here.

    Hi there BigBill….I saw you on one of the other threads. It sounds like you are doing great! I started 5:2 January 1st…I have been very pleased with the results…the first month I did a lot of experimenting to see what was going to work for me…and I still keep tweaking the process. I added low carb last month.

    A lot of information … I have gotten from this website. Dr. Jason Fung has a lot of good information on the internet and youtube videos…helps to keep me motivated…another one is ButterBob…he’s funny…but a lot of good information and inspiration.

    Good luck to you … hope you find your niche and continue to have success!

    Thanks Floridag1rl

    So far so good. Thanks for the tips.

    I’m hoping that combining 5:2 and low carb is the “tweak” I need as well.

    Strangely enough, I thought there would be a lot more discussion about food. Recipes and tasty snack ideas and so on. I’m finding plenty of food to enjoy on my fasting days, in fact I think one week I’m going to “flip” the diet and do a 2:5.

    I would probably do 2:5 this week. I’ve done Monday, Tuesday and Thursday already. But I’m going camping on the weekend (it’s a 3 day long weekend here) and it might be a little difficult to fast.

    Today I was a bit boring. I had 2 big cups of strong coffee with almond milk. I had a jar of asparagus mid-morning. I had a small can of sardines in tomato sauce. I had 2 cheese sticks. And I had french onion soup for dinner. About 400 calories all up.

    I have 200 calories allowance left but sometimes it’s easier to just go to bed if you’re not hungry and you can’t be bothered scratching around trying to make a meal with less than 200 calories.

    Monday was supposed to be a fasting day, but my wife got back from a party with some chocolate just before bedtime and I had some of that.

    Tuesday was then supposed to be fasting day #1. I got home from work thinking I’d just find a snack around 200 calories or less to close out the day and my wife had made fried chicken. It was really good fried chicken too. I had a very good feed.

    I plan my weeks Monday thru Sunday and try to get 3 fasting days in. It’s Wednesday now. I woke up around 5 this morning and hit the gym, so I was off to a good start. It’s mid morning now and I’m going to get a cup of coffee shortly. With about 16 calories worth of almond milk in it. I have broccoli and green beans in my bag for lunch, and I plan to go for a long walk. Tonight I have plenty of low-carb food at home so I should be okay.

    It’s now Friday.

    Wednesday was a successful fasting day.

    Thursday was also a successful fasting day.

    Now it is 5:30 pm on Friday, I’ve consumed less than 400 calories today, so it is (thus far) a successful fasting day.

    I was doing great, not hungry, plenty of energy, right up to lunchtime today. That was when I hit the gym. I even felt great at the gym, I ran 6.1 km in 40 minutes on the treadmill (yesterday I only ran 5.7 km in 40 minutes and I was straining harder).

    But back at work this afternoon….. brain fog, tiredness, struggling to concentrate.

    I might restrict my fasts to two days from now on. 🙂 I can still get 3 fasting days in per week that way.

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