5:2 Compared To ADF

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  gfsher 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone!
    I just started researching intermittent fasting today and looked at several other websites before I found this one. I read a lot on this one and am really interested in making this a lifestyle change rather than just a quick, fad diet. Anyways, before I actually stumbled onto this website I was researching ADF(Alternate Day Fasting), because a co-worker told me about it. I had never heard of fasting in either the 5:2 or the alternate day, but the alternate day fasting seems like something i would be more interested in. I think I might start out with 5:2 then switch to the alternate day. I was wondering if there are any health benefits to fasting every other day rather than just two days out of the week or if anyone has tried the ADF alternately to just 5:2.
    Any feedback would be great!.

    welcome tayylermayy

    carla is adfer


    i tried it 4 1 week brutal

    & the doc talks about it jeanius does 2

    just put adf in search

    Hi, I have been doing 5:2 since the start of this year – lost around 12 lbs now with around 9 to go to be at my absolute ideal weight (although I’m happy at where I am now and it’s easy to maintain). I have never ‘fallen off’ a fast day – I choose not to do it whilst on holiday and then I find Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) a useful tool when I get home to get back on track and quickly drop any holiday lbs. It has also helped me get over those inevitable plateaux that I have hit along the way. I only do it when I’m sure that I don’t have much arranged with friends.

    As I say, for me, a useful tool to have up your sleeve and to be used sparingly. Hope this helps with your research.

    Thanks you guys! Very helpful info. 🙂

    In case you’re interested, there’s a wonderful book out (get the revised edition), titled The Alternate Day Diet – revised edition by Dr. Johnson.

    I could never fast every other day. I love 5:2. That said, the book has some great, useful tips to use on 5:2! That’s why I bought it!

    The revised edition will be out in December of this year with the latest research, etc. I will buy that one too!

    I could never fast every other day, but like Dr. M mentions in his book 4:3 once in a while can’t hurt. If I start plateauing, I’ll try 4:3 once in a while. I don’t think I could make a steady diet of it though.

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