5:2 and TTC

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  heth1986 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    I’m trying to find people’s experiences of doing the 5:2 diet while also trying to conceive?
    I know this will have been discussed already but I’ve done a few google searches and can only really find anti-5:2ers dismissing the diet all together without knowing anything about it.
    I’m not overweight, I have a healthy BMI and only do the diet for the health benefits, and the fact that I feel SO much better on it, so I would really like to carry on doing so until I (hopefully) get a positive pregnancy test.
    Do any of the ladies on here have any experience at all that may be able to enlighten me to the pros/cons of 5:2 & TTC?
    Thankyou all in advance

    A little off topic but I struggled with TTC. There was no real medical reason for it – it just took time. 2 years in fact. I started off changing my life to fit in with the hoped for new arrival but when month after month passed and we didn’t book holidays or drink alcohol or do whatever it was I felt a TTC person shouldn’t do I got really unhappy. Looking back I wish I’d just got on with my life and not spent 2 years “waiting”. My daughter is 4 now – we got there in the end with just a bit of patience.
    If you feel good on 5:2 and want to do it I see no reason why you shouldn’t. As long as your BMI remains in the healthy range and you eat a good varied diet it shouldn’t impact your reproductive health at all. Just enjoy your life whichever way you see fit until that BFP comes along!

    Thanks Cath, that’s kind of what I was thinking anyway. I’ve no idea how long it will take so I’m trying not to revolve my life around ttc but as you’ll know, it’s rather difficult!

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