5+2 and HIT – fit 60s couple

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5+2 and HIT – fit 60s couple

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hollers 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • My wife and I are in our 60s, I am ex military and have always regarded exercise as a necessary evil, my wife tried it when I joined a civilian gym and took to it like a duck to water. We have been following the 5+2 diet for over a year and have reached a plateau, me at 168-172 lbs. We feel as fit as we ever have, but our (my) lifestyle is far too sedentary.

    This morning I tried the first HIT exercises as shown in the Micheal Moseley programme, which was repeated here in the UK last night.

    I was surprised at the physical results, which really made me feel as though I had just completed an hour in the gym (or been beaten up!). I intend to do three days a week at 3×20 seconds of extreme effort exercise biking, and two normal gym workouts a week, of about 45 minutes each, mostly aerobic.

    Is this sensible and how should I warm up/warm down for the HIT sessions?

    I’m 67 and I jogg almost every day.
    I like the social aspect of running, seeing walkers and other joggers en route enoying friendly waves and comments from these ‘new friends’.
    I run along a cliff walk and along the promenade near home.
    For a bit of HIT, I run fast up hill for a few seconds, when I’m up to it.
    So this exercise regime is easy to maintain and on days when I am feeling not quite up to the task, I walk and then sprint up hills.

    I can’t be asked to join a club – yuck!

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