5:2 – 4:3 combo

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  • Hi peps just done a 5:2 – 4:3 on separate following weeks to try and see if i get some results and will follow this pattern for two months . The thinking behind this is the weight lose has slowed down so want to try confuse the body and keep it guessing because it my have adapted to 5:2. Has anyone tried this? and do you think it could give me some great results?.

    Hi Andy,

    Good luck with this experiment, I will be following this thread closely. I also guess that my physiology also ‘guesses’ what I am trying to do and quickly adapts. I’ve been on 4:3 since Christmas with no appreciable weight loss and a gain of 2.5 lbs the week before last. Then last week, one of my fast days went awry for reasons I won’t bore you with, lol, and I LOST ~ Huh? SO you might be onto something.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on ~

    Aud x

    Thanks I will keep you posted audrich. 🙂

    hi guys im following a 4 3 pattern with good results so far, its my second week of 4 3 this year i did it for a good 5 + months last year and it gave me the results id hoped for then went back to 5 2 in october. xx

    Hi Andy,

    I have also started 4:3 this week and intend to alternate between this and 5:2 as it suits my Calendar.
    After my initial 4.5 Kg loss, I have plateaued over the last 4 weeks.
    I am also adding a 30 minute regular walk each day.

    I intend to still do what I want over the weekend.

    Andy303 How goes the 4:3?

    My 4:3 plans were upset straight away with a work function, followed by another, then another. Bad time of the year to avoid eating functions.
    My weight has started to drop again by adding walking into my daily routine.

    I have now decided to give the 5:2 a long term try as 4:3 is too hard to move around unless you want to do 2 Fasts in 2 days

    Just sounds what I do. 5:2 and 4:3 combo.
    Honestly most of the weeks I do 4:3, but get down to 5:2 if something comes up. I am in my 9th week now and with the combo lost 8.2 kgs (18 lbs) in approx 8 and a half weeks.

    Strangely enough I notice that whenever weight loss slows down, I eat a heavy meal (by chance, not intentional) and my loss then picks up.
    So putting your body in guessing mode kinda sounds right for me, when nothing else has ever worked before.


    Interesting post, I think I’m going to try this. I did Mon-Tue back to back this week and was thinking of adding a Friday (especially if I have plans to go out over the weekend). It will fit in with my regular routine pretty well and therefore should be achievable.

    After the 2 day b2b I weighed myself this morning and I’m 3kg down on Sunday. This will be mostly water though and I expect it may creep back up by next Monday, real test will be in the coming weeks.

    Good luck everyone

    I guess I’m doing a 4 1/2: 2 1/2? I have two full fasting days (Tuesdays and Thursdays for me) and on Sunday I have a veggie/fruit only day that comes in around 700 calories. A bit much to call it a fast day, not enough to call it a feast day.

    Hi all,

    I guess I am doing 4:3; two days feast, one day fast? I found that having three days between fasting days once a week when you do 5:2 made me binge terribly on the third day. Days one and two after fasting I feel very much like ‘Oh, I don’t need to eat this much today…’, but on the third day you forget about the lessons you learnt from your fast day and think ‘let’s fuel up for tomorrow and treat ourselves!’.

    So far I’m liking this approach. I had a social engagement that would have fallen on my next planned fast day, so instead fasted the day before it, meaning I had fast-feast-fast days beforehand, I made it but won’t make a habit of it.

    I think 4:3 is really good for for those who treat themselves too much on that third day after fast day.

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