500 calories from liquids

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500 calories from liquids

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Em T 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • So I wanted to ask.. can the 500 calories on some of my fast days can come from only liquids? (such as fresh juices and smoothies)

    Hi SomeG17 – if you find it works for you I guess you can, but from what I have read this is unlikely to help you feel full & may make your fast harder.

    I can’t remember who I am quoting, but I have read that you should try to eat the whole food & not the juiced version – if you eat 3 apples you will feel full, but if you drink the juice of those 3 apples you will consume the same calories, but will not feel full.

    Remember that it is important to get some protein in in your fast day too, though, as this is something that your body doesn’t store & you don’t want to be breaking down your muscle cells as these burn calories for you all the time!

    But like I said, if it will work for you ….

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