500 Calorie Meal for Breakfast rather than dinner?

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500 Calorie Meal for Breakfast rather than dinner?

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Trying Harder 10 years ago.

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  • Hi folks,
    Just after a bit of advice please 🙂
    I started doing the 5:2 diet a few months ago by having a small breakfast and the remaining calories I would have in an evening meal.. it was going fine until I went to the US for a few weeks and lost sight of the plan.. I did struggle with hunger pangs during the day at work though.
    I was wondering though, I’m more of a breakfast person and can quite easily go without dinner sometimes.. would it still be ok to have all my calorie intake for Breakfast (500 calories) then have nothing until breakfast again the following day?
    If so, are there any ideas people can give me to get me started??
    Thanks for the help 🙂

    Bidaleska, it would be fine to eat your 500 calories for breakfast. My suggestions would be to make sure you get plenty of protein, at least a little fat, and some fiber, and stay away from concentrated carbohydrates (like fruit juice). This way you are more likely to feel full longer and get nutrients that you need. So, a veggie omelette with a bit of cheese would be one good choice. Greek yogurt with whole fruit and some nuts would be another. At least for me. Your tastes/needs may differ.

    Hello Bidaleska and Franfit

    For me its easier to eat 200 cal for lunch and the rest for dinner.. and I think I am also a breakfast person but the evening is so hard for me , i kinda get grumpy.. lol. anyway best wishes to u both!!


    Dr Varady’s studies have shown better success eating just one meal on fast days around midday. That being said, we each need to find out what works for us. I usually eat around 200-300 calories midday and call it done, I deal with hunger pangs using lots of water and at times some glucomannen.

    Big Dave great advice… !

    I can hardly stand to go to bed hungry. Much easier to deal with the hunger during the day.

    Fortunately, I can eat at the time that best fits me.

    Love it when others make valid suggestions, though.

    Amy..i understand how u feel..its so hard for me:(


    Thanks for your replies, it’s appreciated!
    I fell off the wagon again, but am determined to stick to it this time.. what about having a small breakfast, then lunch (these meals being the full 500 calories)Then nothing until the next day? Would I need to stay fasting until Lunch?

    I’m trying to work out the best way of doing it but don’t want to jeapordise the benefits..

    Thanks again 🙂

    I’m having nothing to eat on fast days until my evening meal at about 7pm, so I guess you could do it the other way round and just have breakfast. Far easier to plan one 500 or 600 calorie meal than 2 smaller ones. I thought I would get hungry, but I don’t seem to.

    With just one morning or evening meal you’re actually fasting for a full 24 hours too, which I think can only help produce the desired effects.

    If you had all your calories at lunch time it’s going to be less than 24 hrs since the previous evening’s meal and less than 24 hrs till the next day’s breakfast, so maybe not quite as beneficial?

    I don’t get hungry on the fast days but the days after I seem to! Trying not to beat myself up about it though. And it seems to be working!

    I have a full fat yogurt and whole grain museli, no sugar with a cup of coffee. That keeps me going til lunch which is just some veg and bouillon. Dinner is same. I find the fact that the bouillon is hot means it seems more filling.

    I’ve tried to gauge when I start to feel hungry. How long after after a the full fat yogurt or a zero fat one? There is really a difference! I went back to full fat !

    -Trying Harder

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