5-2 to get pregnant

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kellyweb78 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hiya, started this wol a few weeks ago, half heartedly to be honest, was wondering if anyone is doing this to get pregnant, I would say i need to lose at least 7 stone, which is depressing. I have suffered three miscarriages the last one 6 years ago, I did manage to lose 4 stone the year before last, last year was an awful year which saw me pile half of that back on.
    Doctors have said i need an investigative op but need to get some of the bulk off first, time is not on my side either i am 36 in july. had the tests for psos and i am ovulating from the blood test results.
    Any advice greatly recieved xxx

    KElly xx

    Seeing what this diet has done to my periods, I wouldn’t try it if you need to get pregnant. I would lose the weight first (periods will be affected), and then stop the fasting so that your periods start being more normal and then get pregnant.

    My periods stopped when I was a teenager and lost a fair amount of weight on Weight Watchers. They started again when I gained a little more weight.

    i have noticed that my peirods have been later and abit heavier, but still coming though.
    I just wanna know if there have been ladies in similar positions as me tbh xx thanks x

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