42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello Coda,
    I would like to sign up for the next challenge. Have been watching from the sidelines during the last challenge and feel it is something that will help keep me honest. I have done fairly well the last 8 weeks but feel that I am skating on the brink just at the moment. I get heaps of support from other threads on the forum, but have not really challenged myself to date. I’ve been very reluctant to get into exercise but would like to add walking and speeding up between exercise poles would be a good incentive. Could also start planking. Cheers, Fuvvie.

    I tried on all my bras last night. Four fit… So much empty room! I cannot believe how many bras are leaving my house. 12? Do the remaining bras bring me joy? At a smaller cup size, you betcha!!!

    I’m bouncing around high 119 – low 120. Happy, happy. Fasting today, dinner out tonight at a “small platas/faux tapas” place near Central Park, then on to the Delacorte Theatre for Taming of the SHrew. I’ve linked a bit on the Delacorte for anyone NOT in the NYC area (most of you!)…http://www.timeout.com/newyork/theater/delacorte-theater

    I made a delicious cold cucumber/buttermilk soup. Taking a small container in case I need sustenance. Lo cal, nutritious, delicious.

    Hi K-Lo that is great news but don’t throw your old bras away! There is a charity who wants new or used bras and here is the FB page https://www.facebook.com/SmallsforAll/

    So not only have you lost weight but you will have done something for charity too!! 🙂

    Hi Fuvvie – you are most welcome – I will be putting a link from here to the next challenge (Phase 2) probably at the weekend. In the new thread I will be inviting ones if they wish to sign up and will start my list/spreadsheet from those that respond confirming they are in. You can get some practice in in the meantime 🙂

    JFitzy, I am handwashing all of them and plan to donate locally in the US. Free the Girls (freethegirls.org) works with women rescued from sexual slavery and I can mail them in. Most of them are in excellent shape…just not my shape anymore!

    Heads up everyone – once the new link goes up you should only post on the new thread by that time I will have added up total weight loss for Challenge Phase 1.

    I hope to see you all there when I do. Thanks Liz x

    Its amazing what you learn here – I didn’t even know charities out there need worn bras!

    I know Coda that it is amazing. That is great K-Lo I just thought I would mention it in case you were thinking of just throwing them out!!! 🙂

    Pacific NW USA: Day 12 of the interim, NFD, 16:8

    Had a great water and ice coffee (black) 2nd FD yesterday. Also did a series of the fastexercise app strength exercises. Still wondering what it means, in the few times I’ve tried b2b FD’s, that the 2nd day is the easiest?? Had a great dinner of raw, local root veggie salad and wild chinook salmon so I still feel “topped off” this morning and will do some HIT on my stationary bike.

    2 1/2 year old granddaughter spending the day with us tomorrow which will be extra fun and energy. She never stops till she drops!

    Coda, thanks for being our organization guru!

    Day 11 of 19 in-between days: Non-fast day, Cotswolds UK: Weather ok here, dry and humid and grey. Nice easy day at work, followed by my 6-weekly lovely sports massage (for my back….which has lots of metalwork in it) then voting….big referendum-day today. A little later I shall go for my evening exercise (Coda..), walking briskly for about an hour, working up quite a sweat(honestly..). My husband (OH) says he could never keep up with me. I let him off because he’s nearly 8 years older than me at 70.
    Keep strong everybody x

    USA, Minnesota, Day 12 of interim, NFD

    I finally had a successful FD yesterday and I feel much better today. Trying to hold off eating until this afternoon or evening, for extra benefit. Not hungry at all, so far.

    Merryme, EVOO means extra virgin olive oil.
    Dutch, I just couldn’t get past 45 seconds planking today. Too much lower back discomfort (from lifting sacks of dirt the other day, maybe?). So I did a couple of 30 second planks with rests in between as Coda described earlier. I’m sticking to trying daily, and will hopefully build up to better times. How are you doing?
    K-lo, congrats on smaller bras and getting rid of so many items, to a good cause no less!
    B2tF, you seem to be doing so well on both diet and exercise. What a great attitude you have!

    Welcome Fuvvie and JFitzy! The last challenge was amazing for inspiration, knowledge, and motivation. It helped me to establish 5:2 as a way of life. I’m hoping this next challenge will help me establish an exercise element into my daily routine.
    Good luck!

    Pacific NW USA: Still day 12

    The UK referendum results can’t possibly please everyone but I hope it’s gone the direction “you” wanted! We shall see.

    My PT commented that I’ve lost weight!!! That’s a neutral observer outside my OH! So, NorthernDawn, thank you also for the props. I always need to keep working on my attitude. I’ve got a LONG weigh and many FD’s to go. Now that I’m finally feeling better and I’ve had some success losing a few pounds I get impatient and want to be able to do the things I used to do and look the way I used to look and I want it now! So, to combat that impatience I focus on the details and information I need now and look for little challenges to keep me motivated in the present and then celebrate the achievements I do make. For instance, I’ve mentioned before that in the past when I got up to the weight I am now I was so disillusioned and mystified but this time ’round I’m proud because I’m on the weigh down and 5:2 has given me healthy answers and hope! Plus I have my peer group all around the world whose successes I can also celebrate and learn from!

    I’ll try planking again in the morning. My recuperating knee is called upon to provide support in my modified plank and it’s achy today so I think I better try every other day. But yesterday I held on for a minute! PT says my hip is also affecting my knee so one thing leads to another . . . Splendid joy!

    Thanks northerndawn re EVOO🙂
    Lots of elections going on. Waiting to hear what happened in Britain. We have a federal (national ) election on 2nd July. Our whole election period from start to finish is 6 weeks, thank goodness.


    Hi all the new challenge sounds great Coda. i need some exercise just to keep warm walking on the beach in a t shirt couple of days ago snow falling in parts of OZ this weekend could be back to a t shirt next week lol.

    Fishing Gran – We had snow at lunch time today. It has been drizzling as well, so it never settled on the ground, they are saying we are going to get more on the weekend though. Very cold here atm.

    Merry – I pre-voted, so all good now. Although, I might miss the sausage sizzle on election day!

    Bath2thefuture – Grats on your PT noticing the weight loss. It sounds good, doesn’t it! Gives you a boost of confidence.

    Hi everyone else :waves: I’m still going. Been a very rainy week here, and now snow! Still doing alternate fasting. Today is a fasting day. My brother and family are coming over tomorrow. The next challenge is only 1 week away! Trying to lose all I can before it, as I have a goal to get down to 75kg by the end of the next challenge!

    Good morning Everyone,

    Well well well! We are OUT of the EU! Okay, enough of that. Fast day for me today, Coda I have already tried some of the exercises, and will continue to do so. The stairs are working well and so is the walking fast and then slower. The dogs are not too sure what I am doing…but they follow!
    I have such a long way to go, so that I feel it needs to be approached week by week, which makes it more achievable. Have a good day everyone, looking forward to the start of the next challenge.

    Hi Back2tothefuture – my travel scales are called Petit Mignon. Mine are yellow and weigh about 550gms (a lb is 450gms). Battery in the back of course with a little on/off switch. Learnt about them on the 5:2 forum of course! Bought mine off an ebay store. They have a little piece that slides out from the top edge where the digital numbers show. A teensy bit tricky to stand on at first – you put your heels together hanging a bit over the bottom edge and your toes pointing at 10 to 2 on the clock, if you get my meaning. Doesn’t take long to get used to them. Mine are accurate in that they always weigh me 300gms heavier than my bathroom scales. I think you can change the unit from metric to Imperial to suit your system, but I didn’t need to so not entirely sure about that. I took them overseas on a 6week holiday last year. I did 5:2 the whole time, and they were marvellous, and ended up being used by a number of people we were with for a few weeks. I ate and tried all the different foods I wanted too and came home only 800gms heavier. My little scales kept me on track!


    ETJ – yes, I think we’re going to be doing that too. Saw the pamphlet people out the front of the pre-poll place today, shivering away in the cold wind. Not a sausage sizzle in sight!

    For those overseas a sausage sizzle is a fundraiser for all sorts of schools, sports teams, organizations etc held all sorts of places, where they barbecue sausages. A sausage sanger(sandwich) is a thin sausage barbecued then laid diagonally across a white slice of bread with optional fried onions, then the bread pulled up corner to corner and you add your own tomato sauce(ketchup) or BBQ sauce, comes on top of a sheet of paper towel and you wander around wherever dripping sauce and onions down your shirt – well I often do, OH never does cos he’s one of those infuriating people who never drop food on themselves, whereas I on the other hand…………..LOL Fund raising finger food, and the smell of the BBQ can definitely be a challenge for 5:2ers!

    Oh, forgot to say, this morning I was right on my next minigoal weight, but I have to get under it to claim it. The scales were taunting me just a little deciding if they would go 100gms under or not, but it was not. But it’s looking good for next week!
    Onwards and downwards,

    Well Done Merryme, Back2thefuture (etc) sounds like you’re all making great steady progress! 🙂
    Well I weighed myself after 2 weeks, but I can’t sadly easily see the scales too well as heartbreakingly my eyesight isn’t the 20/20 + it used to be but I think its heading down!
    I’ve made today my FD (struggled at 906cal yesterday)- easier now to do with happy emotions than sad! (For me thank god!) 🙂 But just had some toast so a lot used up! 🙂

    Colorado, USA

    Merryme– I loved your description of sausage sizzle & sanger! Made me hungry just reading it!

    DebbieQ– Luckily, for your OH, Marie Kondo doesn’t advocate in her book to clean sweep the husbands out too! He’s safe. 😉

    B2tF– I’m always impressed by your b2b water fasts. Sounds like they have been very effective for you!

    I’m still working up to not even eating the 500 calories. I’m able to go all day on just calorie-free liquids, but end up eating dinner with OH (making sure to keep it low carb & low calories on Fast days.)

    In fact I just did 2 b2b Fast days of light-dinner-only. Went better than I expected because I was so busy at work (no chance to be near food at all!) Successfully knocked off the 2.4 lbs I’d picked up over vacation.

    Looking forward to joining up with all our international pen-pals & meeting the new peeps too when the new July Challenge begins!

    Day 13 of 19: UK: Got it wrong yesterday, it was day 12 not 11. I think. Fasting day…very hungry, as usual, but will soon be time to eat my boiled eggs and buttered toast. Raining outside…but luckily it’s my day off, so no delivering in the rain.

    Hi all – total all added up as promised and hope my calculations are correct. For our 6 week challenge the earth is lighter lol by ………

    19 stone 2 lbs or 122.636 kg or 269.7 lbs with 4 people that didn’t post a loss.

    Again well done everyone.

    Hello all, I do not think I’ll be making my mini goal of FINAL weight by June 30, but I don’t care. I’ve made so much progress. Yesterday was a fast day despite going out to dinner with family last night. No way I kept to 500 calories….two glasses of wine later. Nevertheless, I am holding steady. Getting rid of big bras.

    Tonight my fishmonger has Northern Blowfish tails. Yummy. I will make my own tartar sauce…no sugar. Mayo, pickles (I will use up some pickled Daikon), vinegar,capers, salt and pepper. Roasted radishes and salad.

    Dinner company tomorrow. Mixed grill. Steak and whatever looks good at the fish market. More fresh veggies from the farmer’s market. My guests are bringing a fresh fruit dessert.

    Tomorrow I will finish up going through the rest of my underwear drawer. All this cleaning out is creating chaos! I sold a book on eBay that I think I may have already sold last weekend!

    Hello everyone,

    Here in Brazil we were surprised at the output of the United Kingdom, the European Community, but as we have enough problems here, we will not take care of the lives of others.

    Continued cold and cloudy, but because it stopped raining, is 10 days without sun.

    I’m weighing swings to higher, hoping the loss ….

    Coda, an idea for the next challenge, not put date on the topic, so that the next challenges we may use it and accumulate more information in the same place as everyone knows which day it begins and what day it ends.

    Thank you all !!!!

    Coda — almost 270 lbs! OUTSTANDING!!

    Thanks Anaide – Thank you for your suggestion – anyone else please feel free to give their tuppence worth. I thought about this but I feel posting a new challenge each time would maybe get the attention of new people to give them a chance to join – the way my first post got your attention and others. I know how comfortable it is and know we have become familiar with each other but there will be a link to the new thread (and the other phases to follow – yes there will be more lol) and I hope everyone who took part in this phase 1 will join us in phase 2 if they have still more to lose.

    Pacific NW USA: Day 13 FD with 500 cal dinner

    I’ll try to see if I can get through a FD with a small dinner with our granddaughter tonight and not be compelled to continue snacking till bedtime. Thanks for your comments HappyMargo. When I don’t eat (FD) it’s easier for me to keep not eating, but once I start eating (500 cal dinner on a FD or regular meals on NFD) my brain keeps picturing what food there is in the fridge and I convince myself I’ll only have a little bit to take away the pangs but the pangs don’t end and neither does the after dinner snacking. My mind control is still very weak!

    NorrieB – I’m trying to find all the joy I can in this journey and not just focus on the destination. I said I’m trying not to focus on how far I have to go but how far I’ve already gone!!

    Thanks for the name of the travel scale MerryMe. I’m still trying to find it here in the states. Haven’t tried ebay yet. Saw web sites in Australia but don’t think I want to pay the shipping! Also good on you for your near mini goal!

    Coda – together we lost one huge blimp of 270 lbs of fat – see what you inspired!! I see the new thread. Does that mean this is my last post here and from now on (even before July 1) we should start posting on the new site?

    We were amazed with the Brexit results. Surprise, surprise as the USA news reports suggested the status quo was prevailing.

    Yep post and do your count down to challenge on new thread x

    Pacific NW USA: Bye-bye Phase 1 – you were just WHAT I needed just WHEN I needed it! Now to your 2nd iteration!

    Hi to all my 5.2ers around the world! Such a strange feeling day, everyone is in shock at the EU result. We just hope it turns out to be positive for our children and grandchildren! Only time will tell!

    Well I have Plateaued! Ive been the same weight for 2weeks and not lost the 2lbs I put on!! I know this WOL works, but anniversary last week and birthday tomorrow, I’ve probably overindulged on the wine! So Monday I really will knuckle down and get back on that horse!!!My aim is to get below that 150lbs before the next challenge!

    good luck every one!!

    See link above to new thread visit, sign up and bookmark new page.

    Following link to new thread… See all of you lovely people over there! 🙂

    Great combined loss everyone congratulations that was your doing Coda we salute you.

    Hi all – you are checked in.
    Welcome to our new members Fuvvie, Batatdoce and Myaramya. Can I suggest to Batatdoce and Myaramya to update your profile a little, tell us a little about yourself and your journey so far?

    Oops wrong thread – that’s what I get for having both opened at same time!

    Day 14 of 19 in-between days. UK Cotswolds, non-fast day. Still posting on this thread until we start the new challenge on 1st July…tho’ I have checked in there.

    Post on new thread and count down there. Thats were you’ll find all who are signing up to phase 2 thanks x

    Hi Coda and all friends around the world.
    It’s been great following everyones successes, trials and tribulations, and I have gained strength and knowledge from all of you.
    I have reached goal again and seem to increase/decrease by a couple of pounds over the week, but still fasting for 2 days as normal. I am now going to switch over to maintaining so will be joining another forum, I wish you all luck on continuing with Coda on the new thread, and just remember, all you have to do is DO IT!
    One final piece of information for you all – I have just finished reading the book by Jason Fung, called THE OBESITY CODE. It’s a great read into how the body reacts to certain foods, that Obesity is a hormonal problem, and how to get out of the cycle. He backs up what Dr Mosely says, that fasting is so important, but also that insulin is the ultimate culprit. I would urge you all to take the time to read this book. Also, the book written by Dr Tim Noakes called THE REAL MEAL REVOLUTION backs up everything Jason Fung says.
    Good luck to you all, together you can do it! Just as we in the UK can come together and make it work for the good of everyone. TTL

    Bye TTL. Thanks for the reading list, today is my birthday and I will buy those books as a parting present from you! Please let us know on the new thread once in a while if you have any other sage advise that we can’t do as well without. Your guidance has helped me! Thanks again and good luck with all that you pursue!!

    Hello again Everyone

    Although I haven’t followed the thread closely, I also participated in this challenge. Since 1 May I followed the 4:3 regime and lost nearly 6 kgs, then, since the end of the challenge I lost another 3 kgs. At present I’m only a half kg above the high-end of my normal weight zone.

    Some words of encouragement to those who struggle as I used to: hang in there, ‘only’ the beginning is hard (VERY hard) but eventually it gets much better. Since I didn’t see any results after several prior attempts with the 5:2 regime, following Dr. Mosley’s advice I found on a page of this website, I switched to 4:3.

    Then, even at the 4:3 weekly schedule, I had to work through 2 periods of plateau. It is frustrating – even scary – when after so much pain the scale does not offer any compensation. Sometimes when you expect to see a big weight-loss, the scale shows the opposite, moves upwards! What helps is to keep going anyway. Keep counting the calories – on both non-fast and fast days – and stick to the numbers. Eventually, one morning, when I least expected it, the scale showed 1.5 kgs less than the former morning and this trend continued.

    This challenge – and this forum in general – has been very helpful and inspiring.
    Thank you all for your hints, for sharing your experience and for all encouraging and compassionate comments.

    Only by chance did i come back to this thread. Well done Goldmoon and good luck for the future.

    TTL oh I feel I am saying goodbye to an old friend. You were on the little voices thread when I by chance came across it. Hopefully from time to time you will pop in and say hello and once you find a thread that will suit you I’ll do likewise. I wish you all the best and all being well sometime in the near future I will join you in maintaining. Thank you for all your encouragement over the last 11 months. Liz x

    Thanks Goldmoon, your advise was much appreciated today!

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