42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • So glad to see that so many started de-cluttering process! I started Konmari my closet. Surprisingly, my “go away” pile is not as big as I was expected. I guess my process was slow down a little, because to the clothes that “gives me joy”, I am also keeping the clothes that ” will give me joy when I get my weight loss goal”. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Keep it up!

    Merryme that all sounds super. So glad that a rollercoaster dip is now ‘high & free’. I know that feeling. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m on my 2nd week and lost a bit but it’s early days. On my LowCal day today.
    Although tempted to see how little I can eat (on FD’s) I think it’s important that I stick to the sound science for now, as well as let my body adjust!
    Just found another lady I know is on this 5:2 but she’s struggling and I don’t have all the knowledge yet to help her much. I’ve suggested that she comes on here but I’m not sure she gets on the computer much and reading all this on a mobile is hard!
    She’s always eaten she says 3 – 5 meals a day and is struggling to reach the 500 lady limit. ๐Ÿ™‚ Any ideas… ?


    NorrieB- planking is an exercise you can do to strenghten your core muscles.
    It goes like this: lie flat on the ground on your tummy. Come up on your elbows as if you’re reading. Then straighten your body from toes to head – like a plank.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWpbe9nRySc – “How to”
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwo1qGnyIUI – “Schedule”

    Hello everyone!

    Today in Brazil begins the winter here in the south is always more strict, cold rain today.

    Weekend, birthday party 79 year old mother, a true gastronomic orgy, lots of food, lots of drink, sleep little.

    I’m even afraid to see the scales today and fast tomorrow too!

    Hugs to all!

    Hey Anaide!

    My daughter is coming to Brazil to teach. She will arrive at the end of July. She will be in Brasรญlia.

    Where are you?

    I am fat because my son and daughter have been here for five days.

    I will start my 5:2 diet again tomorrow when she leaves.


    Day 9 of 19, Cotswolds UK, fast-day. I managed to get through a busy day at work. So many leaflets to deliver concerning the referendum! Came home and did not immediately eat my small meal of two boiled eggs etc! Rather I went to my doctors’ appointment first so I didn’t have to rush my only food of the day. So I went about 25 hours on water only. Another gold star in my food diary.
    Tomorrow is a normal eating day.

    Day 9 of interim, USA Minnesota 12:50 pm
    Doing a much needed FD today as I was over TDEE yesterday. Just coffee and water so far. Had a great Father’s Day with family, though, so I’m not upset by over doing it.
    Dutch, I can plank for 1 minute. I don’t know if my technique is very good ( and I sure don’t look like the gal in the video), but I can make it to those 60 seconds with gritted teeth and a bit of moaning during the last 10 seconds! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Are you doing it every day? It feels like torture so it’s probably good for me. I’m going to stay at 1 minute as a goal until it feels less uncomfortable. At least it’s more than I’ve been doing. I did plant several containers with flowers yesterday that we picked up on sale. Hopefully that counts as exercise as well.
    Good luck meeting your goals, everyone!

    hello ABC1

    I am well south, Curitiba is the Paranรก state capital, this is a very beautiful place!

    She’ll like Brazil, unfortunately we are going through a very sad period, a lot of corruption, disease and violence, but do not worry this is not all over the place in Brasilia is very different from other places.

    My daughter is in Germany – Hamburg will be PHD, when she’s home I’m too fat, now do 6 months do not see her.


    Day 9 of 19
    Phew! back on the horse today with a FD. It was lovely father’s day with grandchildren on the beach playing football in the Cornish drizzle, then a picnic and rock pooling! Great fun, went over tdee a little but resisted the Cornish cream tea!
    So weighed this morning and put on 2lbs opps! But reading your posts after missing a day have given me the confirmation, if any was needed, to get back on that horse!

    HannahWatto – well done! yes I know there is no magic, just stay on that horse!

    Auoramagic – thank you for the Trackmyfast app. I too have started to write down memories of my parents Gran parents, Aunts and Uncle many who were quite eccentric, so many funny stories. I’ve also asked my siblings and cousins to do the same before these memories are lost forever. I’m sure you’re right that the children will want some family items, I just need to sort them out.

    DebbieQ- so pleased I’m not the only one hitting the cookie jar! Moving swiftly on!

    Coda – thankyou! I will keep getting on the horse, just hope not to have many more falls!

    Dutch – wise words thankyou! I’ve got myself in a better place! I seem to have so much emotional baggage to deal with first so that I can get my relationship with food under control so that I’m in charge. Its very reassuring to know others are dealing with their baggage.

    Daliafan / Qsue I’m with you there! My birthday coming up family are arriving for the weekend so no fasting! I’m pleased the celbrations will be over before the next challenge!

    I had an hours Pilates today which was lovely, haven’t done the plank for a while but will have a go tomorrow!

    Stay strong, onwards and donwards!

    Pacific NW USA: Day 9, NFD with 16:8

    Wonderful Father’s Day yesterday for OH, big breakfast, dinner, vino, cards, calls, FaceTime and basketball on TV. I puttered in the garden, re-sowed some micro-greens, trimmed the overgrown grape vine, fertilized the apples, fig, artichoke and tomatoes and now back to business for me today.

    Yes, NorthernDawn, I’m experimenting with the fast exercise app in prep for our July challenge. I had read the basics on the fast-exercise web site. (Does anyone have the book? I’m going to the book store this afternoon to scan through it). Any way, I was using the timer on my phone and heart monitor on my watch to do the fast fitness while walking and stationary bike riding (high intensity bursts interspersed with recovery) 3 times a week. I think I achieved the purpose for the high intensity cardio workout that way but then I bought the $1.99 app to get the fast strength exercises. I’ve not ironed out all the bugs on my learning curve with the app but I like it. On the stationary bike I just lean my iPad up on the book rest and follow the timer on the app. It has standard settings or you can customize. For the strength exercises I think I mentioned that I need to modify some of the 12 of them. There’s on exercise that’s has you step up and down off a chair. That would be very dangerous for me so I use a step stool instead. Same for the push ups and planks, I balance on my knees rather than toes. Also, the purpose is to go through the exercises fast and I haven’t quite got my pace up yet, working on it though. Also, I have a question about whether my iPhone and iPad can sync so it shows the total of my activities for the week, I’ve posed that question to their tech email address. So I’m at least motivated by the “something new” approach and think I will keep using the app even if it doesn’t calculate everything for me perfectly (BMI seems off).

    Now off to PT appointment.

    Thanks, B2tF, very informative. I wouldn’t want to try stepping up and down from a chair. I broke my left ankle severely 3 years ago running up my own stairs (then subsequently tripping and falling to the landing). I still have the plates and screws, on both sides. The experience has left me feeling vulnerable to fractures. Not an experience I want to go through again any time soon. I think a step stool sounds far wiser, good tip!
    I’ll look into the app. It does sound motivating.

    Just a thought but if you use the bottom step of any stairs that you may have access too might that work ? And very probably a banister to hold onto, for security and support ? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Always finding apps and research on this ! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Very happy to share my findings ๐Ÿ™‚ Delighted others can find it useful too! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve even written to the chap who writes the app to see if it’s not possible to change the LowCal FD (Light/er Lady Day- whatever) :D, days each week! I have different things going on and ‘fixing’ anything for me is neigh impossible. Plus with doing lots of DIY I need a day that’s raining or whatever to suit my schedules. I don’t want the app to tell when I have to have FD’s ! ๐Ÿ™ Give me my freedom! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Had my FD day today … felt a bit light headed a few times but working though! Going to go and have some soup I think! ๐Ÿ™‚


    NorthernDawn- yes, doing the plank every day. Now at nearly 1:15 but, like you, taking it slow till it feels more comfortable. Which is definitely not the case at the moment. It does feel good when I’ve reached the 1-minute mark. Then I try to hold on for 5 seconds more. Or 10. Experiencing some soreness in my shoulders, abs and quads now.
    Yesterday was a FD. Went as always: water the whole day and approx 350 cal meal end of the afternoon. Today I had a + .2kg on the scales. Saturday and sunday I didn’t eat enough. Only 600-650 cal. which started my FD with real hunger pangs. Now I think maybe I should’ve just had a normal day and FD today. BUT….I’m still under 70kgs so I can’t complain.
    Have a good day! :>

    Re: planking
    I tried that challenge a while back (before any weight loss) to add time each couple days. I was okay for about a week, but then it caused such strain on my back that I had to stop. Just MHO!

    Hi Everyone

    Thought I would give heads up on what I am thinking for the next challenge Phase 2 (4 weeks beginning 1st July ending 29 July) with exercise (if you wish) so you can have a think – some are already ahead of me lol. Sorry for long post.

    I am conscious I don’t know you, I don’t know what health issues you may have or what your capabilities are. If necessary clear things with your Dr or don’t do it – this is entirely your decision and not an absolute for the challenge. These are only suggestions.

    I have the fast exercise book by Dr Mosley so some ideas are taken from that – other bits and pieces are ideas of mine and how to incorporate HIT in your life. You may be able to come up with your own. I want you to think ahead and get planning how you can work this into your routine and what days you are going to do it – remember anything is better than nothing but if you don’t want to that is also fine.

    You can apply HIT (High Intensity Training) to anything – walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, housework, skipping, dancing. I am also conscious of those who don’t like exercise but I would still like you to think of ways to incorporate something a little more that you may not even consider as exercise per say.

    Do you have stairs in your house? Go up as fast as you can and as safely as you can – walk down slowly and go up again as fast as you can. If possible repeat 5 times. Would you be able to do this daily?

    Do you swim? while swimming lengths swim on length as fast as you can – then go back to normal and repeat as often as you can during your swim.

    Don’t go swimming or have stairs (or access to flight of steps) can you jog on spot or do you have a mini trampoline? Set the kitchen timer for 10 secs. Start a gentle run on spot or on trampoline or take alternative steps on a small step or bottom stair – then for 10 secs go hell for leather – if you can’t manage that do the same as before but incorporate your arms – raise and lower or swing – then go back to normal and when ready speed up again repeat 5 times or try this with jumping jacks – can’t do arms just to legs.

    Do you walk? as you approach a marker like a lamp post, driveway or tree speed up to another marker ahead – relax and continue to speed up and back to normal along the rest of your route – if you can jog – jog in between markers.

    The HIT is entirely up to you – do you dance think of a slow dance and then think of punk or rock and alternate between the two. Washing a kitchen floor do it the usual way but every now and then give those shoulders a work out and move the mop or brush vigorously. Anything you can think of doing at different rates can be counted as HIT. Even sitting and you can raise/swing your arms vigorously is still a form of HIT.

    So in addition to this I thought – for each week of the challenge we are going to do 4 different body weight exercises Week 1 Plank, week 2 squat, week 3 press up, week 4 bridge. Google any of these exercises to ensure good form.

    Week 1 Plank – this can be elbows bent or straight arms – ensure core is tight – no bum in the air or dip in the back – you are to be as the name suggests as straight as a plank. For anyone new starting begin with 10 secs relax and do another 10 secs 3 times. feel confident – build up gradually adding 5 secs each time – anyone can do anything for 5 secs more.

    Week 2 squat – again ensure good form at all times – think of this as about to sit down and then changing your mind and standing up again do three reps of 10 squats to start and then build up.

    Week 3 press up – can be started on knees as an assisted press up again start with what you can do and build up gradually increasing when you feel able.

    Week 4 Bridge – this is where you lie down on back and raise your bum creating an inverted v really squeeze your bum at top of the motion, when you lower your bum before you touch the floor raise again and squeeze – for 10 repetitions.

    I thought you could all decide what you plan to do and what number and repetitions you plan to start with – at the end of the week you should have been able to increase even a little.

    What we can do is week 1 is the plank, week 2 is plank and squat, week 3 is plank, squat and press up with week 4 all four exercises – but again this is just a suggestion for any who wish to do it.

    Again this is not set in stone and just my suggestions to get you thinking.

    Hi Coda

    I have been AWOL for a while due to various factors! Anyway I have been lurking and would like to join the Phase 2 Challenge as I go on holiday on 29 July so it is perfect for me. I already exercise and due to a dodgy knee cannot do certain things so mine is swimming, walking and pilates. Do we need to check in daily? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    Pacific NW USA: Day 10 of interim, FD

    My goal is liquids only till breakfast tomorrow making it a 36 hour fast.

    I’m also trying to add regular exercise: M-W-F for fast strength exercises and T-Th-Sa for the interval fast fitness on my stationary bike. I’ll continue walking 3 miles at least 3 days a week.

    Coda, I love your ideas for adding exercises during our July challenge. I’ll be away from home (away from my scale, my bone broth, my bike) the second half of the challenge so your ideas will give me the needed structure during that time. I’ll be checking in every day to stay motivated! It sounds like you found some good info in the Fast Exercise book.

    HappyMargo, I’m getting my Paderno spiralizer today!

    Have a good day, everyone!


    Coda- sounds like you’ve cooked up a great new challenge! It sounds good and doable. I’m eye-balling the stairs……..hum…so many possibilities there exercise-wise! Seems so easy to add to my daily routine. :>

    LoL….I’ve figured out what that means also OH, DH, LMAO, WOL, WOE, ….the list goes on……. but just curious…what is AWOL ((JFitzy) or MHO (SongBirdMe)?? :-))

    Hi Dutch, AWOL stands for absent without leave, MHO is my humble opinion x


    dahliafan- thank you!!! x
    Clears up many posts :>

    Coda thanks for coming up with a plan to incorporate exercise into the next challenge. I’m a reluctant exerciser and have been making ridiculous excuses to myself (how pathetic is that? Why am I not being honest with myself?!) about the fact that I have a lot to lose and I need to focus on weight loss first. In reality I know I need to tone up as I lose and just generally moving about more must be a good thing. So thank you, I’m in!

    Excercise?? I thought we were getting rid of an item every day! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi – feedback so far so good – remember this is up to you to decide to add or not but why not push the boundaries a little. After all most if not all who completed the challenge did it for 6 weeks – 4 weeks with a little exercise is easy peasy!

    JFitzy welcome back – would posting daily pose a problem? I think some who were reluctant to post at the beginning actually found it helped them stay accountable and I think unless there is some reason why you can’t log in each day and post, it will be part of the challenge. You can always let me know if you can’t and I can check you in.

    I will be putting a link to the new challenge thread nearer the time (maybe with about 7 days to go to give any one new time to sign up etc) and will re-post the bit about exercise so any one can catch up but until then we keep in touch here.

    Day 10 of Interim USA, Minnesota 1222

    Coda it all sounds good and please sign me up for the challenge. It’s just what I need to get motivated.
    Dutch, the planking is affecting my shoulders and lower back more than my abdomen. That just shows me where I need to focus my efforts to strengthen. Currently completing 1 minute with much grimacing.
    AuroraMagic the bottom step is a good idea, too, for doing the step-up for quads. I could actually try two at a time and that would be a quad workout more like using a chair. And safer.

    B2tf, enjoy your spiralizer! I got mine about two weeks into the last challenge and I LOVE it! It’s fun to use. I also have the Paderno and I’m very happy with it. I do sweet potato spirals for the OH and kids, coat with coconut oil and bake until crispy, with a bit of cayenne and salt. Racks keep it from getting too soggy though some fall through. They like them very crisp, with some browned and charred spots. And I use a lot of zucchini, or courgette the UK folks call it, just in salads with EVOO and olives and feta, or as a substitute for pasta with buttered and garlicky shrimp (prawns).

    Dahliafan I was using the same excuse….wait until I’ve lost more pounds until I worry about exercise, because why stress my joints? Or what if my strained muscles retain water and I stop seeing weight loss? Maybe that would be too discouraging at this point, etc., etc.
    Well, it may very well stall weight loss, as seen on a scale, due to mild inflammation as the muscle swells before growing, but I know that happens and so I shouldn’t read it as true weight gain. So no more excuses. I need to strengthen and I know it.
    FD today as yesterday did not go as planned, so I moved it to today. Stayed under TDEE yesterday. Trying for just liquids and minimal calories today.
    Good luck to all!

    Hi Dutch AOL is indeed absent without leave!! Coda no problem I can check in daily I just wasn’t sure what the form was. Thanks for organising I will put my hand up in the autumn as I have been away a lot so haven’t been around much ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Day 10 of 19, Cotswolds, UK: Non-fast day. My husband has noticed I look slimmer!!! (I haven’t said I’m on the 5:2 “diet” just that “I’m trying to eat less”). So, it’s working, I LOOK SLIMMER.
    Coda: I’m not sure about the exercises you planned for the next challenge. I struggle with arthritis everywhere, and need to manage my aches and pains to continue delivering the mail for another 3 or 4 years til I retire. Since we started the May challenge I’ve incorporated a brisk hour-long walk most evenings. I hope that will be ok to continue? My work is also good exercise.

    Dutch..no idea what all these initials are either. Plain English does me! I guessed OH, I guess means “other half” ie: husband, partner…otherwise…you tell me?

    Coda thanks for explaining the exercise part of the next challenge! Its good because it can be adapted to suit all abilities.
    I’ll be away for a week in the middle of the chaalenge but should be able to check in daily..
    I did the plank for 2mins today, pleased with that, though it was with elbows on the floor, Ill try the full one tomorrow. I’ve decided to get my skipping rope out, exercise bike I already do most days but can step that up!
    NF day today but within tdee.
    Good luck all.

    Hey all…. still being strong. I bought a Paderno spiralizer a couple of weeks ago and like others I LOVE it. Who knew I could crave sprialized zucchini! I have begun walking on my treadmill again. 30 minutes the past few days. I will incorporate HIT during the challenge. I will try some of the other HIT exercises and see how it goes. Great to see everyone still online and working away at our WOL. I’m looking forward to the next challenge Coda. Thanks for taking this on again. If you ever need any help I’ll be happy to lend a hand!

    Back from latest trip.
    Took 5 days to visit family in Orlando Florida & spent 2 days of it at Universal Studios theme park!!!

    Had a fantastic time…. But threw my diet out the window. ๐Ÿ˜ I’ll have a reckoning when I step on the scale tomorrow morning.

    Glad to see thread is still active. Looking forward to catching up on last 2 pages soon!

    Hi just had a lovely meal with good friends to celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. only had a glass of bubbly, drank loads of water and Didn’t even want to look at the dessert menu so quite pleased as usually desserts are my downfall.
    Rocy65 as far as I know doing planks either on elbows or straight arms are ‘full’ones just different versions. Whereas assisted push ups can progress to full push ups if you understand. For planks try both and one may suit more than other.
    Ciren2 no problem at all regarding exercise. You know your body best. What about when you are on your rounds or out on your walk, increase your speed every now and then even by 10 paces at a faster pace. Don’t worry about the other exercises they are not compulsory.

    In my view HIT is anything that increases you heart rate for a short time, you bring it down again by walking/jogging/swimming/dancing or even cleaning at a normal rate and when ready increase for another burst of speed. If you only enjoy walking incorporate arms swings or air punches while you walk for 10 paces build up to 15.

    Thanks DebbieQ and JFITZY for your offer of help – maybe think of phase 3 and if either would like to take charge?

    I also haven’t forgotten to add up the total loss for our first challenge just haven’t got round to it yet lol (laugh out loud) lol! Nite all

    Hi all. Scotland getting rare glimpses of the sun between the clouds and rain. Still chilly up here even though we are now officially into summer. We still have our heating on!!!
    I was working the last two days and failed miserably when presented with chocolate biscuits and sweets in the staff room. Result even after my Monday fast is increased by 1.5 lbs. that box of chocs I was given has awoken the sugar gremlins in me. I am reading Jason Fungs THE OBESITY CODE at the moment and just getting to the part about sugar. Can’t wait to hear was he has to say as everything he’s written up to now makes so much sense.
    Started to Konmari my office, but it’s such a big job, been breaking it down into bite size pieces But got overwhelmed. So going to tackle all my books next. She’s right in doing it in her order. I can see the logic behind it now.
    Not working now till next week so have the time to do all these things. Looking forward to FD tomorrow to try and unload these extra pounds. Have a great day everyone. Think of us all in the UK tomorrow when we go to the polls to try to change the course of history! TTL

    Hi to all of our 5:2 penpals ,or should that be ipals, around the world,

    I’m looking forward to the next challenge on the 1st July, and I will be cheering all the HIT exercisers on from the sidelines. I am just grateful that this wonderful 5:2 breakthrough by Dr Mosely, and the research of a number of people into intermittant fasting has given me , and others who are forced to be non-exercisers, the opportunity to change our excess weight back to our normal weight. It really is life-changing as well as health improving! Last challenge I achieved one of my mini-goals, and I’m hoping to break through the next mini-goal with this new challenge as well. I’ll be away from home for half of the next challenge, and eating food prepared in other’s homes, so that will be interesting. Lots of visiting, visitors etc. I’ll be taking my little travel scales with me.

    AuroraMagic – well done on getting started and getting through those first FDs. you are obviously powering on.

    Haven’t worked out LMAO yet. IMHO = in my humble opinion. Yes, OH = other half, DH is sometimes dear husband. And EVOO? Don’t know that one.

    Looked at the Marie Kondo method- interesting. It certainly makes me look at my clothing a little differently, in the ‘joy’ context. The blouse I have on today does not give me joy, but it looks OK and I bought it primarily because it doesn’t need ironing, packs small, and will dry quickly when travelling. If I folded all my shirts and trousers up thered’d be nothng hanging in the wardrobe though. As a 2-sizer (1 size on the top and different size on the bottom) I never fit into most dresses, and skirts are a bit more problemmatic than trousers till I get back to my goal weight when I can start trying them on again. There are certainly things in my home I can look at and think, no, no joy there. Interesting, and I can see me venturing in the direction of Marie Kondo’s books sometime soon. As for our parent’s belongings that we still have, and yet to go through,there are a few things I would keep, and photos obviously, but certainly not lots of things. Our goal is to live with less ‘stuff’. I read a saying years ago about when we hold onto things we don’t need we stop it being used by someone else. Every year after that I used to go through the house and discard the ‘stuff’, whatever it was, so that it wasn’t clogging up our life and was enriching someone else’s life. We live in a very materialistic society, and we’re definitely climbing off that treadmill. We have ‘freecycle’ here, where you lust things you no longer need but are prepared to give away, and people will come and pick the item up. This has been a great scheme for us. We’ve given away a number of things and occasionally we’ve been given something we needed short term, then we’ve given it away again to someone else. I’m a big believer in not having ‘stuff’, and I like to use things till they break. One of our kids thinks it’s very funny that we usually have the oldest TV around. We didn’t even get colour TV till the black and white one broke down.

    Onwards and Downwards everyone,

    That’s ‘list’ not ‘lust’! That little typo rather changes the context from’listing to give away’ to ‘lusting after’

    Ah, Ttl, the box of chocolates gift! Best way I’ve found to handle that is to enjoy a few while sharing them around within a 24hr period, and then the temptation is gone.

    Yikes! I was right… stepping on the scales was quite the reckoning! UGH.
    Up in weight, but easily fixed because we have learned how! 5:2 to the rescue! ๐Ÿ™‚

    B2tF– Hope you enjoy the spiralizer too. We are just getting started on ours. Zucchini works perfectly. I’ll be scouting the web for other recipe ideas too. Anything that gets us eating more fresh veggies is a win!

    Happy to see so many on here giving the KonMari Methods a go. I read her first book several years back. Made some good progress (especially love the folding techniques. My drawers look so lovely & organized now!)
    Think I’ll get the Kindle version of Marie Kondo’s 2nd book, if available, to re-invigorate my “clean-out & organizing excitement.”

    Hello again, All…I am definitely up for the exercises and love the way it can be incorporated into our daily activities. Jogging won’t happen for me, nor will trampolining.. going to try the planking and the others Coda suggested, thanks Coda! See if I can manage it before we start the next challenge.
    The typing is going slowly here, because I am watching all the debating around tomorrow’s vote. In or Out? I know which way I am going. This is such a big deal, actually,such a massive decision. Big things and little things, like slowly but surely dropping the excess weight to become healthier and more energetic. Have a great day everyone!

    Almost forgot….
    Coda– your ideas for the July Challenge sound good! I like the optional exercise addition.
    Another Challenge will push me squarely back on the wagon!

    (I’m trying out my own step-by-step daily plan, but your ideas incorporate perfectly into it!)

    Coda, I do squats while waiting for the elevator at work if no one is around!

    For all you Konmari people, a question. I hesitate to buy a paper book…bringing MORE into my house. Does anyone have it on Kindle? Is it a decent version? My local library has been under renovation for over a year…

    Feeling the same way about a spiralizer. I think I would love it but more stuff? By the way, here’s a Cooks Illustrated review of spiralizers. In case you are unfamiliar with CI, they test the heck out of recipes, tools, etc.


    I guess I could just read up on line? I continue to list stuff on ebay. It amazes me what people will buy!

    California, USA, day? Easy to lose track when I am not posting daily. I went way over my TDEE yesterday when I went to visit my 87 yr old neighbor. She offered me an ice cream cone and I didn’t want to offend her. Actually she is Italian and from New Jersey, a very tough lady and difficult to say no too. It was easier to just eat it. So, today, I am fasting to help offset the ice cream. I love that this plan is so flexible.

    Thank you Coda for incorporating exercise into the next challenge. I am hoping it will get me into a routine. I just need the push. I am off work next week. It will be a staycation. I am planning on starting the suggested exercises prior to the next challenge. Also I am going to go through all my clothing using the konmari method. It’s time to clean up and bring back order to my life.

    Wishing a great day to all!


    K-Lo – and for anybody interested: I finally found the link to the audio book. it’s a nearly 5 hour youtube item. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oujT43dY4dw

    Day 11 of 19, Gloucestershire, UK: Fast Day. I still find these tough. Luckily, when I’m at work I can’t weaken, as I have no food and no money with me….ha…ha!
    Coda: You want me to walk even faster than I do already on my deliveries? Have a heart!! Anyway I plan to climb our church tower on Saturday (204 steps). The second time since the challenge started in May. This is truly a hard slog and costs ยฃ3.00 (just to add to the pain)but the views from the top are fantastic. Only it can’t be a regular thing because it is only open about 5 or 6 times in the summer months.

    NFday today OH cooking tonight so I’ve been careful so far! I’ve kept busy with patchwork this mornkng keeping hands and mind busy! Then off to grandsonโ€™s sports day, it was quite wet and slippery but they all did really well!

    Dr M.M did a โ€˜Trust me I’m a Doctorโ€™, programme (BBC 2 series 4 episode 1 โ€œ can I get stronger without going to the gymโ€. A set of daily exercises that could be done to improve strength and fitness and fit easily into our daily routine.

    Back to the packwork – I’m working my forth quilt for another grandchild, had hopped to have completed it before she went into ber big bed, now hope to complete before her 3rd birthday in November! Today is perfect wet Cornish day to get stuck in and keepmy hands occupied! I’ve got my knitting out for evenings watching tv, dolls clothes – with 2 young granddaughters I am kept busy!!

    Looking forwrd to the next challenge, starting the exercise now!!

    ha ha Ciren2 – fear not I don’t want you to walk faster all the time – I just want you to incorporate a few spurts if you can. Pick a marker and speed up until you get to another marker – it doesn’t have to be far 10 yards/or meters or lamp post to lamp post. even if you do one a day and by the end of the challenge you can do 2 – it is still an improvement and an achievement. It is all about thinking what can I do, how can I do and working to improve what you started doing.

    Well done for climbing your church tower – again – Unbelievable how climbing stairs/steps takes it out of you. Your wee heart will be beating 10 to the dozen. Take it easy and enjoy – hope the weather will be kind to appreciate the view at the top.

    Can’t believe my luck!

    After a week of rash living with visiting family I am still the same weight. Ok then back to the diet!

    Father’s day was funny here. I went into my grandon’s bedroom (aged 6) and suggested he put on a tee shirt from his bag.

    He said he couldn’t because in it was his Father’s Day present for his Dad!

    I told him it was father’s day today and he quickly put on the tee shirt and showed me the present.

    His aunty and Dad arrived wondering why he was taking s long getting dressed and he shouted they could not come in!

    Finally he gave his Daddy the present!

    The homemade card had a message from my D in L to thank my son for being a wonderful Daddy!!!

    Coda: Thanks, I’m sure I will…while I get my breath back!

    USA Minnesota
    I have blown a Monday FD this week, for the first time since starting 5:2 on April 11. I told myself I’d fast Tuesday instead, no big deal. Then I blew yesterday’s as well. ๐Ÿ™
    I was very active in my garden yesterday and it was a beautiful but very warm day. The lure of a couple glasses of chilled white wine after hours of planting many containers was just too much. The wine increased my appetite and I just had to have food. Since I’d already blown it, I then indulged in lots of melted cheese over chips. A weakness of mine.
    So, back on the horse!
    I am fasting today and I will do whatever it takes to complete this FD. I will aim for another FD on Saturday, since Friday my OH (other half) and I will go out for dinner to celebrate our Anniversary. I will now have to be very mindful of what I eat that evening because I’ve already splurged for the week. Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you!

    Pacific NW USA: Day 11 of interim, b2b FD

    Completed successful liquid FD yesterday with bone broth and green juice bought at a local organic juicery. Today woke after 4 hours of sleep (not unusual), up for 2 hours then went back to sleep (miracle) for 5 hours. The day being half over, I don’t feel hungry and we have an early dinner out I decided to make this a b2b 500 cal FD. I have my fast strength exercises to do yet so that may change my lack of hunger feelings . . . I’m going to look up that Trust Me I’m a Doctor exercise episode for more ideas, thanks for the tip, Rocy 65!

    Merryme – travel scales?? Truly?? Brand??

    Ciren2 – way to go looking slimmer!!

    Dutch – thanks for book on YouTube, my wifi is taking forever to bring it up . . . Will it bring me splendid joy if I buy the book??

    FD tomorrow. Keeping busy trying out Marie Kondo. Went through the drawers in the bedroom and am halfway through my closet. Was explaining to OH what I was doing and the sequence of organization … he asked if husbands were also on the list … lol.

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