42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,051 through 2,100 (of 2,344 total)

  • Just reading and enjoying the last few posts, planning to weigh tomorrow morning.

    Australia Day 42 NFD can’t believe this is my last check in! It has been a fabulous time everyone, thank you. Have just been on a 90 minute walk along a lake in beautiful early morning sunshine. A glorious weekend. I will keep reading and posting during the break. Have a lovely weekend all and thank you again Coda for bringing us all together.

    Australia, day 42!!! nonFD.
    Doing my weigh in and results day: 3.3kgs kicked to the kerb, and that’s 7 1/4lbs in old money, as we say here, or 1/2 a stone for those using lbs &stones, as we used to do till about 1964-5.

    It’s funny, but some of us older 5:2ers in Australia have discovered we were heavier than we thought we were.. I was 83.1kgs when I started 5:2 and that seemed way too much after deacedes of being normal weight, but it wasn’t till I was on the forum and started converting it to lbs for the Americans and stones and lbs for the British, that I realised just how much I’d put on. I grew up when we changed from Imperial to Decimal measures, and had scales that showed both. I knew through decades of my adult life that I was 9st 2-3lbs (129lbs 58.5kgs) but by the time I had put on weight from illness we only had Decimal scales so I knew what my weight was in kgs but not Imperial measures. Enter the 5:2 forum and I discovered just how heavy I was – 13stone 1lb (183lbs) I thought I was a stone lower(14lbs).

    So- 42 day challenge = meeting lots of new lovely people around the world, and being very grateful to you Coda for beginning and running this challenge so well. It’s amazing you’ve done this while facing exams as well as all the rest your life holds. Thank you very, very much๐Ÿ™‚

    Rocy65 – me too, and thank you for that fantastic quote. I think I’ll put that up in my kitchen, at least on the fridge!

    Congratulations everyone for staying the journey,bforvlearning as you go, and I look forward to seeing all your good results.

    Onwards and Downwards,
    Bye for now,

    Australia – Day 42 – 0 days to go of challenge ๐Ÿ™‚

    We all did it! It feels really good thinking that it would have been so easy to give up, but we stuck with it and I think we are all probably a lot wiser about fasting than what we were 6 weeks ago. I think the length of the challenge has been wonderful, as I have felt like it has made a real difference. I have hit over 18kg of weight loss since December now and it has really made a huge difference. I have 19kg to go until I reach my goal, so I am almost half way ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully I will hit that before we start our new challenge.

    Good luck to you all over the next few weeks. I will still be sticking with alternate fasting. I will keep checking up on you ๐Ÿ™‚ And I look forward to the next challenge.

    France Day 42 NFD

    I should have posted last night but frankly I was simply shattered.
    It really is hard work to teach, when the student is living with me, and I have no break until I hit my own bed, which is a relief.

    I found that I could not fast and work since I felt dizzy and ill. I moved on to smaller portions, on what is a very healthy diet, except for the creme caramel and chocolate cake. However I did drink a couple of G&Ts which were not good for the diet.

    My weight has been hovering around 69.6 for over a week now. It will drop again once this student leaves at lunch time today, and I can fast again.

    I am almost where I want to be. My body is looking fine, but I want to lose another couple of kilos, about 4 lbs to be at my ideal weight. I have lost those waist line rolls which I hated.
    My children are coming to visit next week which will be lovely. I haven’t seen my daughter for two years.

    Well done to everyone who has stuck to this challenge. It has been really interesting to meet you all and share your joy as the weight has gone. Look forward to meeting on the next challenge which will be around maintaining for me once the final goal is met.

    I have lost nine kilos since April 12 when I started. Most of that has been since I joined the discipline of this challenge, so thank you Coda.

    Not sure which did we reconvene?


    NL day 42 – end of challenge
    AAhh….the finish line for this challenge. Here are my stats:

    Started 28 april at 75.2kg

    1 May: 73.9kg
    11 June: 70.0kg

    chest -2cm (101cm)
    waist -8cm (81 cm)
    hips -2cm (101cm)

    Yessssss! Very pleased with these results. It’s a good beginning – for I shall continue with 5:2. It is simple, straightforward and so easy to adjust to your lifestyle. I’m still very interested in the science of it all and continue reading about fat cells, ketones, glucose, cholesterol, etc. It’s so interesting to understand what’s going on in your body.
    I saw this site: http://www.bodyvisualizer.com/
    There you can enter your stats and see what a few pounds can do to your silhouette.
    I thought it was quite fun.

    Still debating if I’ll go solo or stay with you all on this thread. Got a few weeks to ponder the question. LOL

    The results that have been posted so far are truly AMAZING. It’s so good to read all the POSITIVE posts and vibes. Being happy with what you’ve achieved in these 6 weeks.
    That’s the most important to keep you going from now on.

    Congratulations on your achievement!

    And thank you all for taking me through all the emotions – there have been quite some – and making me realise I’m not the only one with certain problems and worries. This is a fabulous group that have all shared so much.
    Take care!

    Switzerland -๐ŸŽ‰Day 42๐ŸŽ‰
    Great to catch up on all the posts with my morning cuppa. Coldpizza noticed that we’re averaging about a page a day, so I guess around 50 of us are posting daily, give or take. For future challenges, would it be possible to set up a new thread for each day, or is that too much of a hassle? It’s probably just me, but I’m forever scrolling through pages, trying to work out where I’d got up to (don’t want to miss any!)

    It’s been really lovely spending the last six weeks with you lot – plenty of bumps in the road but all handled with so much grace and humour. I look forward to joining in with another challenge in Aug/Sept.

    More cakes to bake for another school fete this morning so I’ll catch up with my scales/tape measure later!

    Nothern Spain D DAY
    So that’s that, down a size and fitting very comfortably into some clothes again.
    I didn’t weigh myself at the beginning of the challange because I was afraid to but I normally judge by my clothes
    The whole journey had been a roller coaster of events and enotions. I loved logging in and reading the different posts from all around the world.
    Thanks to everyone for sharing and encouraging.
    Coda, thank you for overseeing this challange and being on top of us.
    You are one determined lady and I have no doubt that you will be successful at anything you turn your hand to. I don’t think that I would have completed the challange if it hadn’t been for your guidance.
    I am sending you a virtual bunch of flowers along with calorie free champagne and fat free chocolates!!!
    Well done everyone
    We did it!!

    Day 42 Gloucestershire, UK: Non-fast day. Last-day results are in.

    Weight lost: 13lbs….nearly the stone I was after….very happy!
    Waist: 4.75 inches down…excellent.
    Hips: 1.25 inches down….all good results for me.

    I’m very pleased. Average loss of 2 lbs per week on the challenge. There was also the 2-week plateau, but that passed. Three weeks on our own now, but, I will continue to check in and look forward to the link to the new thread for July.
    Thanks Coda and everybody xx

    UK Day 42,and I have just weighed myself. I’m thrilled to say that I have lost 4.1 kg during the 6 weeks of this challenge (or 9lb in Merry’s old money!). Since I started 5.2 at the beginning of April I have lost 8.2kg or 18lb.
    Coda I know I have said this before as have others but thank you so much for setting up this inspiring thread. I have so enjoyed getting to know everyone and hearing about triumphs and challenges, not just in terms of 5.2 but also work, family, weather, you name it and someone has experienced it. I have my fingers crossed for your exam result, I assume you will hear in August?
    I will definitely be joining the next challenge, in the meantime I will be checking in still, maybe on a different thread, to keep myself on track. My own challenge is to continue to lose 1lb per week.
    Love and congratulations to everyone on how far we have come together and good luck whether you choose to carry on as part of the group or solo xx

    Day 42 Cornwall UK. Wow what an amazing group, we stayed the course and our scales and clothes have shown our commitment to change our relationship with food!!
    Drew Carey said โ€˜Eating crappy food isn’t a reward – it’s a punishmentโ€™
    And Jess C Scot said โ€˜A fit and healthy body is the greatest fashion statementโ€™. How true.

    So to my stats!

    Start weight 74.5kgs weight after the challenge 68kg minus 6.5kgs!!
    start BMI 28.5 now 25.5

    bust 106cms now 99cms
    waist 101cms now 90cms I now have a waist, yippee!!
    hips 107cms now 103cms

    I am truely amazed! I’ve started digging out my new wardrobe, kept โ€˜just in caseโ€™!!! OH is very complementary and friends are noticing. So all good.

    A huge thank you Coda for giving me this challenge and thank you to all of you who have stuck to it, through thick and thin (must be a joke there!.) It’s been great to read the daily posts that have informed my knowledge, that has made me sad and want to send big hugs as many have/are going through hard times I’m very blessed to be part of this.

    All those going on their hols have a great time but do come back to the fold when you can!!

    I will stick to my 5.2 regime fasting Monday and Wednesday and doing 16.8 if I’ve gone over on a NFD. I weigh and measure every Thursday morning and keep a record.
    I no longer count calories. My stomach has shrunk so I can actually say I’m full and leave food on the plate. (that’s huge as growing up in a large family we always had to finish what was on our plates!)
    When I go out I now ask for a small or childs portion or have 2 starters rather than starter and main. I’ll share a slice of cake with a friend.

    Good luck to us all continuing down and to all of you amazing people who have reached their goal and are on maintenance . Huge goup hugs all round. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ll keep posting and see you in July!!

    Thanks Coda and all you wonderful bunch of losers can I say that lol (meant in the nicest way) 4.3 kilos gone I will also keep posting and see you all soon

    Yes! We stayed the course indeed. This has been a great challenge, and even though I have not lost all I want to still lose, I am happy with my progress.

    I think between challenges I will go over to the 16:8 diet and see how that works for me. I see days ahead where a full fast will be most difficult.

    See you all in July, I hope!

    fulfilled challenge
    My weight reduction is quite slow because a long time ago that I am in the weight loss process. But I’m very happy because besides having a plateau during these days the result was very good !!!

    He started to score on 01 April 111 kg

    May 1: 108 kg
    June 11: 105.5 kg

    result 2.5 kg

    chest now -4 cm (103 feet)
    ย  -4cm Waist now (93 cm)
    hips -5cm now (125 cm)

    Let’s go ahead and down the scales

    Thanks to you CODA and all !!!!

    Day 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!! Wisconsin, USA.

    I have lost 6lbs. I started at 153, and I finished at 147 lbs. I also took a point off of my BMI. From 24.7 to 23.7. I lost a pound a week, with some wild fluctuations along the way. At one point I saw 145. At another point I was back up to 152.

    I did take pictures of myself in the beginning, and then, again, in the middle. I abandoned that strategy. I kept getting frightened by these pictures when I’d accidentally scroll by them on my phone. And, I really didn’t feel like explaining myself to my teenagers, should they come across these pictures on accident. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m just not a bikini wearing kinda gal; I’m pretty sure it has more to do with the kind of brain I have than my body. I’m odd about it.

    This has been sooo fun. Thank you very much, Coda. And, thank you to all of you intelligent women who have shared your experiences and emotions so that we can learn together.

    I have a vision of the type of mother I want to be for my children. I want to be fully supportive. I want to encourage them to live rich lives, challenging themselves, and striving to do the best with what they’ve been given. It is my secret goal to lead by example. I have said for some time that I hope I die trying. This challenge suits my life goals perfectly.

    I will stay on the 5:2 until we meet again. I would like to be at 144 by July 1st.

    Have a lovely day!!!

    And….exhale – just start at the last post and read backwards up the list till you get one you know you’ve read before, then you don’t have to gonthrough that time wasting scrolling thing. Works well!

    Congratulations! Group hugs to everyone!
    Onwards and downwards

    US SE Day 42 – end of challenge

    Congratulations to all on a job well done. This challenge has shown me that I can stick to something and the difference was that I was part of a group. Iโ€™ve always gone solo before. I will continue to drop by and post and read yours over the next three weeks and look forward to the start of our new challenge. For those of you who have met goal and are going on to maintenance.. huge congrats. I hope someday to be at mine. My weight has been out of control for a long time and I have a long road ahead of me but you all give me hope that I will get there. For this six week challenge, I have lost
    13.8 lbs (just shy of the stone I wanted)
    5โ€ off my waist
    3โ€ off my bust
    2โ€ off my hips
    All in all, a good six weeks work!

    US, Day 42, another beautiful day in New Jersey… going to see The Color Purple on Broadway this eve, visiting my dear aunt tomorrow, and watching the Tony awards tomorrow night.

    I started this liberating way of life on March 9. I have lost a total of 11 pounds, about 8% of my body weight. I am thrilled. At age 60, I am wearing my old 6s and lost a cup size. I feel…. 40!!!

    I had lost 8 of those pounds by the time the challenge began…but I have lost an inch off each vital measurement since. Things are shifting, and as I’ve noted before, I am slimmer at this weight going down than I was at the same weight going up. Last night, I went to retirement party for a man who had taught history to both my boys. There were a lot of parents there I had not seen in a while. I got quite a few “you look great!” and “tell me how you did it.” Like any good convert, I shared the true religion of Mosely, Varady and Fung.

    My journey to my goal has been shorter than that of many on this board. I salute you all. I am in awe of your courage, your humor in the face of real troubles, your perseverance and I look forward to joining you again on the next “challenge”. Finally, thank you, Coda.

    Day 42!!! USA, Minnesota NFD
    Stats: May 1-June 11 weight loss of 9 lbs (4.09kg) and since starting on April 11, I’ve lost 13 lbs (5.9kg). I’m very, very happy with these results. I’ve had two long weekends of “over-indulgence” during this challenge and managed to not gain the 5-6 lbs I would have without 5:2. I can’t think of any other diet where this would have been possible.

    I doubt I would have been able to stick to this diet for a total of 2 months without this challenge to keep me motivated, especially through the disappointing times. I thank every single one of you who have posted your stories and encouragements for bringing me along with you! And, again, a deeply heartfelt thank-you to Coda for setting this up and keeping us going.

    I would like to share the single most important thing, I think, that I have learned or, at least, changed my thinking on:
    As a woman turning 60 at the end of this year, I had become convinced that after menopause there was just no way that I could fight the ever increasing weight gain. I had tried many things in the past 6 years that were marginally successful, but always the weight came back and then some. I tried to tell myself I just didn’t care, or it wasn’t really that important, that my husband and family loved me as I was. But I was deeply unhappy that I seemed to have no control over the weight gain and that I felt more sluggish and weak physically with every pound I gained. I sometimes struggled getting up off the floor after playing with my grandchildren!
    Now, I know differently. Two months ago I set my first, and I was pretty sure it would be a final goal, of losing 20 lbs. I’m not there yet, but getting close! And now I believe I could lose 30 lbs by the end of the year. I have hope again, and I refuse to settle for less than feeling healthy and strong and feeling good about the way I look.

    Much of this new confidence has come from reading of the goals, determination and successes of all of you in this challenge, and others in this forum. Especially women post menopause who are at weights they were at 20 years ago or more. I feel so badly for people that don’t know about 5:2, who are feeling hopeless and resigned to feeling like there is nothing they can do to succeed. I plan to tell any and everyone that I come in contact with about this wonderful 5:2 way of eating! And to tell them to give it a good chance before giving up. And to get on this forum for support!

    Congratulations again, everyone! I can’t wait until the next challenge to share with you all!

    California, day #42. Last day! Congratulations everyone! I am very impressed by your results, this was a great challenge, really helpful for all of us.

    FD today for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I started with 5:2 diet on:
    April 6 – 87.5 Kg/193 lbs
    May 1 – 86.0 Kg/190 lbs
    June 11 – 83.5 Kg/184 lbs

    (1.74cm/5’8″ and 1/2)
    I lost 2 cm from my bust, 2 from the waist and another 2 from the hips since May 1.

    Now I’m:
    – 106cm (41.7″) bust
    – 86cm (33.9″) waist
    – 108cm (42.5″) hips.

    I still have a long way to go, at least another 10 Kg/22lbs to lose to reach my goal.

    Congratulations again, fantastic results! Thank you Coda again and good luck with the new challenge! Have a lovely weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 42 Surrey…Hello all, Since starting at the end of May the loss has been 2.1kg. It will be good to start a new challenge and I think it helps enormously to communicate with others. I will have a weekly weigh in on Monday and then do measurements, and let us see what happens!
    It is clear that everyone has taken a lot of encouragement from each other, so a forum like this is a real service to all, thank you Coda!

    Postscript. I have pulled out every stitch of clothing in my closet. I have tried on beloved items that I hung on to, swearing I would get back into them one day. Today is the day I got back into them. ALL of them. Some are no longer wearable — fabric stained or just tired. My beautiful navy blue pin-striped Brooks Brothers suit (who wears suits anymore?) fits again. Joy!!

    Anything that is big is being given away. I have no need to hang onto larger sizes just in case, because there is no just in case. I know how to do this. As NorthernDawn noted above, it’s possible to lose weight in menopause…at 60…whenever.

    THANK YOU ALL!!!! Now, onto the stuff stored in my sons’ closets!

    Yes, agreed! I am 62 and just lost 13 lbs…I’ve not been this weight since my 30s!

    Congrats to all!
    I’ve lost a total of 8lbs on the challenge! Everybody keep up the good work,stay mindful and take good care of yourselves!

    UK day 42 – a wonderful day. Started at 12st 5lb, finished (this part of the challenge) at 11st 10lb…as one of the figures on my scales died a death long ago, it actually reads 11st_0lb…but I know what it means because it was 12lb last week. Still, it holds out my next goal, which is get it to read 11st dead! See you all in 3 weeks.

    K-Lo….good for you! I can’t wait till I can do the same. All my beloved smaller clothes stare at me sadly in my closet. But some day I will be just like you!

    Day 42 California. We made it!! I have lost 8 lbs during this challenge. A total of 16 lbs since starting 5:2 on April 11th. People are asking me about this WOE at work. I have learned that I do not need breakfast and do not have to pack snacks for lunch in case I get hungry. I am no longer afraid to be hungry. This is great progress. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but this is a great start. Thank you, Coda for this challenge. I will continue to post until the next challenge begins. Thanks to everyone for your support. We did this together! Stay Strong!!

    Pacific NW USA: Day 42!!! Continuing with a NFD today and will stay the course between now and next challenge.

    It has been the most positive experience reading everyone’s end of challenge reports this morning and I can’t think of a more positive or happier step I’ve taken in the last decade than when by happenstance I joined you all in this challenge. You have taught me how to follow 5:2 and so much more. I have a long weigh (intentional spelling) to go to reach my goal of regaining my health and well being of 10 years ago but I now have what seemed to elude me for so long – I am back in charge of me! I hope to carry your perseverance, intentionality, mindfulness and sensitivity with me on the rest of my journey. This has been a globe encircling holding of hands. Thank you Coda for being the first to reach out and for everyone else for grabbing and holding on!

    6 week grand total weights and measures (drum roll, please)!

    Weight: down 23.6 lbs!
    Waist: down 7 inches!
    Hips: down 2 inches!
    Bust: down 2 inches!
    Neck: down 1/2 inch!
    BMI: down 3.6 points!
    Waist to Height Ratio: down 10 points!
    TDEE: now within range of women’s average!

    UK day 42 ๐Ÿ˜€ finished the challenge with a fd and 60 cals spare, just not hungry!!! Will weigh in and measure tomorrow morning and post in!

    Congrats everyone and thank you Coda! What a lovely experience this has been and such a wonderful group of people. Good luck to all through this next solo challenge!!!! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

    Day 42 Scotland
    Wow, amazing figures being posted. Congratulations and very well done to everyone. Staying the course is not easy but Coda has been amazing at keeping everyone going. Gold medal to you Coda. The next three weeks should be just like the last. If you feel the need to post everyday I’m sure there will be someone around to chat with. Just don’t let the regime go. Stick with it and the July challenge will take you forward..
    My day at work turned into a fast day, third this week. Tomorrow will be 16:8 then fasting again Monday. Not sure when to post results yet Coda. Still looking for that final reduction. TTL

    Another post at day 42 from USA, Minnesota:
    I love this quote, K-Lo: “I have no need to hang onto larger sizes just in case, because there is no just in case. I know how to do this”. Way to be positive and definitive! You are one of my heroes!

    Quรฉbec, day 42
    The scale showed 133 this morning. Right on target with my goal.

    I lost 6 pounds in 6 weeks. That’s a great result for me. When I was with Weight Watchers I was loosing 1/2 pound a week and those results weren’t enough to keep me motivated.

    The last 42 days I particularly am proud for developping a new relationship with food.

    I want to thank all of you who helped me get back on the horse when times were difficult. Going as far as putting dishwashing soap in my peanut butter jar to stop eating mindlesly spoon after spoon.

    A very special thanks to our wonderfull leader, Coda. You always had the right words to keep us going.

    During our 3 weeks off I will continue fasting 5:2 or 5:3 and I will be back here once in a while.

    I’ll be with you for the next challenge beginning on July the first, already hoping to be 3 pounds lighter by then.

    Hugs from Quรฉbec x

    Day I of of our break. Cornwall, UK.
    Massive congratulations to Every one who posted their results at the end of our challenge, we are all amazing! K-lo I also love your quote! My OH said that as I’ve done so well and intend continuing with this WOL then I should have faith and sort out my wardrobe full of many sizes 10-16 ! I am beginning to get out the 12s but even they do vary in size, I’m into the larger ones! So as the weather is rather overcast and rain forcast this could be a job for later today!

    After spending more than I care to believe on Slimming clubs! Now at age 67 I found the answer at no more cost than commitment to 5.2 and 16.8 and being part of this amazing group, so huge thankyouโ€™s to all you wonderful people all around the world for being out there with support, encouragement and information!

    I will continue to โ€˜spread the wordโ€™ so others can achieve the health benefits, the improved self confidence /self esteem and the weight loss that I’ve found in a relatively short time.

    I will update my profile again in the net few days!

    Stay strong, we can continue this despite what life throws at us! We have learnt the strategies stay in control of food and not being controlled by food! We have learnt we are not always hungry, a glass of water will be the answer! Chew sugar free gum when making the families sandwiches/ cooking or baking! Wiggle your bracelet or read those quotes and affirmations we have written and put in strategic places around the kitchen and on the fridge! We are worth it!

    Big hugs, keep posting!!! Onwards and Downwards :-))

    Day 42– Colorado, USA

    Results day! There has been amazing progress made by this group! I’ve so enjoyed reading everyone’s wrap-up stories. Yay for us!!

    Starting weight: 156 (71 kg)
    Ending weight: 149.5 (68 kg)
    Total Lost: 6.5 (3 kg) That’s just over one lb. lost per week.

    During this Challenge, I went on a cruise with DH’s family (oh, the wonderful foods!!) and then had a long-weekend visit out of town with my family…. So the AMAZING thing for me is I still managed to lose weight.
    In the past, those 2 trips would have surely meant a gain!
    Hooray! Progress!

    I did not take measurements (wish I had) but have noticed the waist line on my pants are getting looser & have taken to wearing belts to keep my pants in place.

    Happily though, I’m no longer afraid of being “caught” without food & ending up hungry. I no longer carry snacks in my purse all the time (I’m a bit embarrassed typing that!)

    My next goals?

    1– Carry on with 5:2 mixed with 16:8 days and Low Carb/High Fat eating. It’s lovely how I now crave a fresh mixed salad & more veggies!

    2– Add in more daily exercise for toning & shaping. I want my strength & fitness back!!

    3– Continue losing lbs until I reach my goal weight. I want to do a giant closet clean-out by the end of our July Challenge like my other heroes on this thread!
    Like K-Lo, I want to well & truly ditch all the bigger sizes for good (because I won’t ever need them again!) You truly must be HappyKaren now!

    Congratulations to everyone actively working toward & reaching personal goals!!
    THANK YOU, CODA for getting this ball rolling & managing this wonderful group ๐Ÿ™‚

    HappyMargo, yes, still happy today. After I completed the closet, I hit my pants drawer. In addition to fitting back into some old jeans, I found $105 in the pocket of a pair to be tossed. A profitable day in many ways.

    Final results in! Lost 17.4lbs and inches from everywhere!!! Total weight loss to date of -23.4lbs!!! Thanks so much to all and I’ll see you again after 3 weeks, hopefully closer to a 2 stone loss ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€


    Wow K-Lo -I’m sure you’ll find a great way to spend or save those bucks! :>


    WOW! The results being posted are awesome. Good job!!

    Dutch, we went to a Broadway play last night. It covered dinner….at a ridiculously loud restaurant. On the plus side, I ate very moderately.

    Day 43 in Los Angeles. Well, I am down overall only 3 lbs from my starting weight on May 1. During these past 6 weeks I’ve gone on 2 trips and lost some ground. I am slightly disappointed with my progress, especially since I have been very diligent in every way I know how. I dealt with 2 plateau periods which didn’t help. On the plus side, I did lose 3 lbs. And I got to know and hang out with everyone here, which has been a much appreciated benefit. Thanks and blessings to everyone here, esp Coda, for your help, information, comraderie, and support every day. See you all for the next challenge!

    Day 1: Gloucestershire, UK: We have 19 days before the next challenge begins on 1st July:
    Non-fast day. I feel slightly adrift because the challenge has ended and, maybe, with it the discipline of signing in each day and reporting. Ate rather more than I intended this afternoon, but hopefully all will be well tomorrow on a fast day back at work.


    K-Lo sounds like a plan well executed! Ridiculously loud is, sadly, the new standard but you were in control food wise. Pretty darned good!

    Today I couldn’t help but notice the difference in my fridge contents. Not dramatic but still! Yoghurt, rocket, tomatoes, alfalfa, cucumber, etc. YUM!
    As a bonus to reaching my target I decided to treat myself to a spiralizer. Had a great courgetti today. Had to get used to the flavour but it did taste good.

    Tomorrow a FD again but I’m now looking forward to these FD’s and my new target is 65kg. Taking it at 5 kg a time seems less brutal than aiming for a total loss of 20kg. I know – it’s all in the mind! One day I shall weigh 55-60 again!!

    Just watching the CNN news on the Orlando shooting. Very shocking to hear. The call to donate blood is chilling.

    This evening I’ll be following the news broadcasts.
    Be safe, wherever you are.

    Pacific NW USA: June 12, Day 1 (per Ciren2!) NFD with 16:8

    Well, habits do form over 6 weeks so here I am reporting during our break! Good luck to everyone continuing!

    OH and I watched Dr Moseley’s speech at the Sidney Opera House on TV last night. I was looking for the “Trust Me I’m a Doctor” series mentioned by someone on this forum and found this:

    It was a general run down but interesting to see how many other You Tube videos were available with Dr. Mosely. OH was quite taken with his up-to-date science and interested because his father had Type 2 diabetes. His father was always a very active, thin, mail carrier who grew his own food, built the family home and was healthy otherwise. OH has wondered whether he inherited the genes and so is quite happy to eat a lo carb Mediterranean diet with me.

    Wish we could wake up one day to no news about terrorism!

    Evening all – at the end of the challenge.
    I managed 16:8 today with a total of 800 calories for the day.
    Will post final stats in the morning Coda – sorry to bring up the rear but need all the time I can get to reach target again.
    Great posts and results from everyone, a terrific pat on the back to you all.
    If you feel the need to post something over the next few weeks then go ahead. Don’t break the habit if you need the support. I’m sure someone will be around to help.
    Fast day tomorrow for me as normal – now to get those scales to behave. TTL

    Day 2 -18 days til next challenge! Cornwall UK.
    Fast day today, feeling tired and didn’t sleep too well as the aches got me!
    So off to an hours Pilates class soon and will feel stretched and brighter after that!!
    My heart goes out to Los Angeles and to all the families involved. A truely shocking death toll. So senseless.
    K-lo well done on finding those dollars, every little helps towards yourโ€˜ new slim youโ€™ clothes pot!!
    I didn’t get to sorting out my wardrobe as the rain didn’t arrive and I needed to do some weeding and plant more salad seeds.
    Stay strong everyone over the next 18 days!
    Onwards and downwards!


    Day 2 – I like the sound of that :>
    End of april I started 5:2 because my jeans were getting very tight and I refused to buy new ones a size bigger. Now that I’ve lost 5kgs I fit them very nicely. Saved another 70 euro! It’ll be a while still before I can toss them.
    Rocy65- hope you’ll feel better after Pilates.
    I’m having a FD today and it feels different somehow. Maybe because I miss reading the regular posts from you all.
    Have a great day!!

    Good morning all
    Had a really bad night, mainly because I was hungry. Maybe I’ve done too much over the last week. Three fasts and one 800 cal day. We’re fasting today (normal Monday fast) so it will be interesting. I still have 1.1/4 lbs to reduce to get back to my pre holiday target, but pleased to have unloaded 3.3/4 lbs in two weeks since coming back. All my stats have stayed the same since starting the challenge, which for me is a good thing. I’m beginning to think I might be at my optimum weight at 9 stone.
    It has been great being on this forum. It brings home to me that this a big challenge for a lot of people, but the support and comraderie that comes from sharing the highs and lows, plus the tips and info is brilliant, especially with you all.
    I am 67, was 2stone 11lbs (39 lbs) overweight when I started, looked like a sack of potatoes, clothes didn’t fit properly, and not feeling terribly well all the time. I was unhappy and moody and generally turning into a grouch. Delighted to say everything has changed. The self confidence you gain from this WOL is immeasurable, quite apart from being in size 12 again, and looking good, the mental change is astonishing. It’s great having people tell you how good you look, compliments are like food, to be savoured.
    All I can say to everyone is just keep doing it as Dr m says. You don’t have to know the science, you don’t have to exercise to death, you don’t have to go to extremes in fasting, just keep doing it. Even if the weight doesn’t change for a while, know that things are changing inside towards wellness, everything else will follow eventually. Remember it took years to pile the weight on, it won’t come off overnight. 5:2 is sustainable. If I can you it, so can everyone. Great work to all of you, and you all deserve a medal for sticking with it. Coda – you are a star, and well done for holding everyone together. Onwards and downwards. TTL

    Day 2 โ€“
    My daughter decided to join me in this WOL 2 weeks ago. She has been so pleased with how she has been losing too. I am excited for her. She is on break from college and is thrilled that she will go back to school in September a new girl ๏Š
    TTL – Thanks for your words of encouragement. As someone with a long way yet to go itโ€™s good to know that if I keep my nose to the grindstone I can get where I need to be. I think here in the US you would be a size 8 if memory serves me right. I have found about two sizes difference between home and here.
    Dutchโ€ฆ I feel the same. I did take a break for the weekend but plan on checking in every day again.
    Rocy65 โ€“ feel better!
    Coda – Your challenge was a Godsend for me. Thank you!

    Hiatus Day 2– USA

    So glad to see others are still posting on the thread! I’ll keep coming here till the new Challenge starts too.

    Used a spiralzer for the first time last night. DH loved how the zucchini turned out, which is great b/c I’m always searching for ways to sneak more veggies into his meals. We’ll putting this little machine to plenty of use!

    Today is Fast Day. It always feels good on Monday to give my body a rest & re-set after the weekend. I need it… Ate A LOT over this past weekend!
    I’m only taking cucumber slices & one 70-calorie Babybel cheese wheel to work. But may stick to just black coffee & plain tea.

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