42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 2,344 total)

  • Hello from Northern Spain
    I have read your posts and they all seem interesting.
    I fasted yesterday which was no big deal and am fasting tomorrow too.
    So far so good. I have more energy and my clothes seem looser but that could be just wishful thinking on my part!!
    The days in between are going well too but a bit of a struggle if I am completely honest.
    Anyway, tomorrow is Friday. I’m off to Bilbao to meet my sisters who are coming over from Ireland for a weekend. I’ve decided to give myself a break and not stress myself out over food or drink. My motto is -relax and chillax! !
    Monday will be coming round soon and in the excellent words of Scarlett O’Hara:As God is my judge-I’ll never go hungry again.
    Or maybe I should rethink that one

    Ciren – I just celebrated #68 on May 2, so even though I am of ‘advanced age’ I don’t consider myself old! πŸ™‚ I attribute my worst weight gain to menopause, especially the belly fat that seemed to come out of nowhere in my mid-50’s. Yes, weight has always come off slowly for me too.

    ANAIDE – yes, good luck to you Brazilians! My husband was born in Rio when his parents were there in 1947, post war. As a career Army officer his dad was helping the Brazilian army. We watch Brazil pretty closely. And we certainly will when the Olympics are there! Maybe someday we will get back to the city of his birth.

    Day12 California, USA. FD today. I am planning to drink water and tea today. I have salmon and a salad on standby if I need to eat dinner tonight. I went over my TDEE yesterday and blame my eating breakfast for the increased calorie intake. I even had some wine and chocolate last night. I weighed myself this am and was down one pound. I am now afraid that tomorrow’s official weigh in will reflect yesterdays’s splurge. I am hoping the 15,800 steps from yesterday will help offset the weight gain. I might try to make 15000 steps a new goal.

    Coda: Thank you for the emotional eating information. Explains a lot of my weight gain over the years.

    It’s my day off work today and I am having a slow start to my day. Need to start moving if I am going to reach the 15000 step goal.
    Wishing a great day to all!

    USA Minnesota Day 12 FD. 12:30 p.m. Overcast, cool and breezy. Grand daughter has improved so I’m not babysitting today and had a nice 30 min walk this morning. This challenge is also a great motivation for getting me up off the couch. It was so lovely to smell the lilacs and all the blooming trees and flowers. I plan to get a FitBit this afternoon to help get me moving.

    Coda- thanks for noticing that I’m posting daily. My difficulty will come the last of May and the first week of June. However, I have found this thread so informative, motivating and entertaining that I have done some re-arranging in order to ensure that I have internet access and the time to post; but mostly so that I can read what is going on with everyone else and stay inspired!

    HannahWatto I had to laugh about your suggestion to dance around the house with the curtains closed. I did that last week one day and scared my cat. But it’s a simple and doable exercise.
    ETJ- I’m glad to hear things are “working out” for your son. “Once in the colon, easy rollin!” we use to tell parents.
    DebbieQ- My husband and I have had a gym membership for over a year and have been there once. What a waste of money and opportunity! But I agree with Capricorngirl that it can be very intimidating to walk in and see such young, fit people working out so vigorously. Maybe I should just ask when the least busy time would be, and go then. Or maybe with the loss of another 5-10 lbs. I’ll feel more comfortable going.
    Edzeko- I agree with CP that there is likely something wrong with your scale. Or it’s food in transit. My scale has a strange “tare” thing where it sets to +4.4 lbs. I have to get on and off it a couple of times until it returns to zero.

    Troyca- I admire you for doing this while you are laid up from knee surgery. Is it hard for you to stay busy and keep your mind off food?

    Back2future- you have certainly had a long road to this point! Three years ago I severely broke my ankle which required surgery, plates and screws (still there), and I feel that it started a “self perpetuating negative cycle”, quoting from the MFP article Coda posted. The winter hit and I was afraid of getting out to exercise, afraid of falling again, and I was eating for comfort and then gaining weight and losing muscle, which made exercising more and more unpleasant. I think it’s wonderful that you are taking control with the fast diet and doing your walking. Best of luck to you in your continued recovery!

    Day 12 UK. Recalculated my TDEE down to 1698cals. So I believe I’m going to be around that today. Ive not kept track as it’s been so busy. But tomorrow is another day and I will make sure I weigh and record all food to keep under my BMR of 1235. I know I can do it. I’ve been investigating the fast diet site and so many interesting links and helpful info, Ive learnt so much!! Best of luck to one and all!

    Day 12 uk, nfd. Quick check in from me. All fine

    USA 12 of 42
    Second FD in a row! Its going fine. Just found out I have to bake 3doz cookies for church tonight! It will be a real test of will power not to sample one.
    I’ll be checking in with ya’ll tomorrow!

    Dollybird, I swear I thought you were going to write “tomorrow is another day.”

    What is happening with me?! It is a NFD, only 2:41 pm and I already ate all my TDEE calories. Have to stick with tea and coffee for the rest of the day. πŸ™

    Hi from Southern California, day #12, NFD today. I ate 1100 healthy calories until now, 2:00 PM. I’m doing good, I’ll have a salad and some nuts for dinner and exercise for 20 min with Leslie Sansone on youtube. I already did my yoga/stretching in the morning. Tomorrow = FD. I’ll make vegetable soup with a little quinoa in it for lunch and I’ll have another big salad for dinner. For the soup I’ll use: yellow squash, green onion, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, dill and tomato sauce (Italian, really good) plus some quinoa.

    Aussie day 13 wow all these posts that appear overnight, love it NFD today another kilo gone wont say i lost it as i don’t want to find it again lol. Coda all of those reasons for overeating have been mine at sometime, not grumpy today I wish this weather would make up its mind almost winter jumpers one day t shirt the next you must laugh at us down under i lived in the North of England for the first 8 yrs of my life I haven’t seen snow since, we might get a light frost, it all depends where you live even the ocean is still 24 c. Well done everyone couldn’t do this without all this great support.

    QuΓ©bec, day 12
    Had a FD yesterday that went fairly well. Didn’t sleep well and had to get up early so I was struck this afternoon by an intense desire to eat ice cream. I almost stopped at the grocery store to buy some. After a long dialogue with all the Hagen Daz bars in this world, I decided not to stop. First great move, congratulations to me !!! After getting home, I decided to eat dark chocolate I had in the freezer and found it easy to limit myself to a few pieces ( and not the whole big bar). Second great move, recongratulations to me !!!

    Never tought I could eat so little on FD and still do my normal activities. I used to eat all the time, very little but all the time. When I didn’t eat for a few hours I would feel really weak. My mother and I had a running gag : I would say ” I’m so hungry, I think I’m gonna die “. And my mother would answer ” Ho no, not again !” She’s the one who died… A few months ago.

    Speaking of death, I’d like to tell you about my father. At that time, I hadn’t touched a potato chip for two years and no sugar or sweets for 6 weeks. The night my father died, while crying, I broke my good habit. I took out a half gallon of ice cream from the cooler, sat on my father’s couch, and ate all the ice cream straight from the container with a tablespoon. The following days I bought family size cakes and ate them all at once. I felt like nothing could fulfill my hunger and relieve my pain. It hurt so much.

    That was 31/2 years ago and i’m now able to manage my cravings. More than manage, I would even say that I now feel immunize or feel free from the tight grip that food had on me. I think I’m beginning to see food for what it realy is and not as a treatment to my distress. I’s absolutly a new and comfortable feeling for me. I cross my fingers ( and drink a lot of tea ) to stay that way. The 5:2 WOL and the sharing of this group helped me evolve towards what I was ready to realize. Thank you so much !

    Could someone tell me a bit about the effects of salt when trying to loose weight ?

    Hope I didn’t bore you with my personnal mourning story.

    Bye bye for now.

    Quebecoise I hope you feel better for sharing that. We all have used eating as a crutch at sometime or another I would guess. I hope being part of this challenge is helping the healing process and so glad you felt able to share it with us. Hugs x

    K-lo that is what I expected dollybird aka scarlet o’hara to say too lol

    So it’s good night from me on day 12 as those ‘down under’ are already beginning to post their day 13 while we wait for those on the other side of the pond to catch up.

    US SE Day 12 – FD. I can hardly believe that it’s almost the end of day 12. Today was a repeat of all my fast days. No hunger till noon. Could eat my hand between 2 and 4, and then no hunger at all in the evening.

    Quebecoise, I also would like to know the effects of salt on dieting as I have had a love affair with it for many years. I blame it for my swollen ankles, although with all the water I drink these days, that isn’t much of a problem.

    Dollybird… you made me laugh!

    Hope all have a good day tomorrow.

    FD today. Staying focus and drinking lot of water. 1 hard boiled egg and 2 cups of black coffee for breakfast, 4oz of chicken breast for lunch with some roasted veggie. Will measure and weigh myself tomorrow and report.

    UK posting catch up for day 10 and 11! Just transitioned my little one to specialist formula for collic and constipation…..not an easy few days so completely missed posting! It is amazing how much less resolve i had to follow 5:2 on my own. Day 10 started off as my fast day and by 3pm id decided against it! Today went much of the same…..i stayed to under my TDE but not through taking in healthy calories!!!

    After reading all your posts and coda’s info i feel a better resolve and plan to fast tomorrow! I also know i didnt have anywhere near enough water and so half the time i snacked i was probably thirsty not hungry!

    I will make time to check in tomorrow as i obviously need to to keep me going!!!

    Australia Day 13 NFD – weighed in this morning and have lost another kilo! Woohoo! Only problem is I went to the physio this morning re my hip and my sudden spurt of exercise has caused an injury which could take up to six weeks to fix! I am reduced to walking only on level ground for 30 minutes three times a week. How frustrating! I have not gone over my TDEEs or my fast days over these two weeks but I was secretly enjoying the fact that all my walking meant I was WELL under my TDEEs. Oh well…

    BTW – the physio said my hip injury was completely predictable; apparently when elite athletes “up” their training significantly they invariably suffer an injury within 2 weeks. Well at least I am like an elite athlete in some way! πŸ™‚ Anyway I thought that might be good advice for anyone thinking about starting or ramping up their exercise program. A slow and steady build will win the race.

    Well…I went over my 480 FD calories by a couple hundred. Boo πŸ™

    Qebecoise I feel for you so sad. HannahWatto I hope your hip heals soon don’t let it get you down.I actually got back into c to 5 this morning and could run further without stopping even my pup is starting to go in a straight line we used to run along behind people to get him to run felt a bit like stalking lol. Made a big salad for lunch also chopped up a bowl of fruit.

    Thank you Coda and Fishin Gran for your kindness.

    HannahWatto the advice of your physio will serve me well. In fact I just came in from walking the dog and decided to start running bits of the way. Your post makes me think that I must start very, very slowly because I don’t want to injure myself.

    I’m planning on going swiming tomorrow. I still have to convince myself that I must begin some day.

    South Australia Day 13
    Hello Everyone
    Usually I wake up early and read your posts with a hot cup of tea but today I overslept and then was busy including an aquarobics session at the gym and came home tired and starving. Made myself a huge vegetable fritatta with three eggs and topped it with Greek youghurt and made myself a plunger of fabulous coffee and had a very enjoyable time reading all your posts since yesterday.
    I told my granddaughters about my exercise jar and how every day that I exercise I will put in a $2 coin for the next 30 days towards a family treat and they were very supportive so now I have 2 personal trainers. I don’t have a mini trampoline at present but it sounds like fun 3rdtimelucky and I shall buy Dr M’s Fast Exercise book.
    I planned my food for my NFD yesterday and stayed below my TDEE so will do that again today. I am meeting friends at the pub after work so will save some for the wine I intend be drinking.
    Just a couple of questions and other comments
    FishingGranny what is a “couch to 5”?
    HappyMango What is a Laura bar?
    Coda I suggest you take that noisy Cadbury Flake and mindfully put it in the bin. It gives you a real buzz.
    Edzeko your scales and mine seem to be doing strange things, sometimes I get on mine 4 times in a row and get 4 different readings. I have no idea how to change the battery but I think I will have to learn.
    Back2thefuture I just love your amazing country. We just think of the northern hemisphere as OS or overseas and we still have the globe the same way up as you with North at the top. If you want to be very Ozzie and casual you could say “See youse later” for goodbye in Australian.
    Ciren2 if you click on our names you get our profiles. I am over 60 too:)
    ANAIDE Information about your ex-president was on our Newscasts last night. It is a difficult time for Brazil.
    Sorry this is so long everyone it must be all the coffee
    Have a great day

    Australia Day 13 – 29 days to go of challenge πŸ™‚

    Thanks everyone for your stories. ABC1 – Gosh, if you had of had an X-ray it would have been pretty cool to see. I can honestly say I have never heard of anyone swallowing a pencil, lol. I told the kids and I am sorry, but we all had a laugh (only because I know you are ok!) I can imagine it would have been terrifying at the time though.

    Quebecoise – I am sorry to hear about your father. The word stress is used so often, that we underestimate the effects it can cause. I am glad that you are in a better place now.

    All good with me. It is a fast day today, yesterday I ate under me TDEE because I only got 2 meals in. I was craving some choccie last night, so had a teaspoon of nutella. It did the job, lol.

    Fasts – 7 Non fasts – 6


    NL day 13
    Wow…it’s 2 weeks already! Yesterday FD and did good on the calories. My weight goes down 3 and up two. The graph is like a lightningbolt. But it is going down – that’s the most important.
    I haven’t shared much here on the forum only because I feel I don’t have anything worthwhile to write…which I know is not true. I need to take the time to sit down and post. I’m also scared I’ll use the wrong words or phrases and offend somebody. If I do, please tell me.

    It’s more like recognizing all that you write. THe accidents and incidents with children. My eldest daughter gave me grey hair overnight as a teenager and now is happily married and has three children. The loss of parents. I feel for you. It does hurt. A lot. And then one day the lovely memories replace the hurt. My parents both passed away in 2013 and writing this brings back the tears. That’s okay. It feels like therapeutic.

    What I really want/need to mention is how all topics/subjects (what is the proper word here?!) are addressed in this forum and are treated with respect. Thank you all so much for that!!
    Hope you all have a great day and lose a bit more :-))

    Qsue If you google couch to 5km it’s getting you of the couch and running 5 km.I am getting there slowly but surely.

    Pacific NW USA: End of day 12, NFD
    No energy today after a very successful FD yesterday. Still kept under TDEE. But boy, this has been the longest day so far, I couldn’t even get the energy to walk my easy route. Makes me wonder about the long haul as my goal requires I undo the results of the last year which could take a while. Thanks MorningDawn for the support!

    When I’m tired I want sweets, mainly dark chocolate. When I’m bored I want salty food and when I was in pain I wanted salty followed by sweet followed by salty and then comfort carbs, keep ’em coming.. So this year has also ended with finding Dr. Mosley’s tips for a healthier life which I probably would have needed anyway, so that’s a bonus.

    Qsue – thanks for the global perspective!

    See youse later!

    U.K. Start of Day 13. FD yesterday. Banana for brekkie, couple of cubes of Mackerel pate, asparagus for lunch and ragu and spiralised courgette for dinner. I was hungry:-( so had to keep myself busy. Cheated with a stick of celery – how can you really cheat with a veg that burns more calories chewing it than it actually has in calorific value? Off for a swim this morning after a proper breakfast.

    Another 400g gone ( but a bit hard to judge balancing on one leg) hurrah! All in the right direction!

    Actually as I am not doing anything I don’t get hungry. I have been gorging on all that unwatched Netflix I have been ‘missing’. Have been watching quite a lot of documentaries about diet and the diet industry as well as the food industry and those are remarkably supportive when you decide you no longer want to be a victim of all that. The door to happiness is not the refrigerator door…

    I have been a green juice fan for a few years now and it helped me shift much of my original pile of poundage. My current lapse is due to too many martinis! I made a pact with myself never to let it slide beyond the 1/2 stone mark -hence 5:2. Drinking a green juice as part of my daily allowance is something I enjoy and keeps me feeling really healthy.
    Now then on to some more quad exercises- sigh…

    UK day 13 – checking in after surviving son’s birthday party. I need to have a careful food day today to compensate a little. Fortunately, not too much left. Gave most of the left overs to the dogs…so I’d better get out and walk them, else they’ll be needing to go on a diet!

    France Day 13 morning

    Second fast day today, but I have some wonderful Chinese veggies waiting for a stir fry tonight.

    Quebecoise I have some dark chocolate in the baking cupboard and it it sings to me in the evenings. So far I have turned a deaf ear. Overcoming cravings as strong as yours must have been really hard. Well done for coming to terms with it. Talking about your grief and loss is very healthy, and part of the healing process as Coda says. I share your sadness of parents that passed. I still want to ring my Mum. But I guess now I have a direct line. My thoughts are with you.

    DebbieQ I share your love of salt. I enjoy eating raw tomatoes dipped in it. I am also a fan of salt caramel. However diets high in sodium increase blood pressure levels. High blood pressure damages the kidneys over time, and is a leading cause of kidney failure.

    HannahWatto I hope you are feeling better soon. You are right about the slow and steady build up. I used to be a gymnastics coach back in the day, and we always had the gymnasts stretching and warming up before they began any routines. Just you be careful Fishing Gran, leaping off your couch and running 5kms! πŸ˜‰

    Thoughts on the subject of scales. I had similar doubts about the accuracy of mine and Googled it. Apparently scales need recalibrating, especially after moving. Turn them on and wait until they have come to zero but do not use them that time. Then repeat. This is meant to recalibrate the electric style scale. It seems to have worked with mine. I nearly fell off them this morning following a fast day when I have dropped more than usual overnight.

    Troyca I want to put your phrase on my fridge door. β€œThe door to happiness is not the fridge door”.

    Many of you suffer constipation, and I wonder if you get enough fruit? I eat an apple every day and often blue berries as well. I know this introduces fructose, but not many calories, and I have never suffered with the dreaded issue since I started the diet. Well not yet at least.

    US Day 13…only 3 pounds from goal. Fast went well yesterday. Coffee, seltzer, miso, and a few walnuts. Then an after work event where I had a small glass of white wine and cheese, strawberries and a few crackers. But oh my word, I was so cold!!!!!

    Stress levels at home on high. Son #2 failed to qualify for his major so he’s now in process of attempting to shift into acceptable alternative. This will definitely add another year to his college career. $$$$$$ ADD and engineering…not a match made in heaven

    UK day 13

    Well – its my first weigh in and, of course, much is water – but I’ve only gone and lost 11 pounds! I had to get on, off and then back onto the scales just to check!!

    Thank you so much Coda, and everyone else who contributes, for all your encouragement. As a big girl with lots to lose, I have a big TDEE but am sticking to 2000 calories for the time being and will gradually drop this as the weight shifts!

    Off to do my happy dance again!

    UK day 12 just back from Pilates , it may be wishful thinking but I’m sure the roll downs were a lot easier than usual ,hopefully a sign of some flab disappearing , had a pretty good week so far but entering the weekend which is my danger zone , will do the same as last week and alternate a glass of water for every glass of wine a d this good weather is helping so much easier when eating salads etc Had a good catch up on the forum earlier this morning with my coffee , some wise people out there , great encouragement from all round the world Keep it up ladies ! (- I think we are all female sorry if I’ve missed any guys )

    Hi all – UK day 13 fd for me. So far only water.

    Where was Whalley? You were on the danger list, near to being deleted. If you can’t post every day tell me so I can note it down. Also sorry to burst your bubble I think that is a myth about Celery.

    Some good results with some dancing going on behind closed curtains lol well done!

    Last night my husband fancied a snack and made himself a sandwich. It started something in me and as I had calories to spare I decided on some toast – with butter and peanut butter. Unfortunately I didn’t measure any of it 3 slices I know!!! Funny i didnt want that flake.I was over mfp calories but don’t think I would have been over my tdee. However an hour later I felt heavy and not best pleased with my self for not making a better choice. Apart from that I have stuck to plan but feel a bit despondent. I know my weigh in day is tomorrow but had a sneaky peak and no movement. I know this is a plan for life and I will get there but I want to get there a bit quicker!!!!! I hold TTL as my beacon of hope and reading all your posts is keeping me going and if I would take my own advice – the number on the scale is not all that is going on.

    Fishing gran I too am doing couch 2 5 k. Before Christmas I reached the end and was able to run approx 5k non stop albeit it took me longer than 30 mins. So true about use it or lose it. I started again recently and am begining week 3 today but when doing some body weight exercises I was doing some lunges and seem to have inflamed my knees. Trying to keep going and hope it settles.

    Sorry my post doesn’t appear to be a very upbeat one but I feel better – ready to carry on.

    Thanks everyone for keeping the momentum going. 29 days to go!!!

    Day 13- Colorado, USA

    Well, actually very far from Colorado, visiting family. Feels strange being in someone else’s kitchen. None of my usual “safe” foods around.
    With dinner out last night, I ordered citrus grilled salmon, broccoli, carrots, salad and of course, red wineπŸ˜€ Ended up 365 calories over TDEE. I’ve decided for this trip to try & not stress so much. Just eat healthy as possible at each meal, enjoy the company of people I haven’t seen in years, walk when I can get out & maintain.

    Congrats on everyone doing tai chi, Pilates, swimming laps, walking thousands of steps, following work out vids at home… Such an active group!
    We’re all gonna look SO HOT in our new smaller wardrobes!! πŸ˜€


    tried this last night with a big salad – very tasty

    Just right HappyMargo – just right!

    US/Day 13 – mostly successful fast day yesterday (slightly over my 500) which I’m ok with, because for some reason yesterday was extremely difficult — I felt hungry all day and couldn’t seem to get it outta my head……grrrrrr……I try to focus on the fact that even though it was over 500, it was not what I would normally do! Today is my weigh in day and I’m happy that the scale continues to go down. Like Coda though, I too get frustrated because I feel like I’m working SO hard I expect changes to happen sooner — even though they are happening regularly. I have to remind myself I didn’t get this way overnight, so it’s not going to come off overnight either!

    NFD today and will be busy with this around the house – should be able to stick to my TDEE. I’m thinking I may do a FD on Saturdays as well (so Mon/Thurs/Sat) since I seem to through myself off having 3 days of NFD before I fast again. Toying with the idea.

    As always, love reading through the posts with my morning coffee. This thread has definitely kept me motivated, inspired and feeling like I’m not alone. Thanks!!

    Switzerland Day 13 NFD
    It’s really great to hear how everyone’s doing – the highs and the lows – it feels like we’re a little community!
    Watching what I eat is going fine, but we’re off camping this weekend and it hasn’t stopped raining for three days. Coda, I’ll be out of contact until the middle of next week (or possibly earlier if we get washed out!). Kids are yet to discover that there’s no wifi in a tent…

    Hi again,

    Southern California, day #13, NFD. It was supposed to be a FD but I changed my mind. I’ll probably fast on Sunday. Saturday I’ll have some friends over so I can’t do it. Have a nice weekend!

    US Day 13:
    Well…I was disappointed going over my FD calorie allowance last night..after I’d had such a good day! Got to go walking/jogging in the afternoon. Had my lettuce wraps with curry chicken salad. The rest of the family had whole wheat tortillas to put theirs in…but my husband changed his mind and just had lettuce like me so I had a warm tortilla sitting in front of me and I decided to eat it. Then after the kids baths, I wanted something sweet and I’d already gone over. The gummy bears were calling to me (given to me from a friend…seriously..the best gummies) but I had an apricot instead……..then I had some gummy bears too!! Gr. (sigh) do you all think I should add another FD this weekend (Saturday?) or just keep going on with the plan as set?
    I weighed in this morning and am down 4.1lbs since starting! So that’s encouraging. Just need to get out of the mindset of “messed up so eat whatever” today. And focus on healthier choices and staying below my TDEE. Oh and some exercise.

    I have ran in the past off and on for years. Every time I would start increasing my training after a certain point my knee would start bothering me. The last time this happened (about a year ago) my sister pointed me to “Pilates for Runners” video on youtube. I would do it every day and i was able to go on training and my knee didn’t bother me! It builds up all your knee supporting muscles. A lot of times there’s just an imbalance in the muscles. Hope this helps someone! Oh, and it only takes like 6 minutes to do both sides. https://youtu.be/EaCb_OShsRw

    USA Day 13 / 29 to go.
    Well, my NFD turned into classic binge yesterday. I ate something about 2200 cal yesterday (my TDEE is 1500). Have no idea what trigger that, I have absolutely no excuses. πŸ™
    Decided to turn today into third fasting day of the week to balance my binge.

    Hi – and…exhale noted – hope the sun comes out, camping is so much better when the sun is shinning.

    Thanks DorothyG for the link – will give that a viewing to see if that helps with my knees.

    Dutch – I think we all seem a nice bunch and will not judge you if you use a wrong phrase – we may laugh but in a nice way. I would love to see us attempt to write dutch lol. You are doing great and good that you enjoy all the posts.

    So we are all in the same boat – some plain sailing, other getting a little breeze they are fighting against and for some it is turning into a bit of a gale. Calmer waters are forecast soon you just have to keep the head down and sail on.

    Another weekend fast approaching – you all know the perils of ‘sure it’s the weekend’ keep to the plan and you will feel so much better. Also this is a way of life so plan a little indulgence to make you feel good – and it doesn’t have to be food but if it is make sure it is a good one – remember eat the foods that will love you back.

    For most of us when we started this challenge, were wishing we could be were we are now, with a few lbs less. So lets build on this and continue our good work. Next week we are approaching the half way mark – already!! so lets put the heads down and be determined you are going to do all you can to make this challenge a success. Plan and remember YOU CAN DO IT!

    Day 13. Wisconsin, USA. I’m feeling a bit sorry that I complained about the scales yesterday. I know in my heart that seeing the wrong number on the scale does NOT qualify as a real problem. Poverty and injustice are real problems. I apologize. But, gosh, this group is so sweet. I appreciate dearly the theories of a scale that could be broken. I am married to a wrestling coach, and am the mother of two very serious wrestlers. We own an expensive “certified” scale, which was recently re calibrated. The darn thing can’t lie.

    This 5:2 is working. I am down two pounds in two weeks, which is what I have read I should expect. Plus, I am feeling the emotional and physical advantages of this lifestyle. I am in this for the long haul.

    I actually took notes on everyone’s posts. I’m having fun trying to “get to know everyone”.

    I wish I had time to comment on everyone’s posts:

    NorthernDawn, Coldpizza and Dutch…I can tell you are very kind people with your words of encouragement.

    Quebecoise – Thank you for being brave and vulnerable, and sharing a bit of your life story to which many of us can relate.

    Anaide – Brazil is in the news a lot. I would be very interested to hear your perspective on current events in your country.

    ABC1 – Wow. That pencil story had me riveted.

    K-Lo – Sorry for your stress!!! We have a smart son who makes average to below average marks in school. He’s a heck of a nice kid, and a talented athlete, but fails to see the point in applying himself as a student. He’s heading off to college this fall to wrestle, and we are praying that his coach does not get fed up, and send him back to us. πŸ™‚ We feel this has been one of our biggest parental fails.

    DaisyandMillie – 11 pounds in two weeks. Simply AMAZING!!!

    Have a wonderful day all. I’m enjoying a latte for breakfast on this NFD, and plan to stick with the plan for the weekend.

    Hello All: Day 13 in Gloucestershire, England. My day off work today. Non-fast day, not too greedy so far…! I do have to watch out for boredom-eating when not at work with the fridge close by. Nice to find a couple of over-60s among all you young’uns on here, SongBirdMe and Qsue. I lost another pound after yesterday’s fast day….FOUR so far!

    Coda, in my old die-hard Atkins days, crustless quiche was a standard in my kitchen. Heavy cream!!!! I just poured everything into a pottery pie pan (sprayed!) or my 10 inch cast iron skillet.

    Now that son#2 is lactose intolerant, I don’t make them as often.

    13 Challenge – Brazil

    Going strong today had lunch because I’m going to fast to do blood tests when the results post for you guys.

    Fasting with soup bone is much easier and replenishes minerals, I found this site Wonderland…



    Day 13 Northern California, USA. I had a successful fasting day yesterday. I had some broth mid afternoon and egg whites and spinach for dinner. Not too exciting but it worked for me. Today is my official weigh in. I am firmly in the 170’s now. I have lost 4 lbs since the start of the challenge, 12.5 lbs lost since starting 5:2 on April 11, 2016. I am very happy with the progress so far.

    Today is a no fast day and my husband wants to go out for breakfast. I will do my best to choose sensibly.

    Wishing everyone strength today to stick to your plans.

    USA (MN) Day 13. NFD Rainy, dark and very cool morning.

    Yesterday’s FD went very well. I just had coffee, tea and water. I had very little hunger by 5p.m. so I decided to try doing just liquids, and no calories. Just to see if I could do it, and how I would feel. I had a little bit of hunger from 7p.m. to bedtime, but it would come and go. What a difference from my fast day on Monday which was so hard! I can only think it was because I had limited my carbs on Wednesday. I’ll break my fast at noon to keep with my 16:8 schedule.

    So, I weighed this morning and had only lost .2 lbs from yesterday. Two tenths of a pound! No signs of fluid retention anywhere. So I think that goes to what Coda and rlw66 were talking about yesterday. There is some kind of delay between eating the food and when it is incorporated into our bodies as fat and whatever. I wish I knew exactly how many days it takes to do that. I did eat well on Tues. and Wed., but stayed under TDEE. I usually assume there is at least some “food in transit” weight, but there couldn’t have been this time. More evidence that daily weighing does not give the true picture. I’m totally fine with that negligible loss; I just find it so curious.

    Quebecoise I, too, am sorry for your loss. Yours is so recent, and I hope you are being kind and easy on yourself. Whoever said that grief comes in waves was so right. You think you are doing alright and then it wells up and knocks you over. No matter how old we get, when our parents leave this world it seems a very strange and lonely place for awhile. But as Dutch so beautifully put it, “One day the lovely memories will replace the hurt”. And that is true.

    Back2future- you may need more recovery time between activities than others since you are building muscle back that you have lost over the last year. As HannahWatto pointed out we all need to increase activities smoothly if unused to it. I hope you are eating adequate protein and over-all, nutritiously.

    DorothyG, Edzeko, ETJ and all of you moms with kids at home and their snacks around…..I really don’t know how you do it in the face of such temptation. My hat is off to you!

    Coda- you are so motivating and inspiring with your posts that I would say, yes, you *do* need to take your own advice. “You are not the reading on the scale”…. It’s very good advice! πŸ™‚ And I love the sailing metaphor, btw.

    Good luck and good weekend, everyone!

    Pacific NW USA: Day 13 FD
    Ice tea and water planned all day until we go to restaurant for dinner where I can easily choose delicious food under 500 cal. I called my doctor and asked about my high consumption of liquids in light of our heat wave and my feelings of lightheadedness. Her nurse called me back and said I should try adding an Emergen-C packet to my water once in a while to replace some minerals. There are 6 g sugar and 25 cals so I’ve just had the first sugar in 2 weeks (has it only been 2 weeks?). Anyone know a way to replace electrolytes without added sugar?

    Also while reading your posts and listening to the Today show in the background my ears were pricked when the coach of the Biggest Loser for the people who gained all their weight back had some good words. He stressed that life long planning is still necessary after weight loss and touted the benefits of FASTING to maintain weight loss! Hope this gets you to the correct video if you want to watch: http://www.today.com/video/bob-harper-on-biggest-loser-weight-loss-controversy-intermittent-fasting-685132867810?icid=vbar

    Troyca – looking forward to my green smoothie tomorrow morning!
    K-Lo and Cizzy-2 – I can’t wait till I’m 3 lbs from goal and I will love it when I’m down to 170 lbs!
    Coda – I can say buttered toast is one of my comfort foods, however I can also say the same butter cube is on the butter dish that was there when I started 5:2
    And…exhale – hope you stay dry or at least stay afloat
    DorothyG – thanks for the YouTube idea for knees. I was a runner and was proud that I could finish a marathon in under 5 hours but with this added weight even my increased walking has beat up my knees and hips so I will check out the Pilates for Runners

    Out to the garden to stay busy and burn some calories.

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