42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Illinois Day 8 – FD today, first in 4 days so need this today. Weekend wasn’t too bad but due to Mother’s Day, I did not count calories. Had a nice grilled steak and salad last night. Will measure today too but don’t expect much difference in just one week. I have notice my RINGS are looser! Who wants to lose weight (or inches) in their fingers?!

    USA, TX, Day 9 / 33 to go. FD today. Scale was not too mean, 147.6. I thought it would be worse. I am praying that I have a strength to complete 36 hour water fast today. Many report that it is getting easier with time, but it is harder for me not to gave up in evening. Wish me luck!

    09 Challenge in Brazil

    Yesterday Mother’s Day, my mother lives in the state, I could not go see her and my daughter lives in Hamburg in Germany, so it was not a very happy day, I full of longing.

    Today begins the week of fasting, we will forward each kilo lost a victory!

    Brazilian affectionate hugs

    Spain Day 9

    Hello everyone.
    Great day today. I am on a fast, vegetable soup and Greek yoghurt today. However I feel fantastic. I haven’t overeaten or gone mental on the booze! The weekend went well.Maybe I will crack this thing and get my unhealthy behaviour under control.
    For those of you on a fast today : May the veggies be with you.


    USA Day 9 – FD for me today. Feeling a little down today, hope to save most of my calories for dinner. Will keep busy most of today with errands and grocery shopping (which I agree is harder to do on a FD). Have a great day all!

    US Day 9…Up a bit over the weekend. Back down today. I managed to keep quite within TDEE on MOther’s Day. FD today. I have meetings from 10 am – 4pm. No time for lunch anyway! Interesting to note how easily I slipped into “it’s Monday, Fast Day”, without much thought.

    I got quite a few compliments from my sister’s in laws yesteday. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    US Day 9. Fast day for me. I feel hungrier than normal this morning though I’m not sure why. I’m sipping on water to stave it off. I wonder why some fast days are easier than others.

    AWE, the compliments from in-laws are the best! 😀

    USA Day 9. FD today. DebbieQ, I’m also already hungrier than past fast days. I did overindulge this past weekend. Maybe the carbs in a half cup of potato salad last evening? Maybe because I woke up at 0400 and then was unable to get back to sleep due to an opportunistic cat who decided I might as well feed him. Then a noisy husband getting ready for work. I just gave up and got up.
    It does seem harder to fast when tired. I will get through the day with water, coffee (already one pot), decaf coffee now, and herbal teas. Maybe some bone broth for lunch. I had wanted to try just liquids for this FD but I think I’ll allow myself a 300- 400 calorie dinner today for comfort, and save the liquid fast day for another time.
    Good luck to everyone. And thanks to all for the encouraging posts! It really does help, especially on the days it would be easy tell yourself it’d be ok to give it up for a day or so. That would be a slippery slope for me until I truly establish this as a pattern that I will stick to.

    Day 9. Wisconsin, USA. FD. Black coffee, tea, water and lemon, and an apple will power me through the day. I will have a big salad for supper and blueberries for dessert.

    I had a successful MD weekend. I did accept the bowl of popcorn my husband gave me while the family was watching a movie last night. AND, I did take the rice crispy treat my teenage son made and offered to me as well. In the moment, I wondered if those choices would cause me regret. I have no regrets today.

    In a perfect world, 5:2, and TDEE will be automatic for me; a lifestyle that allows me to feel great, be healthy and lean. I will feel secure enough to know that enjoying some treats with my family on Mother’s Day, won’t wipe out 7 days of staying on task. I need flex to sustain this program for my own sanity, and also for the sake of my kids, who are watching.

    Just thinking out loud…your posts are keeping me going…THANK YOU!!!

    Rainy Switzerland – Day 9 – where is my mind?

    So, think I’ve made a solid link between eating lots of sugar the day before a FD and then having a totally brainless, grumpy FD (today!).

    Had some fairly important decorating decisions to make this morning but couldn’t for the life of me get my brain into gear. After saying that we did UK Mothers’ Day back in March, my OH came back from a shopping trip with two cakes and a box of chocolates. Very nice and everything but food I find it difficult to eat ‘sensibly’. Kids had insisted, apparently, so I wasn’t going to turn them down. But then couldn’t have much for dinner, which is always a bit tricky before a FD. Fed most of cake to kids so at least there’s none hanging around shouting my name!

    Wise words from everyone about putting days that don’t go to plan behind you. The glory of this plan is that every morning is a fresh start and a chance to look after yourself a bit better. Let’s get on with Week Two!

    Day 9,Cotswolds. Fasting day: Rather a humid, grey day. Busy delivering mail till nearly 2pm on an empty stomach……but, hey, I can do this! I can eat in an hour. I have to be careful, because I have (in the past) a habit of not stopping, once I start. Not today though, fingers crossed x

    Absolutely with you, Edzeko, on needing to make this possible long term. Have got so bored with diets, so frustrated with yo-yoing, and do not ever want my son to think that all women do is diet and long to be stick thin (my gift to his future girl-friends!)
    I can do one FD a week fairly straight-forwardly, especially if it’s a busy Sunday with lots of distractions, and have enjoyed how much healthier it makes me feel to have a restrained day, food-wise. So I think this may well be do-able, post weightloss. Just need to lose the weight to get to that maintenance stage!

    Only an hour to go, and then I can have a lovely meal with the boys. Saved my calories for this…and I’m REALLY looking forward to it!. Then I’m ‘closing’ the kitchen, getting out some sewing and keeping my fingers busy for the evening.

    Day 9, Québec
    FD drinking a hot herbal tea is comfy on this cold windy day.

    HappyMargo I’m feeling like you do. Need less food. . I think it’s a good news ! Plus, I have almost no cravings now. So so happy for that !

    UK Day 9

    NFD 3 FD 2

    Minols – I’m with you – bring on the sewing – it keeps itchy fingers busy!

    Well, I’ve made it through my second fast day. I have to say that this was a tad tougher than the first one – possibly because I made a rookie mistake of having chocolate last night. However with smoked haddock, carrots, broccoli, new potatoes and cabbage to look forward to I am on track and proud of myself!

    Hi all UK day 9

    Can I just say a big thank you to all who have joined me in this challenge and stuck with it – so far lol. If I have found my mind wandering off plan – Thinking of you all has kept me on the straight and narrow. How could I veer off when I have so many of you by my side. 🙂

    However just to advise I am now deleting the following names from the challenge

    Unless I have messed up somewhere the above names have either not posted at all or have not posted since day 1. I can always add you back in if you wish to commit to the challenge but for now bye bye.

    Keep up the good work everyone – going to try the bacon and lentil soup someone recommended albeit we are bathed in sunshine and may find the soup doesn’t quite fit the bill.

    Day 9 USA. Today is my fasting day. I started my shift 4 hours early (0300) so I had to take my lunch at 0900. I was not hungry but ate my soup and veggies anyway as I won’t have another break until the end of my shift. (3:30p)
    I am hoping to drink water and tea the rest of the day. Going for a walk before my break ends. Have a great day. I will check back later today. I am so encouraged by these posts.

    Hi just to advise on the danger list are:


    I don’t mind honestly if you have found another thread that works for you but this was a 6 week (42 day challenge) as I have not heard from you recently you will be deleted from the challenge.

    Hi Simcoeluv – I think maybe you have put the response to Happy on the wrong thread?

    Good evening all from a lovely sunny Scotland. It truly is a beautiful place when the sun shines.
    Day 9
    Early start at work today, and the first FD while working. Help – I actually found it difficult, and succumbed to a couple of chocolate pastilles left in the staff room. Just couldn’t help myself. Just totalled my cals for the day, and after a very healthy fresh crab salad for dinner, I am up to 570. Yikes. Bloody chocolate!! haven’t done that for a long time. Hopefully the scales will be kind tomorrow, but for sure I will eat nothing else tonight.

    My stomach has definitely shrunk since I have reduced in weight. My portions are much smaller now, plus that fact I don’t eat bread/pasta/rice/potatoes hardly any more. The horrible bloated feeling after a big meal is gone, and I very often feel full after eating just half of what is on my plate. I often end up giving half my fish or meat to my OH, as its just too much.

    Well done to everyone sticking with it. Mothers Day is past now, so onwards and downwards. What a shame so many people have not joined the forum. They really are missing out on an great opportunity to get healthier, lose weight, and chew the fat with you lovely people all over the world. Well done Coda, love your posts, and keeping us all hanging in there! TTL

    Hi Coda:

    No. I’m responding to HappyMargo on previous page.

    The thread is very fast moving!

    Day 9 UK. FD today, kept busy out and about lots of walking. stopped for a big black coffee OH had a flap jack, but I really wasn’t tempted, thank goodness not having a sweet tooth, if it had been crisps that would a different ball game!! So just zero fluids today and a huge salad with 100g of chicken breast, enough calories left for a kiwi later. Thankyou so much everyone for your motivating posts.

    Day9 UK. Good FD today – through the day on liquids then chicken salad with mango dressing plus rhubarb and generous dollop of greek yoghurt for dessert this evening. Have some room left for a few pistachios later as a healthy snack. Weighed in this morning – 2lb gone.

    USA Day 9: Okay, its 3pm on my FD. Today is seeming much tougher! I went grocery shopping and took a bite of a sample (cracker) that my boy thrust at me. I started beating myself up about it, but it’s not like I can’t eat at all..just keep my calories to 480. So then I relaxed and ate some baby carrots I bought and got a black coffee. But man, next time I am doing my grocery shopping on Tuesday! It’s just not worth it. haha. Anyway, I am just thankful I didn’t eat my calorie limit while I was out. I still have 337 calories for dinner with the family. Some smoked salmon and a salad. I am hungry though.
    And..I bought a scale. I’ve lost 3 lbs since I weighed myself at my Doctors office the week before we started the challenge..and that’s when I started 5:2. So I am thankful for that!
    Keep going, everyone!!

    Day 9 – did not go well as originally was planning to fast but I do find it really tough if I’m working from home so Tuesday and We’d this week are my fast days. Have walked loads and tons of gardening over the weekend in the fantastic sunshine. The posts from everyone are really inspirational.

    Australia Day 10 NFD – well I did it! My first liquids-only FD. Black tea, black coffee and miso soup (stock only). I usually have around 450 calories on FDs but I had eaten so much on Mothers Day I wanted to balance it out. What really surprised me was that I did not feel hungry once even though people around me were tucking into food. I don’t know if I will do it again but it was nice after my lack of control on Sunday to show such discipline on Monday. Now if only I could balance it all out and not go to such extremes … 🙂

    Ah Simcoeluv I didn’t recognise the shortened name. Thanks yes blink and we are on to another page!

    U.K. Day 9 nfd quick post from me, heading to bed but will browse all entries when I’m up during the night lol. Planning for a fast day tomw

    Day 10 South Australia
    Another cloudy, windy day in South Australia today. It rained for a few minutes when I picked the Grandies up from school yesterday and the way they carried on you would think they were going to shrink.
    I am looking forward to porridge this morning and some prawns and vegetable stir fry for lunch. Despite two successful fast days this week I have not lost any weight but I still have a day to go until my weekly weigh in so if I stay under my TDEE and stay active I might get there.
    All the best to everyone

    UK Day 9 a fast day for me and it went well, just soup at about 3 o’clock and then a big glass of spicy veg juice at 7. I did struggle a bit watching my husband and daughter tucking into sausages and mash, but I managed to convince myself that the idea was more tempting than the reality. Not sure how many times that technique will work but it got me through a wobble this evening! Well done everyone who fasted today and for those fasting tomorrow hope it goes well.

    Hi end of UK day 9 fd. Was busy and didn’t really notice the time go in so successful fd ticked.
    What I am picking up from a lot of your posts, you are listening to your body a lot more. You are aware of the reactions if you have eaten something you thought you may enjoy but actually felt awful afterward. We are eating more mindful. We are enjoying and looking forward to our food – the way we should. I think – for me anyway I just ate at the slightest notion. I didn’t get the satisfaction of anticipation cus it was all the time. Remember when you were small and you would go off and play outside all day not thinking about food at all until suddenly a rumbling belly told you it was time to head home. It wasn’t the clock that told you it was time to eat, it was your body. Well done everyone.

    Aus Day 10 FD: wet and chilly.

    US Day 9 FD… second post today… but in line with what Coda was saying about mindless eating, it occurred to me today that not only is it mindless, but most of the time I ate so fast I hardly tasted it and it was gone before I knew it. I find that I have had to make an effort to eat slowly and enjoy what I put in my mouth. Today was a tougher fast day than normal but better as the day went on. I did treat myself to chocolate (half a bar) for Mothers Day. I stayed well under my TDEE but I wonder if the surge of sugar that I’m not used to really any more is what caused such a downer this morning. In any case… all is well now. Out getting some gardening done. Love reading all the posts … onward we go!

    Exactly DebbieQ and Coda!
    When I was a full-fledged member of The Clean Plate Club, I ate so fast I hardly tasted the food. Nor registered how full I was getting until the plate was clear. Sad to think about really.

    With mindfulness (because those 500 calories of food are so very precious now!) I’m learning to appreciate flavors more. And I notice when I’m getting full… instead of plowing straight thru to “stuffed.”
    It’s a new sensation! 🙂

    Troyca – loving the loose undies! 🙂

    California, end of day # 9. Tomorrow a FD with 500 calories and plenty of water. I gained one pound back but it’s OK, I’ll get rid of it this week and continue to lose. Until now I lost 3 pounds since May 1 st.

    UK day 8 early hours posting for the day before seems to be where i can fit it in after feeding the baby 😀

    Fast day today, went well. Fruit as first meal, eaten as late as possible worked well based on advice from others on this diet (in another forum)…. Good idea for some if anyone wants to try it!

    Weigh day today! Week one weight loss 4lbs! Total weight lost 4lbs (will love to see this clock up!) since starting my weight loss post baby i have lost 9lbs, looking forward to that first stone dropped! 😀 Thanks for posts everyone, very motivational!!!!

    USA day 10of 42
    Traveled out of town for the day ,made really good choices at lunch.NFD
    Stayed below TDEE, not sure of exact calorie count but tried to over estimate on cafe foods.(salad,chicken salad,strawberries and cream)
    Congrats to looser undies and rings or anything looser!
    Really tired from trip but could not go to bed without checking everyone’s post!
    I may have to do two FD in a row this week due to a vacation this sat-tues.
    Any opinions/comments or helpful hints on back to back fast days?

    For those in Australia – I just found brown-rice rice noodles in the local IGA.

    Aussie day 10 FD yesterday went well. Thank you Hannahwatto will look for those brown-rice noodles.

    Australia – Day 10 – 32 days to go of challenge. A non fast day for me today. Started off with yummy warm porridge, which was delicious on this cold, wet, windy day!

    Fasts – 5 Non fasts – 5


    NL day 10
    Yesterday I woke up thinking it was going to be a NFD but when, at 11 o’clock I realized it was nearly lunchtime I thought I’d go ahead and make it a FD. I stuck to water the whole day and in the evening had a boiled egg with tomatoes and cucumber and a little seasoning. Total of about 360cals. This morning -0.8kg so I’m happy! I even stayed away from those pretzels!! So I’m back on track with FD on monday and thursday. Love reading all your successes – it makes me want to be able to write the same. A little competitive streak in me but it works well now. Yesterday I also printed an old photograph of myself and stuck it on the fridge just as a reminder of what I’m aiming for. Thanks you all and enjoy your day :>

    Really useful observations, Coda. I like the idea of bringing back anticipation. You’re right, that’s exactly how I felt yesterday on my FD. It’s what I love about holidays…why not about food.

    UK 10 Just had a lovely breakfast of raspberries, non-fat yogurt and the muesli mix made using the recipe from the book – I keep a tub made up. NFD today, but will maybe get in a FD tomorrow

    Pacific NW USA: Day 9 NFD
    Looking forward to a FD tomorrow. Who would ever have thought those words would come from me?! I followed the maxim that you needed to eat breakfast every day to lose weight and eat snacks mid-morning and afternoon between meals. As a former vigorous exerciser I heard that if I let my carb intake get too low I wouldn’t have any stamina. I’m actually looking forward to the 3rd fast day of my life!!

    I’m hoping for weight loss, of course, but in what feels like a very short time I’ve learned that I don’t have to let my hands take the chips on the plate to my mouth. That I don’t have to respond to the mindless “hurry up feed me” message because a drink of water or tea usually satisfies instead. The food that I’m consciously eating provides me with much better nutritional value even though with fewer calories. And I’m calmer knowing I’m going in a good direction rather than feeling helpless, desperate and alone in finding a clue about how to get my health back.

    Over 12,000 steps again today. TDEE choices today included green smoothie for breakfast, leftover Tum Yum soup for lunch (that’s right folks, a restaurant serving was too much last night) and micro greens salad with salmon and Tahini dressing for dinner.

    Fellow travers, I know I have to make this a rest-of-my-life commitment, you’re helping me make the first step a habit.

    UK day 8 Yesterday’s FD went well Tried a few classes out at the gym, previously I’d imagined that I wouldn’t want to be too active on a FD but I’m finding it’s exactly the opposite . Contemplating trying to get a 3rd FD in this week but I don’t think I can manage 2 b2b – something to ponder on. In the meantime I agree with all the mindfulness observations , really feel making big lifestyle changes here

    Australia Day 10 and a FD for me. My day off and I kept busy so it hasn’t been too hard. I totally agree with the comments about savouring your food more and not needing as much food to feel full as I noticed this over the weekend. Trying to get my head around the TDEE and what it will look like for me.

    Hi UK day 10 nfd

    B2F – I agree with BrightonBelle with doing exercise on a fd as I find I run better on my fast days – I feel lighter. Maybe it is the same myth that you have to eat 3 meals with snacks to keep your blood sugar level. No wonder we became bigger. Again back to childhood we had our breakfast, lunch and dinner – no eating between meals as it would spoil our appetite. We didn’t fade away to nothing but had lots of energy. Maybe the food intake should have had the same calorie count as previously but who did that? – we had the same breakfast but now with a snack in between, the same lunch with a snack in between and the same dinner. We actually increased our calorie count believing we were doing good. Now I realise I don’t need anything between meals and I savour and enjoy my food – the way it should be. Now we know differently. Conspiracy theory anyone?

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