40- hypothyroid-Low testoterone- want to get fit and lean

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40- hypothyroid-Low testoterone- want to get fit and lean

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • So can I lose stubburn weight on this diet with a hypothyroid and low testoterone?

    I was fit and lean and gained 15 plus lbs in a year due to these issues. I am finally on meds and feel stable enought to jump into a diet.

    How soon will I see results?
    Will this work for me?

    Im assuming you’ve had your thyroid tested?

    There is no magic involved. If you want magic you’ll have to find another diet. Loss is about 0.5 kg (1 lbs) per week. I lost 22 kg (48 pounds) over the course of one year. Cut out sugar and refined carbs. Avoid grain based foods like bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, biscuits. If its grain based avoid it.

    Get the majority of your carbs from veggies. Avoid potatoes!! Some fruit and go for your more tart fruits. Nuts like almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts. No fruit juice!!!

    Whether it works for you is completely up to you.

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