3rd month

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Veggie Girl 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I am now going into my third month and the weight is coming off slowly but what I have noticed is that its not always obvious, ie most diets you start the weight comes off tummy boobs etc, on this diet I’ve found its come off my back, my love handles, and my legs. I wish now I had taken measurements like it suggests as my stomach was the only one I did measure and it hasn’t changed at all maybe a little flatter but not much?? I have noticed however that all my size 14 clothes are baggy including trousers around upper thighs etc and I have a gap between the thighs too!!! If you struggle with diets I would say this one is difficult in as much as if you have food issues then its difficult to control the urge to graze or snack but persevere you will get there…. I now look forward to my fast days as I do the menu in advance and then I don’t think about it and just do it. I have had my problems though-identifying thirst and hunger, trying to resist eating in between fast times…… I eat at 7-8 in the morning and 7pm night but if I must have something its usually a few carrot sticks chewed really slow so as to fill the hunger gap. I have problems with constipation too which I have never really had before so I’m using senokot on my fast days as it does make me feel uncomfortable and bloaty at times so I’m hoping my system will right itself eventually but I do seem to have more energy and my arthritic knees are’nt complaining as much which was the whole reason for dieting!! Well I think thats it sorry if it sounds blah blah!!! just thought it might help someone who is struggling I started at 12st and I am now 11st so yippppeeeeee!!!!

    Great work, Toasty! So pleased for you having lost a whole stone! That’s a great inspiration. Do you have a goal weight in mind?
    I have only just created my profile on this website but have been on the diet for a couple of months. I’m at the point where I need a bit more inspiration so am logging my weight on the tracker. I’ve always taken my measurements since being on Weight watchers off and on over the years. I’ve never had scales though, cos i’m not that bothered about the weight per se, but I’ve bought some now to help as an added tool if the measuring tape isn’t showing any loss. I have had the same experience as you, with the weight coming off different places than I’m used to. I really want to lose it off my stomach, but that’s the place it’s stubbornly staying put!
    I’ve just switched to Tue & Thu fast days, which is working well. I used to do Tue & Wed, but found by the end of Wednesday I was over it and would not stick to it for the evening meal.
    I don’t know how people can last the whole day without any food though. I have a light breakfast, lunch & dinner but no snacks in between. This might be why i’m not losing as fast as others, although it may also be because I sometimes pig out on non-fast days! Wine and pizza most Friday nights even though I know i don’t need to eat that much anymore. But it’s all a learning process isn’t it, and i am sure over the week I am still eating less than I was before going on the diet. And yes I sympathise with the constipation too. I just drink water like it’s going out of fashion!

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