3kg gain after fast day!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fiftytwobee 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Oh my gosh! What’s happened? Feel I am looking slimmer but can’t work out why I’d have a 3 kg gain after a fast day.
    Admittedly, I did weigh myself after breakfast – cereal & tea, but 3kg! Does that sound normal?
    I’ve not fallen off the wagon though and am keen for my 2nd fast day of week three tomorrow.
    I’m 52, menopausal with Hashimotos Disease.
    Any tips? I’d be so grateful!
    Thanks for reading. X

    3kg gain after a good fast day is just ridiculous. Pay it no attention and keep going!

    (Throw the scales away and see by how your clothes fit, whether you are losing weight.
    That’s how I do it!)

    Best wishes and all good things

    When I eventually bought some scales (Salter) I discovered that they were almost useless. I get up to a stone variation depending on where in the house I use them and up to 3 pounds variation just by stepping off and stepping on again. I’m going back to my trusty mirror.

    Thank you both for your replies and advice which I’ll definitely take on board. Fast day tomorrow for me. I can see a difference, despite what the scales tell me!! 🙂

    That is good news 52B! Best wishes for a great fast day. ?

    Cheap scales are pretty average with regards to quality. Place the scales on a hard surface like a bathroom concrete floor. Weigh yourself at the same time every time. I do it just as I get out of bed in the morning. You can easily get a 2kg variation during the day as you eat and drink. On fast days people tend to drink a lot of water, so the increase may have just been water, not a real increase in weight.

    Thanks bigbooty 😊 Had visitors here over Christmas and have fallen off the wagon big time! 😩 Two more days ’til everything is back to normal ……. bring it on!!!

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