3 weeks and no difference!

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Janjojo 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I started the fast diet on 5th January but also stopped drinking during the week!!! I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and on my non-fast days I generally eat quite well. I got on the scales and to my disappointment it seems as if I have gained a kilo! Whats up with that… How long until I see a change? Frustrated Canuck!

    Hi Janjojo and welcome:

    We need more information before we can help.

    Could you describe how you are doing the diet? What eating pattern are you following?

    Are you counting calories on your diet days?

    Are you counting calories on your non diet days? What does ‘eat quite well’ mean?

    What types of food do you generally eat – carbs, protein, fat?

    I have been following the diet meals that are in the book. Having 40grms porridge with blueberries or an scramble eggs with smoked salmon. Little if nothing throughout the day. Maybe a carrot stick or two with black coffee and alot of water. On my non-diet days I may eat bowl of cereal with blueberries, one piece of mackeral with salad- tom/peppers/egg/1 new potatoe for lunch, dinner may consist of 3 sausages with loads of veg and gravy, no potatoes.

    I try to not mix protein and carbohydrates anyway and try to stay away from bread except on weekend when I may have two pieces of toast with poach egg with butter. I have also ;picked up the pace at the gym so not sure what is going on.. feeling quite dismayed. I will hang in there and give it another couple of months but expected to see results sooner than later. So, whats up?

    Jan are you taking measurments? You might not be losing weight but you could of lost inches. How do you feel? Do you feel slimmer? How are your clothes fitting? You might be losing fat and gaining muscle with all the exercise you do 🙂

    I have not taken measurements since I started at the beginning of Jan. I have been going by the scale.Although, maybe my stomach might not be so big I am feeling disheartened that there has been no significant change. I will be doing a measurement at the end of the month but clothes are not fittng that much looser. I cant see any more muscle than before but… I will carry on as I want to give it at lease 3 months, watch this space….

    Here we are going into wk 5 and still not noticing any difference. All info about fast diet says you notice a change in energy, alertness etc. I don’t even notice this as I have never eaten stodgy food and always exercised. Perhaps this is more noticeable for those who do not eat well anyway? Does anyone else see great changes in your energy levels?

    So, is there a reason to actually starve yourself when you don’t see any benefits physically or mentally? I will go up a level to 4:3 for a couple of weeks to see if it makes a difference if not, I may go back to the “Hay diet”- American version is “Fit for life” as this has worked for me before and again, it can be a way of life. So! Another week begins, wish me luck!

    I started the 5:2 diet, 2 years ago, combining it with slimming world. I lost 30 pounds and even when not doubg SW, managed another 5. However, despite still fasting I managed to gain a stone. Now, since 5th January, I’ve been 4:3, and given up booze and scales have not shifted. I know I eat a lot on non fast days, but still!!

    I think it does stop working and I am now in a position of being scared to stop in case I balloon!

    To me it doesnt matter re inches, its weight loss that counts.

    Hi Annie:

    ” I know I eat a lot on non fast days, but still!!”

    Do you really think you can eat a lot of food and still lose weight?

    Just curious.

    Here are some tips that might help – number four will explain eating a lot: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    I stepped it up last week and did a 4:3 and did not lose a single pound or inch! VERY disappointed. As I said I am quite active and don’t drink wine during the week. I didn’t find the 5:2 a hardship by not eating but I certainly don’t think its worth the effort of 4:3 if there are no results!
    I may try combining it with the Hay diet or fit for life and see if it makes a difference. Perhaps its not for my body type. Anyone else finding this?

    But you may be losing inches where you are not measuring! I find that clothes are often a very good indicator, by how they hang/cling, less rolls of fat….disappearing back fat. You could also try a good look in a mirror.

    Try writing down for a week what you actually consume and then look at the calories. Are you eating up to your TDEE?
    You can eat what you like….BUT not how much you want.
    Have a look at the FAQ’s.

    Hi Annette, I have taken a waist measurement and not lost an inch but possibly my jeans feel slightly looser in the waist??? I have gotten used to 5:2 and don’t find it a hardship but this week I may fast for 1 day and combine the fit for life with it the other 4 days. Only fruit in the am, no milk in coffee or tea. Then do not combine protein with carbs and east veg. Lets see how I get on and I will let you know. I think as you say, writing down all I eat may help~

    Hi Janjojo:

    If you do 5:2 correctly you have to lose weight, regardless of ‘body type’. If you have not lost weight in five weeks, then you are eating too much.

    I note that you seem to be working on a five day week. What do you eat and drink on the weekends?

    I agree with Annette, keep track of the calories you are eating for a few days, and include Sat. and Sun. in the mix. Maybe that will help.

    My link above will answer most of the other questions you have or may want to ask.

    Good Luck.

    That may be the case as I do have big appetite.But I feel I have been more aware of portions since being on the 5:2.I have been eating chocolate and crisps on the weekend does that mean I need to cut completely out? I liked the idea of this diet so I wouldnt have to calorie count but of course I know what your saying one still must be mindful of what goes down your gullet! Today I am fasting as after the weekend I feel it is good to eat less anyway. Tomorrow I will eat fruit in the am and food combine, and of course no wine!!! Back to the gym tonight. Onwards and upwards.

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