3 months in and wobbling

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Id rather read a book 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I’m 53, spent 30 years at a desk, have sedentary hobbies, need to lose 100lbs or so. Motivation is partly health: several friends diagnosed with diabetes – and partly aesthetic: family wedding in November.
    Started on 1 January along with a pedometer aiming for 10k steps a day. On a good day I had lost nearly 6kg but that day was 2 weeks ago and its now hovering around 5.5kg. No inches lost and when I proudly told a friend I had lost 10lbs her comment was “well it doesn’t show”. I now hit 10k steps every day and more often 12k: I finish with aching thighs. On a fast day I’m around 500-600 calories, on a non-fast day I try to aim for 1800 and eat between noon and 7pm. I would say digestion has improved but otherwise I feel no different and I’m still waiting for the endorphin rush.
    I feel I have stalled but I know if I stop not only will I not lose any more but all that I have lost will just pile back on and then some so feeling that I am on a treadmill I can’t get off.
    Would appreciate some reassurance that the pounds and inches will eventually go and some suggestions to get beyond that 6kg please – would love to be able to say I have lost a stone.

    Hello @ Id rather read a book.

    I’ve read your story and i think you are doing really well. You seem to be losing about 2kg a month which is very typical for 5:2 fasters. I started with over 90lbs to lose and have done just over 50lbs so far, and there are lots of people our there like me. Read @fatrabbit ‘s story as she lost over 100lbs.

    You just have to keep going and it will happen. Some weeks you will lose more than others and you may never know why.
    Give yourself the mental strength to keep going. I always lose some weight the week after stalling.

    Few will notice you have lost any weight until you lose 40 or 50lbs and then everyone wants to talk to you about it!

    If you really think you have stalled recently take an honest look at your non fast days. Perhaps keep a food diary for a while and consider if you could adopt something like the Mediterranean Diet which may deliver fewer calories and less need to calorie count, which is a pain long term.

    Keep going!

    Cornish-jane gives good advice, I’dRather. Your exercise is good but that alone won’t lose the weight.
    I’m 5’5″ with a small frame. If I ate 1800 calories on a Slow Day, I would gain weight. Try dropping 100 calories on each of your Slow Days. You won’t miss them. Do that for a week, then find another 100 calories to eliminate. That might be the nudge you need. I eat around 1400 calories on a Slow Day and still go out for lunch or dinner and eat treats. Not sure if everyone gets an ‘endorphin rush’….

    Good luck, I’dRather. You can do it. My husband lost 40# and has kept it off.

    Thank you cornish-jane and fasting_me, its reassuring to know I’m on the right track. I only did 7k steps yesterday but the world did not end and for once my legs did not ache at bed time so perhaps a day off now and then would be a good thing.

    One of the main attractions of the 5:2 for me was that there was little emphasis on strict calorie counting: having worked out my fast day food I eat the same thing each time so I don’t have to think about it. I find it easier to skip a meal altogether than to eat a small amount so maybe skipping lunch on slow days now and again would be the thing.

    Today is a fast day (porridge, smoked salmon and scrambled egg) so perhaps the scales will be kind at the weekend.

    Thanks again.

    Hi, you booklover! Iā€™m just the same and manage to avoid exercising as much as possible. I was an English teacher, so my hobbies are still literary. Iā€™m 5’3ā€ and had totally overindulged, hitting 11st4 lbs before my wake up call.

    It took 5 months to reach my target of 9st 7lbs, then I continued to lose so I keep between 9st and 9st 3. No exercise, other than walking to town once a week or so and tai chi once a week. Having to exercise would have just put me off, but 5:2 worked for us both as we found that our appetites reduced considerably.

    Your idea of skipping a meal on NFDs is good. Two meals a day is a good way and we do it every day to maintain. 3 coffees in the morning, breakfast at around 1pm.

    You can do it. Lose your in your book and feet up!

    Pol šŸ™‹šŸ¼

    Thank you Pollypenny! I struggle with the walking but podcasts and audiobooks are my saviours: I have just downloaded the complete Barsetshire Chronicles so that will see me through a couple of weeks! However, its good to know that maintenance may not mean every day.

    I’m only 5’1″ and weigh a lot more than you so I know this will take years rather than months. I’m aiming for a size 14: I was that size when I married and its the smallest I have been since leaving school. Any more would be a bonus but I would be content with that.

    My husband has declined to join me which is sometimes hard but on fast days I avoid him until dinner time then make sure we eat our very different meals at the same time.

    Thanks again for the support.

    Benson87, thanks for your support, strangely I can’t see your response on the forum, only by email notification. I will study the video – always open to new ideas.

    Chronicles of Barsetshire — my mother’s favorite! She, alas, retired to a chair with a stack of books and eventually forgot how to walk. She forgot a lot of other things along the way, too. I love to read but am determined not to follow her example by walking and remaining active. Walking will help you — if only to get you outside and away from the pantry and cookie jar.
    Have a good weekend.

    Woo hoo! 7kg today and that after 2 lunches out this week. Thanks for the support everyone – back on track and with renewed enthusiasm.

    So glad to hear you are back on track @ id rather read a book. I love a good news story! I too have a long journey and am over half way through now. Keep updating on how you are doing!

    Good going, I’dRather! Glad walking has caught on with you and that you are back on track. Today I had a hair appointment. since it is only 1.5 miles away, I walked there and back. Took only 25 minutes each way. Easy way to rack up the miles.

    Onwards and downwards!

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