2nd attempt at IF

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  aFanOf52 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I’m 65 and have been doing battle with weight for the past 40 years. Two years ago I came across IF 52 and followed it with amazing success. Results were good and it was very easy to part with the extra pounds. However, after a while I became complacent and stopped following the process. Took some time to find the lost pounds as I became more aware of what I was eating. Along the way I got a fitbit and now a Apple Watch to help with monitoring exercise. These tools are good, but exercise alone (sustainable exercise, not a week at the boot camp) will not do the trick for me.

    So today I’m starting my 2nd attempt at IF. I’m older and wiser now and realize it’s not something to do just for a few months; like AA it’s a lifetime commitment. Will report results here – stay tuned for another inevitable confirmation that IF works and it’s easy to follow.

    Good for you starting a second time! I have restarted about ten times! The first time I lost the majority of the weight (45 lbs), which got me to a pretty good place, but I sure would like to lose about 10 more, which is what I am trying to do now.

    Exercise actually makes it HARDER to lose weight, unless you just do a few minutes of high intensity intervals. If you do long, continuous workouts, you will get inflammation and water weight gain, and get totally frustrated. And exercise only burns about 5% of the total calories our body uses every day.

    Better is low carb added to the 5:2. Fat leaves much faster that way!

    Good luck to you! I will be watching, and maybe riding along with you, if you don’t mind!

    Dear fitnfast,
    Thank you for your support, appreciate the tips and will apply accordingly. I’m not doing anything strenous and spend about 40 minutes or so at the gym daily. Threadmill is my favorite, it’s impossible to cheat it and fully sustainable. I can stand to lose 40 pounds but will be happy if I can shed more.

    Unlike the other folks, I don’t have a goal. I met my goal several times using different diets in the past only to switch too eagerly to good Neopolitan pizza as part of the victory lap and regain the lost punds with some interest. The Dilbert guy (SA) put the matter in perspective well … Have a system, not a goal. So, much like other compulsive folks, I need to be on it for life, just like the AA. My motivation is avoiding or lessening old age issues … High BP, higer than limit cholesterol, etc. Weight loss should resolve some of it or at least lower the amount of prescription medication I need. Trying to limit carbs or sway to fruits wrapped in something tasty … Apple strudel best fits the bill so I feel less guilty.

    Well said! Focus on the health benefits part; everything else is icing on the cake…pardon the pun, of course!

    Its been 3 weeks and a bit since I started my 2nd attempt at controling my weight and appetite. Results are in and 10 pounds vanished, hopefully never to be seen again. In all I had 6 fasting days, water fast seems more effective than 500 cals, it also brings about some austerity. I keep exercising – threadmill fast walk- daily for about 35 minutes, otherwise I stay away from sweets and fried stuff. Will report progress once I hit another milestone; most likely it’s going to be more difficult as the body comes up with new ways to hold on to the fat ‘reserves’.

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