28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

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  • Day 2 NFD Washington, USA
    Yesterday’s FD went well, I do fine with just coffee with a little cream in the morning then mainly water the rest of the day, an occasional diet cola thrown in the mix. Woke up a little hungry this morning, stayed under my TDEE but I had a bigger eating window than I had planned and probably didn’t eat terribly balanced meals but at least I didn’t blow the efforts of my two FD this week! Yay me!

    Day 3 – Melbourne – NFD
    Just checking in but wanted to say thanks to @coda for the links to Buttonboots and Lolly. Have read through them both and am finding them inspiring. Also @onahealthyhigh your journey is inspiring as well, and reminded me to be patient and accept this as a WOL, thanks.
    cheerio, toodle-oo and TTFN!

    Positive self talk is very powerful. Saying things like …. I will stay within 500 calories on my FD… is far more powerful than saying… I will TRY to stay within 500 calories on my FD. Don’t give yourself permission to go out the back door. It’s subtle but it’s important. We all know we can do this.
    You are all fabulous. I am a newbie to this and have learnt heaps in just the 3 days we’ve been going.
    Big 5:2 hugs to everyone.
    Cheerio and toodles

    Day 3 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Day 3 FD- UK(NZ Hol)
    Good evening All,
    Really enjoying the international flavour of this thread and interesting advice.

    I had a lovely fast day lunch ( no idea of calorie count) in a cafe today at the Rose Gardens in Wellington Botanical Gardens, unplanned but no issue, Caesar Salad, so filling, so no more food for me today as I do 23/1 everyday. Drinking lots of sparkling water which I find really helps me stay on track.

    Only walked 13,125 steps (using Nordic Poles) so a good workout for arms and shoulders. More walking planned this evening to see Cuba Street, Street Market. Those smells may be a problem.

    Going to Eastbourne tomorrow and walking to the lighthouse, should be good views.

    Feeling empowered, hope you are? Suspect another half pound will bite the dust tonight.
    My mantra is ‘If it isn’t good for me I am not eating it’

    Morning. Day 3 in the UK and ended up doing 2 FD’s on the trot as woke yesterday and didn’t feel hunger after my first FD so decided to go for it. Out celebrating a birthday today so not sure what I’ll be eating when we go out but going to enjoy my NFD (within reason or TDEE).

    Both days I’ve woken ridiculously early, like 4am and then struggled to finback to sleep. I’m drinking plenty of water so just assume it’s my body’s reaction to fewer calories.

    Good luck for a positive day all.

    Day 2, Oceanside CA, FD

    Up early to enjoy morning coffee and then out to a beautiful 3 mile beach walk. Back for protein waffle with fruit for breakfast.

    Played 18 holes golf. Dinner salad with 2 oz protein, sprinking of nuts and Feta cheese with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Nice glass of sparkling mineral water with lime for hydration.

    Probably in 700 calorie range, but has worked for last 11 weeks since November. 6.3 pounds gone. So just about half pound per week average. Maybe more as we ease into spring. DH also on Fast 5:2. Nice to share the journey. Easier for both of us. Early to bed and an energetic new day.

    Thank you @happymargo, off to go and have a look.

    Group update:

    So now there’s 111 of us! (And probably more to add throughout the group)Whoop whoop. So lots of support and stories and tips coming your way.

    Thanks for all helping each other out with information and answers, that’s the lovely thing about this group.

    @quebecoise – welcome back, I’m sorry to hear what happened in your town (last thread) and there’s me chatting squats, only when I read later that I realised, sorry if it came across as insensitive. Thoughts are with you and your town, btw you mentioned squats in your post, I haven’t been doing squats whilst reading not yet, with everyone checking and stating their goals ha ha. We wouldn’t be able to walk.. I have been doing 80 5 x a day though throughout the day. Just pop on a song and squat till song finished. We will get back to read squatting soon.

    @gemfast – glad you like the SMART goal note, you are right sometimes we fixate on numbers, glad u have, you can also set a goal to show you how to get there, i.e. 2ld loss this month is one goal, how do it do it, 8FD this month, 2nd goal, or exercise three times a week….hopefully โœ… โœ… โœ… at the end of the month.

    Good day all, day 3 already, Cheerio (Bert hope u are smiling).

    Day 3 NFD

    Short and sweet!

    “Don’t be a critic, be a cheerleader” don’t focus and what you did wrong, focus on what you did and can do right.

    Day 3 NZ FD
    Third fast day for the week, done and dusted!
    I’m feeling empowered and in control of my choices today. I never thought I would progress to feeling so positive about 3 FDs in a week, five months ago that seemed an impossible achievement.
    I am choosing to be my own best friend today, I can get off this plateau, and discarding the weight will happen for me if I commit to not sabotaging myself and my goals.
    I’m praising my own achievement in totalling 3FDs this week, but more importantly I’m mentally prepared for two days of eating within TDEE.
    Im completely convinced that controlled eating days are the real key for me. I suspect from looking back that I was so excited to be free of calorie counting that I took the ‘eat what you want’ on NFDs far too far.
    I am again counting in MFP, eating real whole foods with delicious summer fruit when I need a sweet treat. It’s surprisingly difficult to eat TDEE when it’s all real food!
    In saying that, I’m not going to go from one extreme to another, so if I want something not so healthy I’m going to have it…just so long as it fits into my daily allowance.
    I’m actually excited to check my weight tomorrow, I’m not anticipating miracles but I am going to face reality and stay accountable to myself for my choices.

    Day 2 UK NFD Pretty good FD yesterday, Fri/Sat always my weak points , off to an early Pilates session ,will aim to be mindful with my choices today, will catch up on all posts later

    Day 3 – Staffordshire UK-fd

    Sorry forgot to post yesterdays NFD. Feeling optimistic about February.

    Checking in:

    Feb2: FD over went by 60 calories as had a glass of skimmed milk (nails are not happy with low calcium levels)

    Fridays are my weigh in days; 64.7 today

    In exactly one month 4.1kg down. Pretty happy with that!

    Today/sat and sun will be my NFDs.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
    Peace x

    Day 3 UK NFD

    Weighed myself this morning after 2FD this week and so chuffed to have lost 3.5lb! Couldn’t wait to share and thank you all for keeping the motivation levels up.

    I found it really helpful to tell myself on FD ‘you can have that tomorrow ‘ when I started to flag a little. Tomorrow is here and it’s 8.30am and have no great desire for breakfast yet!!

    @granny2ten that is a great loss! I fasted two yesterday and day before and am stunned at how disciplined I felt and easy this was. I’m going to weigh weekly as I weighed yesterday and was the same so don’t want to get too hung up but I’m finding these posts hugely motivating.

    Day 3 NFD Kent, U.K.
    No weightloss on the scales this morning, but that’s ok. My body had already told me not to expect anything and I shall continue to eat mindfully.

    @jojo58 I’m not sure my resolve is as strong as yours and my desire for food will overpower my desire to lose weight! Having said that I won’t be giving up either.

    Us Kentish girls must step up, it’s time to get the bodies we want( well at my age a wrinkly version of it anyway)I have faith in you! Trust me I have been in the doldrums, plateaus, I gained over one stone last year, I know how hard it can be. But if you can find a plan that works for you everything becomes easier. Support is key. For me daily weighing is essential as it teaches me more about what foods my body stores as fat and what it doesn’t. I am now giving it what it likes and processes without storing. Sometimes it is about what you eat not how much you eat.
    Keep doing your best, forgive yourself for mistakes and weaknesses and move on.
    Good Luck๐Ÿ’

    UK Day 3 – FD 1 of 8

    Fast day today. Going shopping later so will pick up something for dinner probably stirfry. Have a good day one and all ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Fantastic weight loss, leading the pack for Day 3, impressive.

    How many calories did you have on Fast Days? Or was it zero calories?

    Day 3 Tas Aus NFD 65.5kgs

    Interestingly down only 100gm after a fd yesterday. Will be interested to see any patterns.

    Happy birthday @goldensun, I hope you have a lovely day. ๐ŸŽ‰

    Day 3โ€“ Colorado, USAโ€“ NFD

    Jumping ahead here because my alarm clock is set for 2:45 AM. Need to get up, shower, finish packing, close up the house & drive to airport by 3:30 AM. Will do my best to drop by the forum while on vacation, but canโ€™t promise. Hereโ€™s how I imagine the next few days will look.

    Friday Day 3- NFD (airport, travel to Florida)
    Saturday Day 4 โ€“ NFD (spend day with in-laws, out to dinner together)
    Sunday Day 5 โ€“ NFD (Universal Studios)
    Monday Day 6 -NFD (Universal Studios)
    Tuesday Day 7 โ€“ FD (airport, travel home)

    There will be many meals out to restaurants, plus wine or beer on vacation.
    But there will also be miles & miles of walking. And swimming too.

    Day 3 Nfd, Newcastle, UK
    Drawing a line under yesterday – a little more difficult than I’d expected whilst on our London visit. Focusing on a good day today to negate the excess over TDEE of yesterday.

    Day 3 Norway FD
    For once I wasn’t dreading my fast day the night before, in fact I was quite looking forward to not having to think too much about the food. Have a lovely day out there.

    I too ate extra after dinner because my husband came home with cake from work. Earlier in the evening I’d said no to cake at a meeting and I realized that I could’ve said no again later, but it was tied up with having a bit of special time together. You’re right about the need to be mindful around food. Thanks.

    DAY 3 โ€“ Cardiff UK โ€“ NFD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb

    Todayโ€™s weight : 172.3lb (1 lb)

    Good day yesterday, had planned for liquids only but did have one chicken drumstick so well under my 500 calories.

    Still no sugar, but struggling with water since stopped drinking squash.

    Hoping to have a controlled day today and another fast tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Day 3 – Perth AUS – NFD

    Had a great FD yesterday, although I did cave in and ate Maccas. Had bad restless legs in the night. Does anyone else get that on fast days? Will be googling solutions… it was bad! Might start taking a multi-vitamin on fast days. The book says it probably wouldn’t hurt.

    Today I stayed around TDEE, but then had lemon squash instead of water and an iced cream. Am thinking maybe a fast day is in order tomorrow! Taking it one day at a time ๐Ÿ™‚ If I think/plan too far ahead I always stuff up! ๐Ÿ˜›

    Day 3 Belfast NFD
    Had a successful NFD yesterday (16:8) I counted on MFP, and was pleased with myself. It wasn’t overly obsessive. Had planned 16:8 again today but came home from the pool at 9.30am starving and had a banana.
    PamelaV your 5 minute loss made me chuckle out loud. We’ve all been there!
    Bert your trials and tribulations so remind me of a problem I had when I was still working. I’m so glad I’m not in that place any more. Ultimately you have a responsibility to your employers. We’re all paid to do a job and you’re not her career. Just be honest to your bosses in the kindest way you can. Looking forward to the next instalment!
    I’m interested in people’s hesitancy in letting people know about their new WOL. I had no problem talking to my OH because he’s type 1 diabetic and our eating was long out of sync because he does 16:8 everyday and I ate 3 meals a day. He advocates that his sugars are much more stable this way. Having read about insulin resistance, I know where he’s coming from. My friends were a little different and they kinda dismissed it as ‘yet another diet’. You’re right Bert. As long as you don’t make a big fuss. After I told them, I didn’t mention it again. However, now I’ve lost about 19 lbs and kept it off, I now have one friend half way through the 8 week blood sugar diet then she’s going to move to the 5:2, and another friend who has lost 7lb since the beginning of January on the 5:2. The proof of the pudding…..
    GoldenSun have a wonderful birthday. I think you’re in a good place now!๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    HappyMargo have a fab holiday. The thought of sunshine to warm your bones makes me jealous
    JoJo love your mantra.
    Granny2ten brilliant loss. Congrats!
    Anyway, onwards and downwards
    Toodleoo, cheerio, czeล›ฤ‡, bye for now

    Day 3 Surrey UK FD Tea with anti-inflammatory…hope that’s enough. Today I will choose to make a difference and shape tomorrow. Good luck all!

    Day 3….. Florida….. FD

    Happy Birthday…… Golden Sun! I hope your day is fantastic!

    Curlytot……. Up at 4 am….. that is another benefit of this WOL! Extra energy! True story, before 5:2, I was a sleeper, in bed by 8pm every night, struggle to rise in the morning….. at least a 2 hour nap everyday on days off and tons of coffee. Now, I’m up to at least 10:30 every night and I hop out of bed every morning. I miss my naps, I haven’t has one of those since Nov. oh and coffee, I only have three cups a day rather than 3 pots….. seriously, I really miss my naps!

    HappyMargo…… you in my neck of the woods…. have fun this week!

    LynZ…… I smile every time!

    Today is a FD and tomorrow is weigh in day. I took a sneak peak at the scale and I may have broken the no weight loss since Jan. 14th…… Yeah me! As of tomorrow, I might be in the 140’s finally, haven’t seen this weight in years….. One more day and I can make it official!

    Well, coffee is gone, so on to work for me!
    Have a great day!

    Cheers, Cherrio, toodle oo, oh I saw another…. TTFN

    Day 3 NFD, Ottawa CANADA
    Meeting friends for a ladies’ luncheon at an Italian restaurant. Let’s see how that goes. My preferred way of eating is very ketogenic. Will likely be a salad with lots of olive oil and some fish or chicken protein. Will pass on the wine. Wahhhh!!! Stay tuned.

    I’m enjoying all your posts!

    Day 3 NFD Brisbane AUS
    Was on track to eating healthy when a friend brought over tim tams! Couldn’t help myself and ended up eating 4. Luckily I’ve eaten healthy today with no snacks so I had the calories to give and I’m allowed 1 chocolate day for the week. Fasting day tomorrow, so preparing myself mentally for that.

    Elektron, try magnesium glycinate. 1 capsule with water before bed. Start with one 1 per day at bedtime. Over a weekend see if you can tolerate one in the morning plus the one at night. Some people experience loose stools (hence the weekend recommendation) but I suspect if you’re getting restless legs you may be deficient. See if you can up it to 3x a day. Cut back if you get the “trots”.

    Day1 -nsw Aust- nfd
    Day 2 – fd – no issues
    Day 3 – nfd – whoa what a terrible day between a farewell lunch (did not over eat) and the kids wanting pizza I think I’ve stepped backwards a little.
    Good luck everyone.

    Day 3 – USA – FD

    I am strongly considering a B2B today and tomorrow as SUNDAY is SUPERBOWL in the USA. And let’s face it, I’m gonna eat some fun snacks even if I am only semi-interested in the game this year.

    I made an awesome bone broth that my January friends suggested and I am all set with the broth, tea, coffee – based on January I am confident I can stick 1 small meal per day for the next two days of less than 500 calories – actually, looks like now that I am losing weight I really would only need 400 calories to be at 1/4 of my TDEE. Funny how when you lose weight you need less to survive? Seems kinda cruel actually?

    So stay strong everyone and CHEERIO and all that jazz ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks @art2wist I’ll give it a try!

    Only a few days in and I’m seeing the benefits of this forum thread BIG TIME (thanks @lynzm). I can’t keep up well with everyone’s updates (and am a bit new) but I love the positivity and checking in on each other, plus the shared experiences! I’ve picked up a lot of tips ๐Ÿ™‚

    D3 โ€“ Canada โ€“ NFD

    Yesterday went well and I stayed within my TDEE. I am meeting a friend this morning for breakfast and then at noon I am having curry lunch with another friend.
    I will make that my last meal for the day.

    @goldensun. Happy birthday and best wishes to you. Hope you have happy day. ๐ŸŽ‚

    Day 3, Gozo, Malta, NFD

    Stepped on scales this morning and I was up in weight, 64.4 kilos.

    Today I’ll stay within TDEE. I’m not dong any exercise.

    Have a great Friday everyone.

    Day 2 went well for me. Fourth fast in a row, with a low cal curry. Missed my exercise target tho.

    Day 3 Going well. Fifth fast day in a row. Managed to row for 30 mins (1,300 kcal burned according to the machine – seems high, but it’s a German machine with a Siemens computer…). Plan to break fast around 6pm and eat heartily.

    Giving myself A for effort so far. It’ll be interesting to see if the scales show any movement. I seem to lose fat but not weight, which is slightly perplexing, hence the move to more fasts in Feb and intro of more exercise. I have also ordered some new scales, which should arrive today, as I’ve been going to the local Pharmacy to use theirs – so it could be that they are rubbish.

    Oops. Meant to start with the fact I’m in UK and aiming to lose 9lb to get me down to 13.

    Good luck. Stick at it. I’ve done 5 fast days this week. Never tried it before, but I feel great. It’s quite bizarre and counter intuative. I have overcome a cold and managed to run and row and swim this week – much more than normal. Weird feeling.

    That was a message to @laddie10. I’ll get the hang of this eventually!

    Day 2 – Upstate NY – FD – 181
    I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday – but I did read all of your inspiring posts. Keep it up everyone!
    My fast day was a little difficult. I felt pretty hungry. I drank a lot of tea, read a lot of blogs, and tried to keep my mind active. The hunger pangs went away just in time for my evening meal, which I tried to keep really reasonable, around 600 calories.

    Day 3 – Update NY – NFD – 179
    I figure I better post now before I forget to! I started reading Brad Pilon’s blog, Eat Blog Eat. He does 2, 24 hour, fasts per week. I like this approach because it is not just about weight loss, but it is more about giving your body a chance to regenerate dying cells and to give your digestion system a rest. He listed some good goals on his site that I will make my own
    1. Fast once or twice a week โ€“ it doesnโ€™t have to be 24 hours, it could be 16, or 20, must make sure youโ€™re taking a break from eating occasionally. [me – I am aiming for 2 24 hour fasts]
    2. Stress less. Do your best to only stress about the things that are actually worth stressing about. [this is hard with DJT as the us pres]
    3. Lift. As little as twice a week can do wonders. Three to four times per week is great, just be careful as youโ€™ll start to see diminishing returns after a while.
    4. Move. Do something that makes you breath a little harder each and every day. I like climbing, but do something that you find fun. [I try to make sure that I get at least 8000 steps on my pedometer daily]
    5. Eat. PLEASE EAT. But eat responsibly. You donโ€™t have to be a saint with your food, but you canโ€™t eat like every day is thanksgiving either. [Not ususally a problem, but I was pretty ravenous yesterday and I feel that might be a problem today]

    i had the stomach flu last weekend and ate very little for 4 days. i think my body is trying to make up for what it didn’t get those few days. It’s been a struggle to maintain a normal intake this week.
    6. Sleep โ€“ Get a good nights sleep. If youโ€™re doing the first five things properly, this should be a little bit easier. [This is also a bit difficult for me. i have a young kitten that thinks i’m another cat and likes to bite my chin and try to get me to play at 4:30 am!]

    Day 3 – London – NFD

    Hi all UK day 3 FD (11.10 3/4 or 164.8lbs or 74.61) official weigh day tomorrow. While I weigh most days I only record Saturday and it helps me keep on track on Friday (well most times lol). It also shows how the scales go up and down and it is pot luck if you happen to hit the timing right.

    Behind again with all the posts but will catch up on later.

    Well a drop in the scales (which I am not complaining about) but as I was up 4 times last night to go to the loo, it was expected. All the water I drank yesterday and yoga last night I made it a liquid only day. So far so good today with only 2 cups of coffee and water with hot yoga tonight which I have been told you may loose weight, I know it is only water weight but I’ll take anything to give me a boost. I have planned a chicken salad when I get home so should be within my 1/4 tdd (390) which isn’t much but should get plenty of salad vegetables for that with a little chicken.

    Something I suggested to others when they start is to take a picture – don’t worry this is for your eyes only but when you get to goal you will be sorry you didn’t.

    @goldensun Happy birthday ๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽ‚

    Day 3|CD| Toronto
    Yesterday’s FD was going great until I met the “PIE”…oh well 1/2 of TDEE instead of 1/4 is still progress.
    Away, with no WiFi, until Sunday evening. A Caloric minefield awaits;I will be at a men’s group country retreat where the menu was basically “Carbs with Pork” last year.
    Best regards

    Day 3 / NFD / Oman
    16:8 today

    Day 3 – Maine, USA, NFD

    Good morning! Very happy to report after my 2 FD’s (mon/thurs) weighed & I’m down 5.2 lbs! Know this is mostly water – but, very happy! Hubby started yesterday – down 2.3 lbs! He was quite pleased. Wasn’t too bad yesterday – we actually had a “lean cuisine” dinner w/a huge salad. We never eat prepared food – but, it was actually liberating. No big discussion on “what’s for dinner”! Just ran to store. Tho, have to say, we discussed what we were going to eat on NF Friday in depth! Monday FD will probably be a soup day – loaded up on veggies.

    I am feeling a little anxious – like I’m going to undo the weight loss when I start eating today….didn’t feel that way after Monday FD…so not sure what’s up. Guess it has been so long since I disciplined myself – fear of failure. Need to focus on WOL, not short term.

    So, thanks for this forum, Lynzm! I love reading about everyone’s journey. Couple of questions: what is a “squash” drink & was it “Tim Tams”? Fun to read from around this wonderful world! Happy Friday, everybody & Go Pats!!!

    Oh – reread ajrich220 – really liked the suggestions – especially the “don’t stress” – for awhile I stopped watching the news & think I might have to resort to that again.
    Going to start lifting right now. Thanks!

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