28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 2,266 total)

  • Hello, everybody,
    2nd day, NFD, Rocky Mountains, US
    Well, my first FD yesterday was not easy at all. I ended with 689 cal instead of 500. I will try to stay within 500 cal tomorrow, my second FD. Today should be no problem. It is not quite 8AM yet but I have a good feeling that I can stay within my TDEE. I am using FitBit to record food and water(coffee, tea, bouillon) intake.
    Love reading all the messages. Gives me courage. Thank you all!

    Day 2|FD|Toronto
    Unexpectedly invited out to dinner and a play last night,tried to stay within TDEE but…one day at a time I guess

    Day 2 – Maine, USA – FD

    Good Morning! Reading posts is a great way to start the day – so motivating! Thanks everybody! Water & 2 cups coffee so far. Hubby starting today – he gained 10lbs from Thanksgiving thru holidays, so hopefully this works for him. If not, he’ll be a very wet blanket & last thing I need is negativity! But, have a feeling this will be very beneficial for him. We leave end of feb for our month of March in sunnny Fl – think we’ll be able to follow while traveling – maybe switch up our FD’s. I took someone’s advice & tried on a favorite warm weather outfit – very tight – hoping I’ll be able to pack it by end of month….think I’ll hang it on closet door for the visual!

    Sunny day here – heading to beach walk before tide changes. I have a hard time exercising inside – bundling up & being outside is like therapy for me! I take advantage of it whenever I can…work 6 months (during summer) front desk at a large resort – we’re a tourist town – then 6 mos winter sabbatical. I don’t walk a lot during work months because I stand all day – hoping w/some weight off, I’ll have energy in the summer to work & walk! Also need to force myself to do some weights – muscle burns calories more efficiently.

    Make it a great day everybody!

    @stella87 – I’ve found the best calorie counter is MFP – all calorie counting is tedious no matter what the app. But for meal planning I use Paprika. Absolutely love this app and it’s probably changed my life actually. You need to pay for it, but worth it’s weight in gold.

    @lilymartin – hi 😍 So good to have a fellow traveller. There’s someone here from Perth too I noticed yesterday.

    @norrieb – sympathies about your back. I too am suffering the same fate. Currently flat on my back too afraid to move! So debilitating… not to mention frustrating.

    Day 2 [FD] Virginia USA

    Lost a pound yesterday [FD]. Ran 5.5 miles. Must say, I found lots of strength running on a fast day and made good time. Even tried some HI intervals. Not so strong this morning on a 2.75 mile run. Still, I’m not in a hurry. Hunger eventually gives way to a new sense of freedom.

    Be of good cheer.

    Day 2 Canada NFD

    Day1/NFD/Cape Towm (South Africa
    Hi everyone, thanks for this challenge! Been lurking a lot but now inspired to join the challenge.
    Plan to lose 2kg this month. FD on Mon and Thurs.
    Done the 5/2 diet before and fasting def suits my body.
    Solved my minor insulin resistance too which took me from eating every 2 hours to not worrying about eating all day! What a miracle
    71kg now so decidedly motivated to dip below and start my weight with a 6….. (I.e. 69…68…67 etc)
    Onward and downward 🙂

    Day 2, Canada FD

    Inspiring to read all the posts. I don’t tell anyone that I am fasting due to the negative comments that might derail my confidence.
    There is so much confusing diet info out there and most people are just getting larger all the time. Just saw a magazine at the grocery store checkout headline ‘Lose 33 lbs in One week’. Ha ha, in the past I have been a sucker for those mags. Now I know there are no tricks or quick fixes to weight loss. Just ‘Eat less, mostly plants’ in the words of Michael Pollan.

    52 FDs really help to down regulate the appetite.

    UK Day 2 NFD

    I have yet to have a FD yet as I was out last night and out again tonight. I am planning to do one tomorrow so will check in then 🙂

    Day 2 – SW WA USA -FD

    Stayed under TDEE yesterday & starting a great FD today.

    Will catch up on posts later.

    Day 2 / Sweden / FD

    First FD of February and, for all the Newbies, it does get easier! I’m just waiting for my son’s basketball practice to finish before heading home for dinner. I’ve saved 300 kcal for dinner and will enjoy it. Two of my coworkers started 5:2 this week and are really struggling with their first fast days but I’m doing my best to support and reassure them.

    Hi @bert1802 and @flourbaby, I’m still here and going strong! It’s great to see so many here for the challenge.
    Basketball practice is over so I’m off but I may check in again before bed.


    Thanks very much Mama Cat. I’ll leave it logged in x

    Day 2 – Toronto, Canada – NFD

    After reading so many helpful posts, I’d appreciate if someone could please clarify for me….on a NFD, am I supposed to be eating only my TDEE calories allottment (1667 calories)? If so, does this then mean that on my FD, I should only be eating just over 400 calories? Any help would be greatly appreciated…..thanks!

    Day 3 NFD Aus
    Ha ha just noticed Greenwich Mean time 6.15 pm Feb 2. It’s 5.15am on the 3rd Feb here. Have already had first cup of coffee and read all your posts. Dratted insomnia! Weighed in this morning, scales have moved in the right direction. Up for a challenging weekend caring for young grandchildren and a couple of dogs due to the imminent birth of another grandchild. Must be careful of mindless eating, hopefully keeping up with everyone will counteract it. Biggest challenge will be keeping up with all the posts.
    Happy healthy eating everyone.

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Today I simply planned to eat healthily…and I have, I would say. Even the chocolate was 85% AND I had salmon when I got home from delivering the mail.
    I have also completed a brisk walk of well over an hour this evening. So, not bad…I just need to be able to FAST…ha..ha!
    HannahWatto: thanks for the good wishes.
    Bert1802: The hug was great…thanks!
    AT: My asthma has completely gone since I lost weight.

    Second post
    Struggling, like many, to keep up with the posts so I’m reading twice a day now.
    Thank you JoJo. I was actually given the kefir last year and used it for a few months, the yoghurt type that is. I know how it works, but didn’t particularly like the taste though, so I’ll have to work on that one. I intend to get some more and try again and was probably looking at the same kit as you on Amazon.
    Mimiogirl, I need to improve my gut health, and think I will give the water one a try, so I’ll give you a shout when I get it.
    Stelle87 there is a 5:2 app which gives you ideas for your fast days. Not rocket science, but it’s always give to keep your diet varied, and it’s good to have your recipes calorie counted.
    SongBirdMe, I’m sorry about your brother’s illness. thinking of you on your journey.
    Well, off to continue sewing my curtains
    Onwards and downwards
    Cheerio or toodle-oo as my grannie used to say.

    Lindamaria, you will find everyone has a different opinion on eating to TDEE on NFD. I successfully lost 20 kg by tweaking a few things and not counting calories. I concentrated on portion control, eating more veg and healthy fats, reducing but not eliminating carbohydrates, reducing alcohol intake and moving more. On FDs I ate up to 500 calories. I’m only 5’2″. The secret is to find what works for you and a way of eating that you can maintain.

    Welcome @bigkhouser! you’ve found a great group of supporters on this site!

    Day 1. Quebec. NFD
    Sorry I couldn’t log in yesterday.

    Day 2. Quebec. CD
    Going strong but I’ll see later on since I am out of town with my sisters and we are planning for diner at the resteurant. I think I can do this. If necessary I will postpone my FD to tomorrow.

    I wanted to do squats an lunges whilereadingthe posts but I changed my mind becaus to scared to hurtmy back. Not sure enough that everythin is absolutely settelled from last week. I started dancing tough while reading and it’s really fun and I like myself for doing so. Plus, my doggy seems to like it ! Lol

    Sorry for the typo mistakes, I can’t seem to change them.

    Cheerio xxx

    Day 2, Gozo Malta, NFD

    Day 2, NYC, NFD… 121.9 lb

    I’m going to wait a few more day “post Op”, new medication, no caffeine, etc. before I fast again. My body is still adjusting and I think I need to hang back a bit. It is very very odd to go to a restaurant and not order a cocktail or a glass of wine.

    I found this powdered Dandelion Chicory blend that is a marketed as a coffee substitute. It’s drinkable….for now.

    Day 2 – Toronto, Canada – NFD

    Thanks so much Onahealthyhigh for your input. I like how you’ve been able to successfully lose weight by tweaking your way of eating regarding eating more veggies, healthy fats, etc. I’ll give your method a try and see if it works for me as well. Thanks again!

    Day 2 – Canada – NFD
    @lindamaria – I just stick to the 5:2 guidelines – TDEE on NFDs (TDEE slowly goes down over time and be truthful about exercise) and 1/4 TDEE on FD.
    There are loads of manipulations though, and I think they are helpful to kickstart after a plateau. My body doesn’t really want to budge below 144/143 lbs but I am holding faith the FDs will get me downward again. Slow is fine if it is steady.

    Day 2 UK FD (as yesterday turns into a NFD).

    haven’t read any posts today yet just checking in myself.

    reading through yesterday’s posts and goals were great really motivating, 2 things jumped out at me that I’m going to adopt

    1. Someone said and I apologise I didn’t note a name but they said they think of the first FD to reset the affects of the NFDs and the 2nd they look at as moving the scale down, I love this it keeps me motivated for the 2nd Fast day, which weirdly enough I find easier.

    2. Someone said (maybe same person, again apologies)they weigh themselves after the FDs, another great tip and very motivational, look at that scale that must have reduced if FD achieved and it helps you to not undo all the good by over indulgence on the NFDs.

    This will work for me! Brilliant tips.

    Now off to check you all in, Hope you have all had a good day.

    Btw been to London today, by train 2 hour journey each way for work,usually buy myself a little treat to eat on the train or a lovely hot chocolate, today went to “Lush” and bought myself an expensive bath bomb. (Which I broke into 4 – monies worth and all that). So have a luxury bubble bath as a treat tonight. I know how to live!!!!


    DAY 2- NFD- US

    @LynzM- I wanted to thank you for encouraging me to set an actual goal this month. Your SMART strategy and hearing about the spreadsheet really made me reevaluate what I want to get out of this month…which is actually weight loss! I’m concerned about becoming so focused on the number, that in the past, when I haven’t seen a loss I have a tendency to give up or backtrack and undo all of my work. I’m hoping through checking in and being held accountable, that won’t happen this time. Lush bath bombs are amazing! Definitely a perfect way to treat yourself. And cutting them up is brilliant! Those aren’t cheap 😉

    Highs- NFD is off to a good start. I’m eating mindfully and have enough energy to tackle some chores around the house. I have bone broth going in the instant pot for another FD tomorrow.

    Lows- Two kids are home sick… I’m giving some extra love and taking it easy today 🙂

    I wish you all well!

    Day 2 – Toronto, Canada – NFD

    blueninjamum….thanks for your input. I’ll keep it in mind about having to lower my TDEE as the lbs. drop off (fingers crossed). I hope your FD’s lead your weight on a downward path 🙂

    Day 2 | NFD | Bucks UK

    Day 2 / U.K. / NFD

    Day 3 FD Sydney 7.15am
    My scales say 85.8 this morning. So I think it’s the scales playing up because I was 85.8 three days ago and then it jumped back up to 86.7?
    Anyway I’m back where I was! Yippee.
    I’d like to get to 70kg but I think it may make me look too gaunt at my height and age. Sometimes a little extra is more flattering. So am aiming for 75kg and will see how that feels when I get there.
    Fast day today – feeling more ready for it than yesterday or any day this week. Maybe I overdid it last week with 3 fast days during my first week on the program? I’m going to stick to 2 for a while and settle into it a bit.

    Aussie day 3 NFD Went back to reading my my 5.2 books printed Dr M’s M plan what to eat to control your weight and blood sugar (from the 8 week blood sugar diet) stuck it on the fridge so every time i open the door i see it and eat better.I had a good FD yesterday planning on another tomorrow.

    Day 3, FD, UK(NZ Hol) maintained yesterday’s 2 lb loss, Hoorah

    Very glad to be part of this huge group, we can all help each other. I may have been fasting 3 years but I am a very slow learner and loser. Just keep plugging away at it, I am the tortoise here, feel free to be the hare.

    It’s taken me 3 years to learn that 23/1 is a daily answer, one course on fast days, two courses on nfd, try it, it works.

    Great I plan on using chicken bones for broth, no smell is great.

    Fuvvie- I too am in a choir, Rock Choir, I love it. We are recording a record in March in the famous Beatles Abbey Road Studios, another tick on the bucket list. You sound like me my, very busy girl, diverse activities. I also do dance classes, Ballroom Fitness, it aerobic class really but fun. Just left Queentown, That lake is Devine especially cruising on the Lady. Shame about the boat full of tourists though( Ha Ha)

    No rain today so no excuses for not walking 20,000 steps, here goes. Wellington Botanical Gardens get ready! Just loving this month in New Zealand.

    Day 2 (again) — Colorado, USA– FD

    Gemfast52– I received an Instant Pot for Christmas. Love it!!
    Use it all the time, especially for Bone Broth. The clean-up afterwards is so much easier than my old crock pot (that finally broke.) I still use the slow cooker setting often, but am having fun learning what a pressure cooker can do. Not sure if I’ll use the yogurt maker setting ever (enjoy my Fage full-fat Greek yogurt too much!)

    Many thanks to whoever got me pointed in the right direction (sorry I can’t recall who.)
    Anywho, you said you often ask yourself on a Fast Day, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOAL?”

    I’ve used that exact same question several times already today! And it’s saved me from making impulsive mistakes and bad food choices.

    For example, on my way to Physical Therapy this morning I stopped by McDonald’s for a fountain Diet Coke (my addiction!!) And thought I sure would like to grab a breakfast to go also…. But asked myself, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOAL?”
    Nope. So I left McD’s with just my Diet Coke to sip on during the long drive. No fast food!!

    Hours later, back at home, I’d gotten some cheese out to nibble on for lunch (forgetting it’s a FD.) But then I caught myself & asked, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOAL?”
    Again, nope. So put the cheese wheel back into the fridge. Damage averted.

    Many, many thanks to the wonderful Fellow Faster who posted this simple yet brilliant question that is keeping me on the straight & narrow path today!!


    Day 2 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    16:8 day for me – had a lovely meal out with my DD (Darling Daughter) this evening – mother/daughter bonding time!

    We are a very busy thread now – I’m trying hard to read all the posts and keep up

    For those who are struggling and trying to get to grips with their weight – “Today is my tomorrow. It’s up to me to shape it, to take control and seize every opportunity. The power is in the choices I make each day. I eat well, I live well. I shape me.”

    @ciren2 – you can do this – hold hands with @bert1802 and myself we have got you – stay strong.

    Thanks @bert1802 and @happymargo – I do not want to go back to the old me – I see this WOL as my forever…..and yes I am back to my pilates and yoga classes but still not up to any high fell walking or aerobic classes – the physio says 3 months of knee strengthening exercises and hamstring stretches before I can consider that but I’m getting there…thanks for asking.

    For those asking – I would not advise daily weights as this can be very disheartening – personally I weigh weekly after my 2nd FD for consistency but we each find what encourages us and keeps us on the path of weight loss/maintainance!

    Some are struggling with feeling hungry on FDs – When my stomach rumbles at me I tell it – “Dear stomach you’re bored not hungry so just shut up” – and I have a cup of warm water and move on with my day – seems to have worked for me anyway!!
    General advice to any newbies – it is essential to learn exactly what your TDEE looks like in term of total calories – it was a real eye opener for me when I started counting how many calories I really ate!!!!!!!!! I was amazed how much I overate!!!!! And @laddie10 – great advice for those new to this WOL.

    @songbirdme – thinking about you and your brother – you are so right to visit – we never know what tomorrow will be like – Hugs

    @norrieb – Thank you for sharing – it is good to have a proper diagnosis to your back pain and yes you can certainly keep to 500cal days whilst taking your pain meds – stay strong.

    @lilymartin – I’m sure you will love setting up and sorting out your knew kitchen – I love my kitchen as well and all my cookbooks, the people who owned my house previously were chefs and built this fantastic kitchen which is such a joy to use……..I really enjoy reading cookbooks, I own way too many but I love trying out recipes (Although I try very hard to keep them healthy!!!) I don’t know about Kon Mari but when I moved up to Cumbria 3 years ago I forced myself to do a huge clear out of all “the stuff” I owned and was ruthless as to what I packed to move with and what I sold, gave away or put in the rubbish – such a cathartic experience…….

    @debster251 – I also watched the programme – interesting – Personally no experience of Keffir but some on the Maintenance Chatbox have with great success and they just seem to drink a glass of homemade full fat milk keffir on NFDs

    @lynzm – thank you for agreeing to pull us all together this month – you have your work cut out! 103 signed in for the month….WOW

    So many posts – I have read everyone today but cannot comment on all but great work and so nice to see such a lively thread across the globe!

    Day 2 Cornwall UK NFD

    Just checking in, not a good day. Really dont know what’s up with me I’m so hungry. Tomorrow I have to get back on track.

    Day 2 – Ireland. NFD

    Thanks to everyone for the support

    DAY 2 Cardiff UK NFD

    Didn’t drink hardly enough water yesterday on my FD and had a terrible headache all evening and into today. Had a relatively good NFD, went slightly over my calorie count but feeling really positive.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Day 1 / NFD Starting out at 158.8
    Day 2 / FD

    Goals for February: Lose 5 pounds, similar to my goal for January, but with fewer days to do so… but anyway, lose 5 pounds.

    Also: Either yoga, walking, skiing or when possible riding, something, everyday. Get active a little bit at a time.

    Also, drink less wine. I’d like to have an every-other-day routine, but now it’s a struggle to stay away from wine on the days I fast. so I’d like to be mindful of my drinking and find a way to feel okay about not having that. It’s hard because it often feels like a nice big “exhalation” after a long day. but I know it’s probably the reason I’ve not lost more weight.

    One last goal: stay consistent in counting my calories on both FD and NFD. wrote down MOST of them and came up with an average for each, for the month of January:

    Mean number of calories on Fasting Days: 890. Not great, but considering I NEVER thought I could eat less than 1600 calories a day, I’d say, I’m going to pat myself on the back instead of getting down on myself. that said, I’d like my FD calorie average for February to be closer to 600.

    Mean number of calories on Non-fasting Days: 1560. this I’d like to hold steady.

    Feeling like things have stalled out. but — and this is a big change for me — I’m exercising quite a bit. before I was riding once or twice a week. Now I spent the last five days (but not today) an hour cross country skiing outside (and loving it!). Do people experience the ‘stall out” for a little while when they start getting really active again?

    My riding instructor went to Florida to work with some people down there, showing and doing lessons and soaking up the Florida sunshine, and so I don’t have access to horses. Figured I’d get strong, get active, get outside.

    But now I’ve been at 158 and change since Jan 28th. On the 27th, I registered a nice 1.2 pound loss (yay!) and was at 157.4 for, oh, about five minutes. On the 28th I exercised –went skiing for 45 minutes or so — and I’m stuck at 158.8. Skiied about an hour a day after that. It’s hard to get back my zen patience.

    Glad I have you lot to turn to! lol

    Day 2, 2nd post, Ottawa Canada

    Ended a 44 hour fast at 5pm tonight. Will fast again until noon tomorrow.
    Feeling great.

    Day 3, NZ, NFD

    Day 2….. Florida…..NFD

    Well, this is the first time I’ve sat down all day, I’m exhausted.

    So many of you know about the new girl at work….. Well, no improvements but my bosses have started playing a new game…. It called ask me, what I think and how is it going with her? Okay, you know, you’ve seen her in action, you tell me? Okay, let’s be clear I didn’t say that…. but I really wanted to!

    At times, I think I’m being over critical as well as not a very good person. I really only know this girls name, not much else. Maybe I am being to hard on her, maybe I’m not giving enough credit. I tell myself everyday, I’m going to try and be more of what she needs then we get busy and well I go into auto pilot and it’s over. I just want to get this stuff done and the day over with!

    Thanks for letting me vent…..
    On to the good stuff….. doing better at controlling my NFD, 425 calories and dinner of roasted chicken and potatoes of course veg to go! Gosh, this the first controlled NFD in a very long time….. yeah me!!!

    My apologies, I’m not sure who asked or talked about only telling their other half about their change in diet but keeping everyone else in the dark.
    At first, I only told my husband, not the details mind you but just I was trying a new way of eating. Once this WOL became a fixture, I opened up and told him everything. He’s a great source of support in my efforts.
    I never said anything to anyone else until they started noticing the changes that we’re occurring. They did ask, I made it every brief in explanation, until they were ready. Now they’ve adopted the term, is this your day? Meaning, I can eat anything day. They’ve even come accustomed to my M,W and F routine. I’ve even heard them say when they plan on ordering out, let’s do it tomorrow, today isn’t her day.
    I have found that many people except it as long as you don’t make a big deal out of it or dont do the stop and go routine with it. Given time people can become accustomed to anything you place in front of them as long as it stays consistent.

    Well, dinner is almost ready, promised the kid we’d watch a movie while eating tonight. He like the old classic gangster movies and I’m the only one who will sit through The whole thing with him. Dad and brother like high action, fast cars and lots of explosions movies! They bore easily, I guess!

    Fuvvie…… love the toodle oo. If Im spelling it right! You might have to be the spell checker during the writing sessions for our novel……

    Opheusx…… Glad to hear your doing great! I played basketball in middle school, wasn’t any good but it was fun.


    Day 2 : Cheshire, UK : NFD

    Wow! Took a while to catch up on all posts. Tomorrow will be a NFD as it’s my birthday and we are going out for a meal at night. During the day I’m attending an Awards Ceremony at work with a delicious buffet.

    Cheerio for now 🙂

    Thank you, Coda – loved the link for the newbies!

    Day 3 NFD country West Australia
    FD went OK, not under 500 calories as I try to stick with but pretty close.
    For newbies, I weigh daily but do not obsess about the number because it IS just a number which can bounce around all over the place.
    I actually find I often have a 24 hour lag. Weigh after a FD and sometimes up sometimes down. Eat carbs and to TDEE and scales down!
    As long as the scales are gradually going down I don’t care.
    So for the past few days, scales
    72.6 ( lowest in 5+ years )
    73.6 ( what ???)
    this morning 72.8 (after a reasonable but not perfect FD yesterday).
    So really it doesn’t matter for me because over time they are gradually going down.
    For me, I have to currently count calories with MFP, weigh daily and read posts on this thread to keep me on track.
    Since starting this WOL in November 2016 I am MUCH more careful with what I eat. Again I am not obsessive but think ‘ do I need a 6 chocolates or will 1 suffice?’
    ‘Do I really need dessert? No! I can have a spoonful of my DH’s’. He happily obliges.
    I am much more aware of how much and where I eat, eat much more slowly, drink a lot of water
    ( already was drinking a lot so have very efficient kidneys!), eat far less junk food – would not put low quality fuel in my car so why do it to my body? – , have cut down on alcohol and tend to drink lemon/lime or buderim ginger with soda water a refreshing sparkling drink especially on a hot summer day.
    I think we all just tinker and tweak until we find what works for us and then stick with that for the long haul.
    Cheerio, toodle oo, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen, sayonara or good bye for now !!

    Day 3 NZ FD
    Today started out and I was going to do a NFD as I fasted yesterday. But got busy at work and its so humid that I still haven’t eaten. Started work at 5.30am and now its 2.25pm so thought why not make it another fast day. Just going to have a cup of tea as I’ve just got home and put my feet up for awhile. @songbird, our choir sang Hallelujah late last year, we had a busy end of year with performances. Its great to sing and the audience loves it. Please accept my best wishes for your brothers health.
    @fuvvie, their was talk of us doing Bohemian Rhapsody this coming year too but its not on the list that was emailed yesterday (we have our first practice next Wed). So far on the list is Khumbaya, Requiem,He Ain’t heavy he’s my Brother, Adiemus, Tourdion,Ukuthula, One Day More, all very daunting so far with another 7 to come.Still I can’t wait, it keeps the mind busy doesn’t it? Plus its good for the soul.
    Well not working this weekend and its Waitangi Weekend here so we are off to Taupo to visit friends. Can’t wait.p.s. We also sang African Noel as part of our Christmas build up. Great for audience participation, they loved it. (as did we)

    Day 2 – Montreal – NFD

    I got my scales today and weighed in at 86 kilos. My target is 70, and I’m hoping to be 84 at the end of the month. I started the 5:2 on Jan 31 with a fast day, and the second will be tomorrow. I have prepped my meals in advance and aim to fast from 3pm to 6pm the next day. I work the night shift from 19:30-6am so this schedule suits me best.
    I’m well aware I’ve jumped in the deep end by starting the challenge immediately but I felt I needed to be accountable from the get go.
    I’ve worked out most of the acronyms except for TDEE, if anyone would like to help!

    Day 1 – New Zealand – NFD
    Day 2 – New Zealand – FD
    Day 3 – New Zealand – NFD

    Hi, Rachel,
    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It’s the number of calories you burn on a normal day of work/ activity for you.

    Basically, TDEE = your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) the calories you need simply to survive, lying in bed breathing + your activity for the day added on top.

    This can be calculated by going to the top of the page under “How It Works.” Enter in all your personal stats. Your BMI, BMR & TDEE are figured out for you. Some people will low-ball or under-estimate their activity level and use their goal weight (not their current weight) to arrive at the figures.

    Play around with your parameters. Have fun with gathering your data!!

    Day 2 – Toronto – FD

    A pretty good fast day – ate around 518 calories. Green tea for breakfast, grilled salmon and cauliflower for lunch and some rice and shrimp curry for dinner. On fast days, I try to eat on quarter plates so that my plate looks nice and full 😀

    For those who may be starting out – hang in there! I think for the first couple months my FDs had all sorts of symptoms. I was crabby in the evening and would instruct my husband to “be nice” via text before I got home -lol. I sometimes had a headache and generally felt a bit miserable. The only symptom I still have today (5 months later) is feeling cold on my FDs. And it ain’t getting easier with winter weather… but I found FDs to be like any workout – you’re amped up to go in the morning, by mid-day you’re wondering why you signed up for this and by the evening you may be hating life but then you go to sleep and the next morning when you get up, you’re so amped that you finished your FD !!! So hang in there. Also, for those who find themselves self-sabotaging a FD in the evening, I find the key is to plan your 500/600 calories the day before and portion and parcel.

    My only setback so far is that after dinner yesterday (NFD) I dug into some deep fried snacks my dad brought back from his trip to the motherland! I was still about 50 calories below my TDEE when I was done but it’s one of my goals this month to be more mindful about my eating on my NFD and not binge while watching TV (my weakness). Sigh – upwards and onwards, am I right?

    Day 3– Colorado, USA– NFD

    Jumping ahead here because my alarm clock is set for 2:45 AM. Need to get up, shower, finish packing, close up the house & drive to airport by 3:30 AM. Will do my best to drop by the forum while on vacation, but can’t promise. Here’s how I imagine the next few days will look.

    Friday Day 3- NFD (airport, travel to Florida)
    Saturday Day 4 – NFD (spend day with in-laws, out to dinner together)
    Sunday Day 5 – NFD (Universal Studios)
    Monday Day 6 -NFD (Universal Studios)
    Tuesday Day 7 – FD (airport, travel home)

    There will be many meals out to restaurants, plus wine or beer on vacation.
    But there will also be miles & miles of walking. And swimming too.

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