28 Day February 2017 Challenge

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28 Day February 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 2,265 replies, has 136 voices, and was last updated by  TripleT 8 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 2,266 total)

  • Day 2 NFD NZ
    Feeling empowered today by the posts I had time to read. It seems many of us are needing to increase our awareness of NFD intake.
    A number of us seem to be planning Mon Wed Fri fasts as well.
    I’m working hard to control my eating day today and it’s going well so far, I won’t be over TDEE. The next hurdle will be Sat and Sun NFDs but…one step at a time. Today is strong and inline with my goals, tomorrow is a FD again, 3rd for the week. After that I’ll tackle the weekend and continue recording in MFP….soooo loathe counting calories but it seems to be the means to my end for the immediate future this month until the weight starts moving down properly.

    Day 1 – Montreal – NFD

    I’m new to this, so bear with me. I started 5:2 yesterday with a fast day. It went very well, and I adapted it to my night shift life. I fasted from 9 am to 3 pm (30hrs) with 2 x 200 cal meals & 2 x 50 cal snacks.
    I have a good 15 kilos to lose and have ordered new scales, so numbers to follow.
    Im looking forward to being motivated by you all and gleaning lots of useful info & tips.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I ensure I have protein in my meal, usually 4-6 oz of fish. I often have veg soup before my main meal these days since I have been doing 23/1.
    I have no qualms with adding protein if needed or if it would help weight loss. I would like my efforts to be more effective.

    Day 2 – Switzerland – NFD

    Morning everyone. Yesterday’s FD went really well, with an enormous veggie/prawn stirfry at the end of it to ensure I went to bed with a full stomach.

    Two birthday lunches to go to in the next two days (had to shift Friday FD to Sat) so will plan to eat very little for breakfast/dinner.

    Too dark to see how the day is shaping up yet, but yesterday was a lovely early Spring day, with blue sky and sunshine at last. Hope it’s a good one for everyone.

    Second post Day 2

    @Biddiev- I’m a born and bred Southlander. We live in Invercargill and if you make it this far it would be lovely to think about meeting.
    Funnily enough I was planning a trip to Melbourne this month, very last minute thing…until I realised it was a bit too last minute and my passport was expired! We may still make it later this year.
    If you come to the South Island I heartily recommend time in Central Otago and Fiordland, in my opinion they are two of the most scenically beautiful parts of the country if not the world.

    To everyone one else here, regardless of how your day is going remember that at least one of us here will be having a similar feeling right this minute, or have felt the same way sometime before, be it a good or bad moment in your day. We’ve all faced and are facing many similar struggles, just reach out and say so and someone will reach right back and share your load.

    Good Morning
    I’d love to join the challenge, FD yesterday and 66 kg. My goal is to be 64kg by the end of February (I have a week’s holiday and unlikely I will fast then!)

    Greetings from a still dark Sheffield, UK. It’s really great to read everyone’s progress. I feel really determined and positive now. We can do this together!

    Day 1 went well yesterday. I completed a third consecutive fast day, but finished with about 1300 kcal beer+meal last night, which wasn’t the plan. But I manage to hit my aim of a 30 min run and 1 hour swimming class which should reduce that number. And over all 3 days I’ve consumed 2,500 kcal.

    Day 2 already. My plan is to fast again today until 8pm and eat 600 Kcal. My exercise commitment is to do 30 mins rowing, do some abs & 70 press ups.

    Feb Starting Baseline:
    Weighed in at 13st 9lb (191 pounds) on 31/1. Belly measurment 36.5cm.
    Feb aim is to lose 9lb and hit the 13 stone milestone.

    3/1: 30 min rowing + abs and 75 press ups
    4/1: rest day
    5/1: 30 min run
    6/1: 40 min rowing + abs & 80 press ups
    7/1: 30 min run

    Day 2 – FD – Perth AUS

    Starting weight: 74kg
    This week’s weigh in: (Sunday AM)
    February goal: 70kg (70 point something will do)

    So far so good. It’s takeaway night in my house, but I’ve only had two cups of tea and water so far today, so that leaves calories available for a Maccas cheeseburger and garden salad for tea. Or I could just be healthy about it and have GOOD protein and salad… or just salad? WHY ARE YOU SO TEMPTING McDONALDS!? šŸ™‚ Good to know I’m not the only one wrestling food temptation, and it’s massively inspiring to see people beating the temptation and sticking to their plans.

    Day2 NZ NFD
    WT 88.2

    On a night shift 1st of 4 so will make tonight starting at midnight a FD. I find hard when catching shifts and sleeping patterns to be consistent as my body clock is constantly changing and lack of good sleep a challenge

    DAY 2 – UK – FD

    Off on hols for a week – driving to airport at 3.00a.m. It will be an interesting week
    as I don’t want to undo the good work of January, but at the same time want to enjoy new food experiences. I am taking my laptop – so hope to be able to continue to keep a record – as well as catching up on posts which inspire. Am still hoping I can manage a couple of fd’s. xx

    Feb1: Surrey / FD

    Sadly I forgot to check in for yesterday so doing it this morning. I will check in later for today but I am doing b2b FD.

    Start weight on Feb1: 65.8kg
    End of Feb goal weight: 62.8
    Final weight goal (end of May): 54
    Daily I walk 10000+ steps use stairs at work and in the evening I do 40min of Yoga
    On the weekends I tend to chill out and am in my most sedentary state.

    From Jan I learnt that:
    1) I need to incorporate cardio and strength exercises for the weekends (getting bingo wings is not an attractive look)
    2) I only drank twice in Jan as was hoping to do dry Jan but birthdays etc got in the way. Alas twice is amazing for me!! Specially That around Xmas I was drinking pretty much everyday!! šŸ˜
    3) NEED to stay within my TDEE! This is an important one, and I kno some others in the forum have similar issues to me. Just because I’m on my NFD, it doesn’t mean that I can graze on crap all day. My specia problem areas are crisps and bread. even though I input everything on MFP it is highly embarrassing seeing the monumental peaks on my weekends compared to weekdays where I do my FDs! I need to learn to that this is potentially (most probably) undoing all the hard work I put into it during the week!
    4) Fridays does NOT equal binge drinking. Just because it’s Friday eve and everyone is going to the pub to get plastered after work, it doesn’t mean I have to do that too! It’s good to BE social so non alcoholic drinks can be a good choice on these occasions.

    Anyway. Just a few points that I have to remind myself of to keep me on target this month.

    Hope you guys all have a nic day! šŸ™‚
    Peace x

    Day 2 Belfast NFD
    second fast of the week and first of the week under my belt. Scales looking good this morning but they usually are kind after a fast. The challenge for me is my NFDs or CDs -Control days.
    @ratatouille your stats are quite close to mine. We can do this!
    @ciren2 big hugs across the Internet. As another poster commented last month, if you hadn’t tried last month, you might be even heavier, so cup half full…. small steps …
    @deirdre54321 The beauty of this WOL is one day at a time. Before I started the 5:2 I faithfully logged my cals on MFP at 1390 cals daily, with very little success, just up and down, including my confidence and mood. Fasting does get easier. I fill up on herbal/green tea, oxo cubes/bovril – I love the savoury taste, and above all, keep busy! You’re right, you can eat it tomorrowšŸ™‚
    @at I love your list of health positives. Your words echo a quote from last month – small habits changed lead to bigger success (and smaller trousers!)
    @lilymartin Happy Kitchen Day! It is SO therapeutic cleaning out your pots and pans. I’m on the home straight. I’m just making a blind to finish it off. Happy days!
    @Lany when we were travelling, we did a tour of the Otago peninsula. Is it there that there is a sanctuary for yellow penguins? The weather wasn’t so kind when we were in Fjiordland. It was 25 degrees in Queenstown and 6 degrees and snowing the next day at Milford Sound! But we loved it. The scenery is stunning
    I watched ‘Trust me I’m a doctor’ last night. Am going to have another go at kefir. I have a jippy stomach and I tried it once but didn’t really like the taste. But last nights programme convinced me to retry. Anybody out there with experience of it. I’d love some tips on using it apart from smoothies.
    Have a great day my fellow fasters.

    Day 2 UK FD wow it’s a full house this month, you certainly have your work cut out LynzM! Good Luck all,I’ll aim to keep up .

    Day 2 Portugal NFD

    Good morning everyone from a cold, wet and windy Portugal! Just caught up on all the posts and as always great to have so much support and motivation.

    I just completed 30 mins upper body workout. Today I will be mindful of what I eat. I plan to do my third (and last) FD this week tomorrow.

    Day 2 Australia – Fast day

    Good day 494 calories


    DAY 2 – UK – FD

    Starting weight : 173.3lb
    Today’s weight : 174.6lb +1.3lb

    So yesterday I ate with TDEE and no sugar, but gained. Hopefully it’s water weight as I did have a higher sodium intake than usual. I’m planning on reporting my daily change from start weight to keep me accountable.

    Looking forward to a good liquid only (but do have a little milk in coffee) FD.

    Good luck everyone.

    I have just ordered starter for Kefir from Amazon. Two fasting friends on maintenance use it and find it quite manageable. I hope I like the taste. I will ask them how they use it and get back to you. I am also going to make bone broth too to put in soups. I am a vegetarian for health rather than ethical reasons so not adverse to using chicken bones or fish bones. Apparently it’s quite smelly to make though.

    I tried a ‘bug burger’ at ate Papa museum in Wellington today, tiny taster version. It was totally gross and my throats still hasn’t recovered from locust wings. Might have nightmares about it tonight. Ha Ha! The Bug exhibit was fantastic though, models made at Weta Workshop.

    Good Luck everyone, fast day tomorrow before very sociable weekend.

    Day 1 USA Hawai NFD
    Starting weight 169.8 lb

    Morning. Day 2 of challenge. I found my first fast day yesterday ok! I read the book and it made me mindful when eating. 471 calories for yesterday which I ate at 4pm after fasting from 8pm day before. I haven’t eaten yet as I’m not hungry.

    Are fellow losers logging in from mobile phones? It’s more a technical question but to post I have to go into a notification email and then click the link and log in. Is there a quicker way to do this?

    Good luck all.

    Day 2 Country West Australia FD
    I am now at the end of my third week of 5:2. Started off with 2 meals a day, but am now trialling 1 meal at the end of the day – and I think this will work best for me. Am getting used to feeling hunger throughout the day, but as I know I’ll be on a NFD tomorrow, it seems to make easier.

    @debster251 – I presume you’re trying milk kefir. Have you tried water kefir? I have it every day, but not on FDs now that I’m doing 5:2. It is really good for gut health as I’m sure you know. It’s best to start off with small amounts (1/2 a glass or even less) until your gut gets used to the new microbes. It will give you diarrhoea and upset tummy if you have too much too quickly. Although I love yoghurt I don’t love milk kefir, but loovvvve water kefir. I don’t think the grains are interchangeable once you’ve started the process I think the grains you get from Amazon might give the option. Not sure. But I would definitely recommend giving it a try. Mine tastes a bit like home made ginger beer, including fizzy bubbles, and is most refreshing. I can give you more tips on this once you get your grains from Amazon.

    You might find the grains from Amazon are for making single batches of kefir. The best grains to get, in my opinion, are ones that make continuous, ongoing batches, but they can be difficult to come by unless you know someone who has them.

    @jojo58 – I regularly make bone broth and don’t find it smelly. I’m not a big fan of beef though, and tend to use mainly chicken bones, or else lamb. Make sure you get marrow bones – not just any old bones. It’s the marrow bones that make it gel and where all the goodness comes from.

    We are all off to a great start. Am really enjoying being part of the group.

    Cheerio ā˜•ļø

    Day 2 FD UK.
    In the depths of the beautiful Kent countryside accompanying my husband who has a hospital appointment in Benenden. FD’s are quite easy for me these days. I start with a cuppa and then black coffee and water until a low calorie meal about 7pm. It’s all the other days that cause the problem!

    Day 2 – Australia.

    FD went well yesterday, 495 calories. Weight was down this morning, but I’m trying to only count one reading per week (on Sundays) as it tends to go up and a down throughout the week.

    NFD today, stuck to my TDEE. Willpower is strong at the start of the month, usually by week 3 it starts failing me, hopefully this posting can help keep me in line.

    General question: How do people meal plan or count their calories? I’ve been using myfitnesspal but was hoping there might be a better website or app. TIA!

    Day 2 UK FD

    I managed to eat yesterday despite remains of tummy upset, although couldn’t face cooking properly so ate tortellini again. As I am trying to avoid pasta I am not best pleased with myself about that but it won’t help to get negative so I may just have to accept that it isn’t actually a disaster if that is as bad as it gets. The trouble is that I am likely to be hungrier today as a result, which certainly seems to be the case this morning. This may be one of the more difficult fast days. But I have discovered that half a teaspoon of marmite in hot water is more palatable than I had imagined, makes a nice change and will hopefully help me reduce my coffee intake and perhaps sleep a bit better.

    Day 1 (NFD), Day 2 (FD)

    Apologies forgot to post yesterday! Today I am fasting but woke up with a headache so struggling already – although working from home (so a bit easier than being the office with all the food that is usually floating around!) so will be busy all day before I go on hols tomorrow!

    second post
    @lany36 I too hate counting calories but until I did I didn’t realise I was SOOOO out of whack as to what my TDEE looked like. I was eating fairly healthily but WAY WAY too much.
    I have much better control now that I have number crunched for a while.
    I have been less consistent lately and feel that it makes it too easy for me to ‘guesstimate’ and think I’m fairly close or just over TDEE when in reality I am sometimes consuming almost 2 x TDEE.
    If I do that too often there is really no way I will lose the lard.
    @debster, yes having a new kitchen concentrates the desire to fling the surplus crockery – if only flinging the excess weight were so easy!
    @mimigogirl, lovely to have another country West Aussie on here – hello!
    Especially for Bert – Cheerio

    Hi LinzM, I read your post and you quote a term I’m very familiar with as an IPEC coach graduate: (AIM SMART)
    Goals should be SMART
    S Specific
    M Measurable
    A Achievable
    R Realistic
    T Timely

    This is a great tool for coaching others and ourselves as a daily practice.

    DAY 2, 2nd FD, Ottawa, CANADA
    Will break the fast about 6pm tonight for a total 45 hour fast…at least that’s the plan.
    Using homemade grass fed beef bone broth with Hymalyan sea salt as needed. Drank 3 cups of it yesterday, 1 at each meal to keep hubby company as he ate. And one BPC coffee in the morning. Lots of water and making busy.
    Have fun with this challenge everyone!

    Day 2 – Nfd – Newcastle, UK

    Whilst not healthy, survived our first night in London and stayed at TDEE. Sightseeing and a show tonight.

    Day 2 – NFD – Sydney, Australia
    I haven’t fasted this week yet – had too much stress. Friday (tomorrow) and Sunday will have to be it.
    Started program last week – lost 1kg
    Start weight for this challenge: 86.7kg
    Goal weight: 75 kg (may do more but that’s my start goal).
    Loss: 11.7kg

    Day 2……. Florida….. NFD

    Happy Groundhogs Day, my friends!

    Today is my first NFD of Feb., I have changed the rules on myself. I’m going to be more stricter with myself! I really got out the habit of counting on these days. So, if I don’t count it, I don’t eat it rule!

    Stelle…… I use to use MFP all the time, then they had an update and became less user friendly…. it took longer to add and look things up. So, I disengaged and haven’t been back. So, I will track and count the old fashion way with paper and pen.

    JoJo……. In regards to protein, just give a little research, see what happens! Do what is best for you, 5:2 is a great WOL and easy to tailor to ones own specific needs. I’m not a huge protein eater either, I prefer fish and chicken but I do eat some red meats for the iron benefit, maybe once a week. When I started to incorporate red meat more, I found the benefit was worth the not my favorite taste…. lol

    Lily Martin……. Thanks for my Cheerio……. you have predetermined my day….. It’s going to be GREAT! Happy to hear your kitchen is coming along!

    Well, my coffee cup is empty, that only means one thing, time to get my butt in gear!


    Day 2 (USA – traveling to San Diego, California) – NFD

    @bert1802 – yes, Happy Groundhog’s Day! That movie was filmed fairly close to my Illinois home. Love Bill Murray, my fellow Chicago Cubs fan. šŸ™‚

    Yesterday’s FD went just fine, about 550 calories that included my daily apple, Caesar salad with chicken. I’ve been at daughter’s having a glass or two of wine each evening, and I know that tacks on the calories on NFD’s.

    @art2wist – congrats on your 45 hour fast! @lilymartin @lany36 – I’m with you on hating to count calories. Maybe that’s one big appeal of this WOL? FD’s calories are much easier to count!

    My 72 yr. old brother is battling pneumonia in a San Diego hospital, and I am off to see him. I had a nurse friend in Illinois who I talked to about his condition (he has had COPD for years), and she said I need to see him. We’ve never been close, but I do want to visit on the fear he may not pull through this. We never know, do we?

    Hang in there, everyone.

    Day 2 Sunshine Coast Qld Australia : NFD

    Broke my fast at 1pm snd awoke the hunger dragon with a vengeance. I think I am decompensating after such a full-on month last month. Have had a busy day. Trying to remember who it was who asked about what the choir is singing ….got it. It was Pamie. (I had to go back several pages to find who it was, but persistence is everything LOL). I’m a 1st soprano, and we too have our concerts in May at end of month and again in October. Songs this time include A Nightingale sang in Berkley Square, African Noel, Bohemian Rhapsody, Chanson D’Amour ( different from the one that was a hit song when I was younger), Chattanooga Choo Choo, Day-O, I Love Paris, I still call Australia Home, La Music, Malaguena, Rolling Down to Rio, Shenandoah and Summertime. The theme is around the World and even though Bohemian Rhapsody isn’t about Bohemia, it will be sneaked in as several choir members have been wanting to do it for a long time. A few of us will do the Boy from New York City. That should be fun. So choir started on Monday, 2nd Hip Hop lesson was Tuesday and have tidied up the kitchen. This study is the next on my KonMari efforts. Flute lesson this morning was lovely. I’m fairly pathetic but enjoying learning the instrument. The fingers aren’t as agile as they need to be, and the brain certainly isn’t as fast as it once was (this is very evident in hip hop trying to remember the steps. )

    So many new faces. It’s going to take a little time to become familiar. I’ve often looked at JoJo’s thread in the past. When you started here, JoJo, it was like having a celebrity come visiting. Lovely to have you on thread.

    Lany36, I was delighted by your post. You sound as though you are taking your emotions by the throat and really taking a positive slant on things. I just love it.

    Hope your tummy is feeling better, fatrabbit. Your name makes me smile and even chuckle. I filed up bone broth today and intend getting on track from tomorrow. Gave in to a couple of Weis bars today and several handful of nuts, 3 pieces of fruit. I’m full. Scales will not be to my liking tomorrow, but it will be a new day and after reading 3 pages of posts, my resolve has been reset.

    Cheerio one and all, especially Bert xx What do you think of toodle-oodle? It is a favourite of mine.

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Enjoying all the posts but having a hard time keeping up! I wish you all strength throughout this month and beyond!

    If you are not sure yet what you think about this WOL I just would like to say, as so many others have, it has changed my life! Started month 2 yesterday and losing weight consistently…AND I’m so much more alert, happy, the list goes on and on. It is truly a life changing program.

    I have seen quite a few posts regarding TDEE and NFD, etc – one thing that has really made sense to me is to not be afraid of mixing things up. Almost as if we trick our bodies from time to time. I did read about, and then began to implement, much more fat in my diet and that has made a big impact – in a big, good way. Keeping my carbs very low, a moderate amount of protein ( the protein also increases insulin at about a 50% rate so you have to be careful) and then dramatically increasing healthy fats has resulted in steady progress. The increased level of fats also helps to control my appetite. When I include olive oil, ghee, cream, etc it keeps me fuller much longer and has decreased the sugar cravings. Essentially I follow a LCHF or Ketogenic diet pretty closely most of the time. Then, I trick my body and have a day where I eat many of the foods I miss such as pizza and wine.

    Stay Strong!

    @fuvvie – loved reading your list of songs! Terrific theme. I may steal it for summer pops concert that I direct! I’ve never seen choral arrangements of several of those songs, though. Very fun!

    Our theme this season (concert April 2) is “Hallelujah” that started off as a tribute to Leonard Cohen’s passing. We’re doing lots of variations on that word.

    Day 2 Norway NFD
    A quiet day yesterday.
    Just to fill in about myself – I’m 59, 160cm /5’3″ and re-started 5:2 at 77.8 on Jan 17.
    Goal weight 63.
    Because I can get a bit lost in plans, I’m not setting a weight-loss goal for this month.
    I’m just aiming to stick with 5:2 (which for me means sweet dessert once a week, no alcohol because I don’t drink, approx TDEE on NF days) and planned exercise of yoga and walks 5 days a week.
    So nice hearing about other people’s days.
    Good luck today everyone.

    Georgia/USA/Day2/FD: Today is my 1st fast day of the month. I worked out this morning. Mostly weights. I’m going to continue celebrating my bf’s bday today so I’m gonna eat a sensible 600 cal dinner tonight to mark the occasion. Onward and downward! I’m committed to losing 5-6 lbs. this month.

    Day 2, NFD, London, UK.

    Good FD yesterday, aim for todayā€¦.ā€™Eat mindfullyā€™, I have the ā€˜hooverā€™ gene and really have no understanding of satiety, unless I give eating 100% concentration.
    Looking forward to a water fast tomorrow.
    Loving this diversity & support!!!!
    @bert1802, you @orpheusx and @ciren2 were in my thoughts throughout Janā€¦.keep the faith, hugs all round me thinks!!
    @happymargo, funnily enough fast food isnā€™t really my thing, but I felt like I had to make my NFD a REAL NFD, kind of like, ā€˜Iā€™ll show you I can have what I like on an NFD!!!ā€™ attitude, except I could have stopped at 1 burger (500cals) and been satisfied ( and I REALLY wasnā€™t hungry after 1 burger!)ā€¦.. but Oh no I had the shake + fries and additional burgers in case I got hungry later!!!! Then rather than throw away the other 2 burgers (ā€˜Do you know there are people starving inā€¦[insert country here]ā€¦. Waste not, want not etc, etc, etc ā€“ itā€™s so hard to break the ā€˜clear your plateā€™ mentality!!!)ā€¦I scoffed them later that evening, and gave myself the MOTHER of all tummy aches, because it had shrunk so much from being in control of 5:2 before Xmasā€¦ā€¦.so stupid!! Anyway, no looking back, Iā€™m not going that way anyway!!!
    However your post does mention 3 of my many favesā€¦.cheeseā€¦Mmmmh, nutsā€¦.(so to speak!) Mmmmhhhh, and RED, RED WINEā€¦..MMMmmmhhhhh which I havenā€™t even looked at in a month, saving myself for Bā€™day on 24th, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be under the table after 1 glass!!
    Still havenā€™t caught up on ALL 6 pages of post, Iā€™ll get there this eve.

    Good Luck ALLā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..Weā€™ve got this!!!

    Good morning Fasters!

    Yesterday was Day 1 FD for me. It went pretty easy. I had 1 protein drink and coffee and lots of water. I was thinking that the day was going to seem like eternity but it went by pretty fast and I was not overcome with ravenous hunger.

    I concentrated on work and made up my mind that it was going to go fast and easy. I did have a hard time in the evening, feeling weak and I felt like I was hungry but upon more careful reflection and mindfulness, I realized that I was craving salt. I have been limiting my carbs by quite a bit and I think my body was in need of electrolyte NOT food. I drank a warm cup of hot tea with some salt added and was able to fall asleep even though it took awhile.

    I am so happy that I made it through yesterday. Someone posted that this way of eating and living makes it easy and sustainable because we only have a day to overcome at a time. I like that. It is just a day.

    Today is my NFD, what I am going to concentrate on is sticking to my 23/1 today. I feel very confident about today. I am not counting calories and only thing on my mind is slight fear of wanting to binge or over do it in the evening but I shall and will over come this. To give myself a kindness and gentle reminder that I can do it. So can you!

    I also did my 10 min of exercise this morning. I didn’t want to do it but I went ahead and just a few minutes into yoga, I felt my body thanking me.

    One note, I wanted to make is that I have learned that recovery is just as important if not more so. I am going to rest my body today and give it a big hug!


    We can do it!

    @curlytot when you sign in, there’s a box to check that will keep you logged in. It should be right under where you put your user name/password
    @songbirdme safe travels to SD, even though siblings may not be very close, there’s still a bond there. Prayers and good thoughts to your family. I know you aren’t there leisurely but if you do get out, there’s a few places to try: Miguel’s for the white sauce they bring with chips and Richard Walkers pancake house. Unless you are fasting then of course just grab a soda water. Haha!!

    Day 2: FD, AZ, USA. Last day of my B2b2b fast. I have breakfast with friends tomorrow, then bunco, then sat dinner with friends, then super bowl Sunday. šŸ˜ Fasting Gods grant me the strength to eat with my brain, and not shovel half the table in my face.
    -adios (I can’t send out a cheerio since this is my third fast day and it makes me want to go to the pantry and pour a bowl of cereal) šŸ˜

    Day 2 Surrey UK NFD. Hello everyone, I really need to read the posts with a pen and paper next to me…by the time I finish, can’t remember who said what that I would love to respond to, so then I just keep quiet.
    Finally managed to see a doctor after many weeks of lower back and hip pain which I really just put down to aging…I do not easily take pills but there have been a couple of nights where a painkiller was absolutely necessary. I have been told over the years that I have a high pain threshold…the thing is I like to know what’s going on otherwise the pills just cover it up.
    Anyway, turns out there is an inflammation in the bottom part of the bone of the spine and so get referred pain into the hip and leg.This must be boring for almost everybody, but the reason I am raising it is because the doctor has given a strong medication which must be taken with food, so a proper fast will not happen till the medication is finished, though I am determined to aim for two 500 calorie days per week. It would be so lovely to stay on course, and I am the only one who can do it for me, TODAY. There are so many new people and it is so good to see this forum vibrant and thriving. Hope everyone has a good day/evening/morning!

    Day 2– Colorado, USA– FD

    My first FD of February. Aiming to make it stricter than my lazy attempts in January! šŸ˜€

    That means liquids-only all day: plain black coffee, herbal tea, perhaps a bouillon cube or bone broth.
    Then dinner: either more liquids or stay below 500 calories (no floating up to 800 or 900 calories.)

    Today we’re having an ice storm in Colorado. But tomorrow, we leave for a quick little vacation to Florida. We’ll be visiting in-laws & spending some days at Universal Studios Orlando & floating on inner-tubes on a Lazy River. Whee!

    It’s only for 4 days, but Aaahhh!! Looking forward to some warm weather & sunshine on my skin … especially now that all my summer shorts fit! YAY for 5:2 intermittent fasting results.

    On vacation, I won’t do a full Fast Day. However, my plan will be:
    1– eat ONLY 2 MEALS each day.
    (Dr. Fung convinced me to stop snacking months ago. Fewer insulin surges, reduced blood sugar spikes, more stable mood & improved usage of fat cells for energy. Great decision.)

    Day 2 – London – FD

    First fast day of the month, feeling good, not overly hungry. Will have a catch up of posts when the children go to bed. Good luck to everyone fasting today.

    Day 2 UK -FD

    Going well today, drinking plenty of water and did my 30 minutes walking yesterday. Going to hunt out a cauliflower rice recipe for dinner tonight.

    I told my DH I am doing this challenge but haven’t mentioned it to other friends or family. What does everyone else do? Do you enlist all your family to support you or are you like me and feel you’re putting yourself under too much pressure if you have family asking how it’s going?

    I love reading all the posts, it really helps. Keep going everyone!!

    Am I to late to start the challenge???? I need to lose a fe2 lbs an could use a lil support.

    I have told all my family and some of my friends. Initially I didn’t tell anyone but have found that actually saying it aloud makes me more accountable.
    Most people are very understanding and many curious to know more.
    Whatever works for you really.

    NorrieB your inflammation issues will be helped a lot by IF.

    Let’s see
    Day 2-US-FD

    Hello everyone day 2 UK FD (12st or 168 lbs)

    Phew I am now up to date with all the posts!

    @adf12kgless – I like it – I am rocking back and forth gathering momentum to make February a good month.

    @Ciren – if you feel like quitting – thing about why you started. Keep with us

    @songbirdme hugs – You will be glad you made the journey no matter what x

    @fuvvie – I thought that too when I saw JoJo had signed up lol.

    First fast day for February going well – water and one cup of coffee with splash of milk so far. Tonight is yoga so home late and all the family will have sorted themselves out so should make this water only. I have signed up for a hot yoga tomorrow night (never done this before so not sure what to expect). I have only started yoga so only a beginner. So may make Friday a fast day as well.

    I have also told my Dad who I visit on Saturday and who always gets me a M&S eccles cake that for the month of February not to get one for me. I’ll save over 1200 cals in February doing that alone. BTW for those who know me, my Dad has to have another op to remove a bit more as the margin was too small for the Dr. Still waiting on a date for CT scan and MRI and results from Chest and jaw xray.

    Have a good day Cheerio or Toodle do šŸ™‚

    @bigkhouser – never too late – just jump in.

    DAY 2 ā€“ Canada ā€“ NFC

    Had a good FD yesterday and was happy to see the scale down this morning. Today I plan to use M FP to track my calories. That will help me stay the course. Later on I am going to make some bone broth.

    It’s good to see more Canadians joining this site. For some reason fasting doesn’t seem to have caught on here in Canada the same way it has in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Several people have commented on my weight but I have been reluctant to tell them about my new WOL. I’m pretty certain that I know what their reaction would be so I find it’s easier to keep quiet. Maybe there are more closet fasters than we realize!

    Off now to my fitness group and to lift some weights. Have a great day everyone.

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